This workspace allows you to read and write different types of Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) cards using an MFRC522-based reader module with your LPC804 board. It facilitates communication between your LPC804 board and RFID cards via the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) interface.
Originally based on the Arduino library found at Arduino_MFRC522v2, this library has been adapted for the NXP LPCXpresso804 board and translated from C++ to C.
The primary functionality allows you detect RFID cards. The main function is supposed to dump information about an RFID card but this function does not work correctly. Other functions from the original Arduino library are expected to be compatible.
This library supports:
- Communication (Crypto1) with MIFARE Classic cards (1k, 4k, Mini).
- Communication (Crypto1) with MIFARE Classic compatible Proximity Integrated Circuit Cards (PICCs).
- Microcontroller: LPCXpresso804 development board.
- Proximity Coupling Device (PCD): An RFID Reader based on the NXP MFRC522 Contactless Reader IC.
- Proximity Integrated Circuit Card (PICC): RFID Cards or Tags using the ISO/IEC 14443A interface (e.g., Mifare or NTAG203).
Signal | MFRC522 | LPCXpresso804 (default) |
SPI SS | SDA | P0_21 |
SPI MOSI | MOSI | P0_18 |
SPI MISO | MISO | P0_20 |
SPI SCK | SCK | P0_19 |
You can change the pin configuration at the beginning of the main file where SPI settings are set for the LPC board.
- Microcontroller to Reader: Uses SPI for communication, as detailed in the NXP MFRC522 datasheet. Refer to the Pin Layout for connection details.
- Reader to Tags: Utilizes a 13.56 MHz electromagnetic field. The protocol is defined in ISO/IEC 14443-3:2011 Part 3 Type A (details in chapter 6, "Type A – Initialization and anticollision"). A free version of the final draft is available at ISO/IEC 14443-3. Note: The reader does not support ISO/IEC 14443-3 Type B.