This project us the official Flask tutorial on 2023/01/13 taken from []. After finishing the tutorial I kept working on the recommended "Keep Development" ideas.
- Like / unlike a post.
- add testing for focus view feature
- A detail view to show a single post. Click a post’s title to go to its page
- Created a feature branch
- Figured out how to debug from vs code so I can place breaks into the code
Instructions []
- To create a new environment:
python3 -m venv venv
or for windowspython -m venv venv
- To activate the environment:
. venv/bin/activate
or for windowsvenv\Scripts\activate
- In order to create a requirements.txt file
pip freeze > requirements.txt
- Starting in debug mode:
flask --app flaskr --debug run
use pytest
to make a distribution file use $ python bdist_wheel
which will create the file in.
When deploying the applicaiton on the new machine use pip install DIST_APP_NAME
. After the installation
to initialize the db, use flask --app flaskr init-db
When deploying the site on remote use python -c 'import secrets; print(secrets.token_hex())'
and save as SECRET_KEY = string
inside the created file venv/var/flaskr-instance/
. Other config info can be stored there as well.
Today I was able to deploy an alpine server with python waitress, that was kind of fun! I installed proxmox on my old Lenovo U330 and found out that the old laptop does not have virtualization. I then installed Alpine linux and was able to ssh into it. When moving code over to the server, I moved the entire repository instead of moving the wheel object, and because of that, I was not able to correctly create a SECRET_KEY.
Running the app using waitress made the project terminate when I closer the ssh terminal, unless i ran the process in the background with waitress-serve --call 'flaskr:create_app'&
. Thank you Stan, for showing me how to run precesses in the background.
I look forward to keep working on this project.