#Project Everest Web application used to host remote sensor data transmitted via internet and visualize sensor data.
The application is packaged into a docker image which can be executed using docker
If you don't have docker and docker-compose installed, please proceed and install both.
You can follow official docker documentation.
If you are using Windows follow these instructions to install docker engine and docker compose.
Mac users, follow the instructions for Mac, to install docker engine and docker-compose
For Linux users, select the instructions appropriate for to your Linux distribution.
after installing docker, docker compose and testing that it's working, proceed to running the application
From terminal/command line, switch to the directory where
you checked out the code cd path/to/directory
Once in the directory execute docker-compose up
this should pull latest python 3.8.6 image,
install all the dependencies and start the application.
The application is storing its data in a SQLite database.
There is some initial data that I am leaving in the database but is not required.
You can flush this data once docker is up and running.
Execute the following command from the same directory as docker-compose.yml file which you checked out using git
docker-compose run web python manage.py flush --no-input
The application is now ready to answer HTTP requests and test its functionalities. Before proceeding, we need to create a super user who will manage other users. Execute the following command from the same directory as docker-compose.yml file which you checked out using git and follow the prompt to provide your username, email and password. Please note that Django checks your password against commonly used passwords, and will refuse any commonly used passwords.
docker-compose run web python manage.py createsuperuser
If the user account creation works successfully, you should be able to navigate to the admin page which will redirect you to the login page. Enter the credentials you provided when creating superuser.
Now we need to create a service account (user)
which we will use to generate random data from random data generator script.
In the browser, navigate to user management
page and click on add user
; enter the username and password of the service account and click on save.
You don't need to fill the information in the next page, unless you know what you are doing.
Above all, remember to give the application the least privilege necessary.
After creating the service account, create an authentication token by going to
token management page and clicking add token
in the user dropdown, select the newly created service account and click on save.
Copy the token displayed in key column and proceed to the next step.
Do not use the super user to generate the token. It has elevated privileges that are not needed and could jeopardize the app
We can add random data to the web application by running the random data generator script. Ensure that docker is running, and you are in the correct directory. Execute the following command by replacing {TOKEN} with the token/key you generated in the previous step.
docker-compose run web python scripts/random_data_generator.py {TOKEN}
Navigate to home page and checkout the time series graph of the random data.
- Switch from HTTP to HTTPS with
self-signed certificate
, this has to be coordinated with the zephyr board code base. - Give users the ability to select date range on home page
- Change random data generator script to use the same distance between two nodes