In addition to filters already outlined in 02.quality_control, we performed further filtering steps for population structure analysis (PCA, ADMIXTURE) as follows;
1.To avoid potential errors from sequencing, we only included sites with minor allele count greater than or equal to two.
2.Sites in violation of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were removed at p-value < 1e-4.
3.To minimize the effect of SNPs in high linkage disequilibrium (LD) region, we filtered out SNPs based on pairwise LD using PLINK v1.9 with the parameter ‘–indep-pairwise 50 10 0.1’.
Because plink will only take common chromosome ids like in human, we
first created a map file for Acropora digitifera. Note that the common
workaround of using the flag --allow-extra-chr
does not work in this
instance because downstream analyses (ADMIXTURE) require numeric
scaffold ids.
bcftools view -H Adigi.DPg90gdp3gq30.vcf.gz | \
cut -f 1| uniq | \
awk '{print $0"\t"$0 }' > Adigi.DPg90gdp3gq30.chrom-map.txt
Next, we converted our vcf file to plink format which included sites with a minor allele count greater than or equal to two and excluded sites with a p-value for exact test for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium below 1e-4. Additionally, we pruned SNPs in highly linked regions.
plink --vcf Adigi.v2.filtered.vcf.gz --out Adigitifera \
--allow-extra-chr --make-bed --set-missing-var-ids @:# \
--double-id --geno 0.1 --mac 2 --hwe 0.0001
plink --bfile Adigitifera --indep-pairwise 50 10 0.1 --out Adigitifera \
--allow-extra-chr --set-missing-var-ids @:#
plink --bfile Adigitifera --extract \
--recode12 --allow-extra-chr --out Adigitifera_ldpruned
This left a total of 919,129 SNPs for PCA and Admixture analysis
We used smartpca
from the Eigensoft suite for this task.
has a design flaw that it won’t work with chromosome ids
other than small numbers (1-22,X,Y). So we used an in-house
script to fix the map file and run
smartpca with default parameters.
Figure 1: Plots depict the first vs second principal components (PC1 vs PC2) and PC2 vs PC3, stratified by sample site location (red-like dots: Inshore, green-like dots from south offshore, blue dots: north offshore).
Corals from different regions were well separated as inshore, north offshore, and south offshore, except one sample from Beagle reef was clustered with south offshore. In the right plot, inshore samples were tightly congregated compared to two offshore groups. Therefore, our samples from six locations form three clusters which correspond to three geographic regions we called inshore,north offshore, and south offshore.
This analysis revealed that one sample from Beagle Reef (inshore),
had offshore ancestry despite being collected from inshore.
This sample is the sample that we later identified as being mislabelled
(see here). We excluded this sample from
subsequent analyses of demography and selection.
To check whether population structure evident in the PCA was driven by a small number of genomic regions (eg such as inversions) we inspected the PC loading for the first two principle components.
At a high level this seems to suggest that population structure reflects variation across the entire genome rather and is not dominated by a small number of strongly differentiated regions.
Using the unlinked SNPs in plink format, we ran ADMIXTURE
with default
parameters and 10-fold cross-validation. The postulated number of
ancestral population K was set from 1 to 6 and results of the
cross-validation error were inspected across this range of values of K.
will need genotypes coded as 0,1,2 (instead of A,T,G,C).
for K in {1..6}
admixture --cv=10 Adigitifera_ldpruned.ped $K | tee log.${K}.out
awk -v K=$K '$1=="CV"{print K, $4}' log.${K}.out >> CV.txt
The cross-validation error suggests the lowest cross-validation error is with K=1 which is a common situation when population differentiation is subtle. Since our PCA results clearly pointed toward at least K=3 we then checked admixture proportions for K=2 and 3.