Tap Me! is a game that was coded with Swift 3+. Do you want to learn to develop a game in Swift? If say yes, good news, this example game will be so useful for you...
Version: 1.2 🎉
- Creating timer like encounter and downcounter with Swift 3.0+ //
- Creating temporary database with Swift 3.0+ //
- Working with functions. //
func gameSetup(){ .. }
- Xcode constraints! 😂
- Working with AVFoundation //
- And much more!
- It can help you to learn and develop applications or maybe games for iOS platform.
- It was coded for GitHub in my free times.
- 2 player mode was not developed yet, maybe in the next version...
- There might be some errors, if you write me, I can fix them.
Sorry for the code quality.