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File metadata and controls

103 lines (85 loc) · 8.74 KB


StoryPlayer generates analytics events so that we can record what users are doing. These are handled by a function that is passed into StoryPlayer; this function might write some or all of these events into a database. This function takes a single argument, which is a JavaScript Object containing the data. This Object has the following attributes:

  • type - String giving event type (see below for details)
  • name - String giving event name (see below for details)
  • from - String representing 'from' state
  • to - String representing 'to' state
  • current_narrative_element - UUID of current Narrative Element
  • current_representation - UUID of current Representation
  • userid - automatically generated UUID. If the saveSession attribute for StoryPlayer is true this uuid is stored in local storage and used across multiple sessions. Otherwise it lasts for the session. userid is unique per experience (the same browser will use different userids for different stories).
  • timestamp - String ISO timestamp giving time at which the event was sent
  • data - Object with other information about the event (see below for details).
  • playheadTime - Float which records the currentTime according to the current renderer (e.g., playhead time of the video element)

Event Types

Events are classified into the following types:

  • STORY_NAVIGATION - A change in the state of story
  • RENDERER_ACTION - the renderer has done something
  • USER_ACTION - the User has done something
  • SEGMENT_COMPLETION - A NarrativeElement has been completed

Each of these are described in a little more detail below, with the names of all the events that live in each.


name meaning from to data
NARRATIVE_ELEMENT_CHANGE the story has moved to a new narrative element previous NE UUID new NE UUID fromName: previous NE name
toName: new NE name
ENTER_SUB_STORY the story has moved to a new NE with a story body previous NE UUID new story UUID -
STORY_END the current (sub) story has ended UUID of NE just finished "END_STORY" -


These are events that reflect changes in the renderer. None of these return anything in the data field.

name meaning from to
COMPLETE_BEHAVIOUR_PHASE_STARTED The renderer has started running end behaviours "not_set" "not_set"
DURING_BEHAVIOUR_STARTED The renderer has started running a during behaviour behaviour URI -
SWITCHABLE_REPRESENTATION_SWITCH The renderer has changed representation in a Switchable previous Representation name new Representation name
VIDEO_PAUSE The renderer has received the instruction to pause "not_set" "not_set"
VIDEO_UNPAUSE The renderer has received the instruction to play "not_set" "not_set"
WINDOW_ORIENTATION_CHANGE The browser has reported a change in window orientation "not_set" window.orientation
BROWSER_VISIBILITY_CHANGE The browser has reported a change in visibility "visible" or "hidden" "hidden" or "visible"
BUTTONS_ACTIVATED The renderer has started showing the control bar "not_set" "not_set"
BUTTONS_DEACTIVATED The renderer has hidden the control bar "not_set" "not_set"
BROWSER_CLOSE_CLICKED The tab/browser close button has been pressed "not_set" "not_set"


name meaning from to data notes
PLAY_PAUSE_BUTTON_CLICKED The user has clicked the play/pause button "not_set" "not_set" -
SEEK_FORWARD_BUTTON_CLICKED The user has clicked the seek forward button time seeked from time seeked to -
SEEK_BACKWARD_BUTTON_CLICKED The user has clicked the seek back button time seeked from time seeked to -
VIDEO_SCRUBBED The user has moved the video scrub bar time scrubbed from time scrubbed to -
BACK_BUTTON_CLICKED The user has clicked the back button "not_set" "not_set" -
NEXT_BUTTON_CLICKED The user has clicked the next button "not_set" "not_set" -
START_BUTTON_CLICKED The user has clicked the start button "not_set" "not_set" -
SUBTITLES_BUTTON_CLICKED The user has clicked the subtitles button "hidden" or "showing" "showing" or "hidden" -
FULLSCREEN_BUTTON_CLICKED The user has clicked the fullscreen button "fullscreen" or "not-fullscreen" "not-fullscreen" or "fullscreen" -
VOLUME_CHANGED The user has changed the position of the volume slider null [volume label]: new volume level (0-1) -
VOLUME_MUTE_TOGGLED The user has pressed the volume mute/unmute button null [volume label]: true (muted) or false (not muted) -
OVERLAY_BUTTON_CLICKED The user has clicked a button to toggle an overlay. Current overlays are volume to show volume controls, representation to allow changing Switchable representations, icon to change NE for chapters. A fourth overlay is link-choice, used to render link choices, but this displays programmatically and does not have a button [name]: "hidden" or "visible" [name]: "visible" or "hidden" -
OVERLAY_DEACTIVATED An overlay has been de-activated (made invisible) [name]: "visible" [name]: "hidden" - not really a user event
CHANGE_CHAPTER_BUTTON_CLICKED The user has clicked an icon in the icon overlay to change NE null UUID of target Representation -
SWITCH_VIEW_BUTTON_CLICKED The user has clicked a representation overlay button to change Switchable null UUID of target Representation -
LINK_CHOICE_CLICKED The user has clicked a link-choice overlay button to choose a link null UUID of target NE label: "Option [id]"
text: rendered text or image src
showlinkchoices/v1.0 behaviour
BEHAVIOUR_CONTINUE_BUTTON_CLICKED The user has revisited an experience and chosen to resume "not_set" "not_set" -
BEHAVIOUR_CANCEL_BUTTON_CLICKED The user has revisited an experience and chosen to restart "not_set" "not_set" -
VR_ORIENTATION_CHANGED The user has changed view in an immersive (360) view Previous direction [phi] [theta] New direction [phi] [theta] phi is latitude - view above/below the equator; theta is longitude - direction left/right. Both in degrees
USER_SET_VARIABLE The user has changed the value of a variable in a variables panel [variable name]: [old value] [variable name]: [new value] showvariablepanel/v1.0 behaviour
VARIABLE_PANEL_NEXT_CLICKED The user has clicked the next button in the variable panel "unset" [variable name]: [variable value] - showvariablepanel/v1.0 behaviour
VARIABLE_PANEL_BACK_CLICKED The user has clicked the button "unset" [variable name]: [variable value] - showvariablepanel/v1.0 behaviour
SOCIAL_SHARE_CLICKED The user has clicked a social media share icon "not_set" Platform id, e.g., "twitter", "facebook" - socialmodal/v1.0 behaviour
OUTWARD_LINK_CLICKED The user has clicked an outward link "not_set" URL of link linkout/v1.0 behaviour


Segment completion events are events that are fired each time a Narrative Element completes. They return summary data about user activity during the NE. This is compiled client-side, so should contain all events.

name meaning from to
NARRATIVE_ELEMENT_CHANGE A Narrative Element has completed UUID of completed NE UUID of next NE
STORY_END The final Narrative Element in a story has completed UUID of completed NE STORY_END

The SEGMENT_COMPLETION events have a data Object with the following attributes:

  • startTime - UTC time of starting this NE (as number of milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC)
  • chapter - UUID of this NE
  • duration - elapsed time (ms) between NE starting and completing
  • event counts - a set of attributes with the key as the event name (e.g., PLAY_PAUSE_BUTTON_CLICKED) and value of the number of times that event was fired during this NE. Captures all USER_ACTION events.

And the following attributes added in version 0.12.2:

  • pausedTime - total time (ms) that NE was in paused state but not in invisible state
  • hiddenTime - total time (ms) that the browser was not visible while in this NE
  • visibleTime - total time (ms) that the NE was visible
  • playingTime - total time (ms) that the NE was playing

In 0.12.17

  • defaultDuration - the time (in seconds) that the media was planned to last. This is the duration of a piece of timed media (audio, video, or image with duration), and will be null if the representation is not time-bound.