To investigate the timing of selection in relation to the emergence of variants at selective sweeps we used GEVA (Albers and McVean 2020) (Genealogical Estimation of Variant Age) to estimate the age of variants at selected loci.
One requirement for GEVA is that the ancestral and derived alleles are identified for each SNP. We used est-sfs (Keightley and Jackson 2018) for this task as follows;
First we created a whole-genome alignment of A. digitifera with two
outgroup species, A. millepora and A. tenuis using
Cactus (v2.0.5).
We then exported the alleles at all snps using halSnps
and filtered
these to only include those overlapping our SNP callset. These were then
used to generate an input file for est-sfs
After running est-sfs
we used bcftools
and custom awk scripts to
update our phased variant callset by assigning the ancestral allele
inferred by est-sfs
to the reference allele. This updating process
takes care to update genotypes in instances where ref and alt alleles
are swapped from their original values. See bash and shell scripts in
data/hpc/ancestral_allele/ for details.
The phased vcf file with ref updated to the ancestral allele was then used as input to GEVA. See data/hpc/geva/ for details
We used bcftools csq
to predict variance consequences for all SNPs
overlapping the haem peroxidase gene s0150.g24
. Since we are
interested in the consequences of derived alleles we first created a
version of the A. digitifera genome in which the bases were altered at
all SNP positions to be that of the ancestral allele.
# This uses bcftools to identify ref mismatches in the vcf with aa=ref
bcftools norm -c=w BLFC01000154.1_aaref.vcf.gz -f BLFC01000154.1.fasta 2> ref_mismatches.txt
# This creates a version of the ref with ancestral allele at SNP positions
cat ref_mismatches.txt | awk -f aaref.awk | bioawk -c fastx '{printf(">%s\n%s\n",$name,$seq)}' > BLFC01000154.1_aa.fasta
# Check that the new ref is correct
bcftools norm -c=x BLFC01000154.1_aaref.vcf.gz -f BLFC01000154.1_new.fasta
Consequence calling was then done using the vcf and reference sequences where the AA is encoded as REF.
bcftools csq -f BLFC01000154.1_aa.fasta -g s0150.g24.gff BLFC01000154.1_aaref.vcf.gz -O t > s0150.g24.csq.tsv
We used results from GEVA in combination with allele frequency and
variant consequence information to investigate variants overlapping
in detail.
A plot of these allele frequencies by population indicates a large
number of high-frequency derived alleles in the inshore population
compared with the two offshore populations. This is expected since the
inshore population was under selection. Interestingly, when we break
this down further we see that low frequency alleles in the inshore
population are far younger than high frequency ones with the switch
occurring between 2000 and 10000 generations ago. This strong dichotomy
between young, rare alleles and old frequent ones is not present in the
reference (offshore) populations. It suggests that most rare alleles in
the inshore population reflect variants that have arisen since the onset
of strong selection at this locus.
Combining all this information we create the plot below
As a quality check on the GEVA estimates we examine the number of concordant and discordant pairs available for each allele. We found that in general all alleles had sufficient Discordant pairs, however for low frequency alleles the number of concordant pairs was often quite low, sometimes as low as 1. GEVA did not produce age estimates for alleles with no concordant pairs (ie present on a single haplotype). In general, alleles with few concordant pairs and low frequency were also young, however among background haplotypes we found many alleles at low frequency that were also old.
## # A tibble: 4 × 3
## # Groups: age_class [2]
## age_class haptype count
## <fct> <chr> <int>
## 1 (0,1.5e+04] Background 28
## 2 (0,1.5e+04] Selected 28
## 3 (1.5e+04,Inf] Background 129
## 4 (1.5e+04,Inf] Selected 129
An interesting feature of this plot is the very large number of missense variants in the second exon. Let’s count how many of these there are compared with the background
## # A tibble: 4 × 3
## # Groups: selection_status [2]
## selection_status Category count
## <chr> <chr> <int>
## 1 Background Missense 1
## 2 Background Synonymous 3
## 3 Selected Missense 10
## 4 Selected Synonymous 7
There are quite a few missense variants in the inshore copy. We can export the resulting protein sequence to see if there are any consequences of this change
bcftools view -S selected_indvs.txt BLFC01000154.1_aaref.vcf.gz > BLFC01000154.1_aaref_inshore.vcf
bgzip BLFC01000154.1_aaref_inshore.vcf
tabix BLFC01000154.1_aaref_inshore.vcf.gz
bcftools consensus -f BLFC01000154.1_aa.fasta BLFC01000154.1_aaref_inshore.vcf.gz > BLFC01000154.1_inshore_consensus.fasta
gffread -g BLFC01000154.1_inshore_consensus.fasta -y s0150.g24.protein_inshore.fa s0150.g24.gff
samtools faidx ../annotation/protein.fa adig_s0150.g24.t1 > s0150.g24.protein.fa
Albers, Patrick K, and Gil McVean. 2020. “Dating Genomic Variants and Shared Ancestry in Population-Scale Sequencing Data.” PLoS Biol. 18 (1): e3000586.
Keightley, Peter D, and Benjamin C Jackson. 2018. “Inferring the Probability of the Derived Vs. The Ancestral Allelic State at a Polymorphic Site.” Genetics 209 (3): 897–906.