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-Order: 10
-Title: Features
-Description: Feature overview of BBT.StrategyPattern.
- - Fully abstract
- - Works with any IoC framework
- - Instance creator with IoC
diff --git a/docs/input/docs/getting-started/fundamentals.md b/docs/input/docs/getting-started/fundamentals.md
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index 0000000..c0414b3
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+Order: 30
+Title: Fundamentals of strategy pattern
+Description: Apply code structure, make code readable and fulfill open/close and single responsibility principles using strategy pattern.
+## Case study: The Switch Case Block
+A lot of documentation and tutorials exist explaining the implementation of the strategy pattern.
+For an overview see [Strategy pattern (wikipedia)], at least the chapter of [Strategy and open/closed principle] is recommended to read.
+The approach of this fundamentals article is to introduce and explain the concepts and reasons of strategy pattern based on a case study: The refactoring of a switch case block.
+Many code bases contain distinction of cases implemented by switch case blocks. Those implementations have numerous issues.
+### Violation of open/close principle
+See also [Open/close principle (wikipedia)]. An appropriate class design supports the enhancement of functionality (open for extension) without changing the class itself (closed for modification).
+Switch case blocks do not fulfill this principle.
+public void Foo(FooEnum fooEnum)
+ switch (fooEnum)
+ case FooEnum.Foo1:
+ Bar1();
+ break;
+ case FooEnum.Foo2:
+ Bar2();
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+If the FooEnum is extended by further enum values, the switch case block must be modified as well.
+### Violation of single responsibility principle
+See also [Single responsibility principle (wikipedia)]. The switch case block from the example above does two things.
+1. A distinction of cases based on the enum values
+2. The execution of the enum specific methods
+As a consequence two reasons exist to modify this method.
+1. new enum value are added
+2. the enum specific method calls change
+Therefore the single responsibility principle is violated and consequently the reusability is limited.
+Neither the distinction of cases nor the code within the case blocks could be used separately.
+### Maintainability
+Most likely the above mentioned distinction of cases happens in multiple code areas.
+Each time the FooEnum is extended all those areas must be modified and extended as well.
+As a consequence effort increases. Without appropriate test coverage code stability decreases.
+This are the main reasons why distinction of cases should be centralized and separated from executing code.
+### Readability and code structure
+To fully understand the switch case block from the example above the whole block must be analyzed. Each case section can be freely implemented.
+The case section has no limitations and can access all members and variables within the method scope. The code has a lack of structure.
+## Improvement: Use strategy
+As a first step the functionality of the case sections should be separated into classes. Those classes should be structured by implementing a common interface.
+public interface IFooStrategy
+ void Bar();
+This interface is implemented by each class:
+public class Foo1Strategy : IFooStrategy
+ public void Bar()
+ {
+ ...
+ }
+Access to those strategies is provided by a StrategyProvider:
+public class FooStrategyProvider
+ public IFooStrategy GetStrategy(FooEnum fooEnum)
+ {
+ switch (fooEnum)
+ {
+ case FooEnum.Foo1:
+ return new Foo1Strategy();
+ case FooEnum.Foo2:
+ return new Foo2Strategy();
+ ...
+ default:
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ }
+Usage of the strategy within the original method:
+public class Foo
+ private readonly FooStrategyProvider FooStrategyProvider = new FooStrategyProvider();
+ public void Foo(FooEnum fooEnum)
+ {
+ var barStrategy = this.FooStrategyFactory.GetStrategy(fooEnum);
+ barStrategy.Bar();
+ }
+### Improvements of usage of strategy
+#### Single responsibility principle
+With the introduction of FooStrategyFactory the distinction of cases is moved into its own class and separated from execution logic in case blocks.
+This leads to higher chance of reuse. If other areas of code also need a distinction based on FooEnum, the FooStrategyFactory can be reused.
+#### Maintainability
+Because the switch case block of FooEnum is centralized by FooStrategyFactory, maintainability and code stability is improved.
+Enhancements on FooEnum affects only this single existing class (and the implementation of a new FooStrategy).
+#### Readability and code structure
+After the refactoring the original method became explicit, structured and focused on the Bar method call.
+### Issues
+#### Violation of open/closed principle
+The strategy factory still consist of the switch case block. If the FooEnum is enhanced the GetStrategy method must still be modified as well.
+#### Violation of single responsibility principle
+Besides the strategy selection the implementation of the FooStrategyFactory has another responsibility: The instantiation of the strategy instance.
+This aspect should be separated and should have its own realization. There are third party libraries available for object instantiation.
+Commonly used are IoC-containers. With those containers the behaviour of object lifecycle (e.g. transient, singleton) can be declared and therefore delegated to those libraries.
+## Improvement: Use generic strategy and and provider
+BBT.StrategyPattern defines an interface for declaration of strategies based on a generic type parameter.
+public interface IGenericStrategy
+ bool IsResponsible(T criterion);
+By implementing IsResponsible each strategy itself defines for which criterion it is responsible. The concrete implementation of FooStrategy changes to:
+public class Foo1Strategy : IFooStrategy
+ public bool IsResponsible(FooEnum fooEnum)
+ {
+ return fooEnum == FooEnum.Foo1;
+ }
+ public void Bar()
+ {
+ ...
+ }
+BBT.StrategyPattern provides a generic strategy provider which can be used to resolve the specific strategy based on the strategy's IsResponsible predicate.
+BBT.StrategyPattern's generic strategy provider consults the IStrategyLocator interface to get all concrete strategies implementing the concerned strategy interface.
+The IStrategyLocator interface must be implemented, most commonly by using an IoC-container infrastructure.
+Using BBT.StrategyPattern the example above can be refined to:
+public class Foo
+ private readonly FooStrategyProvider FooStrategyProvider;
+ // Constructor injection of generic strategy provider, common for IoC / dependency injection framework.
+ public Foo(IGenericStrategyProvider fooStrategyProvider)
+ {
+ this.FooStrategyProvider = fooStrategyProvider;
+ }
+ public void Foo(FooEnum fooEnum)
+ {
+ var barStrategy = this.FooStrategyProvider.GetStrategy(fooEnum);
+ barStrategy.Bar();
+ }
+How the strategies are obtained lies in responsibility of IStrategyLocator and IoC framework.
+Using ninject it could look like:
+// IoC registrations
+IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel();
+// Generic type unbound registration of strategy locator.
+// When resolved a locator object of concrete generic type is instantiated.
+// Bindings of the foo strategy implementations.
+### Improvements of usage of generic strategy and provider
+#### Open/closed principle
+When FooEnum is enhanced, with the generic strategy provider, additional strategies can be added without modifying existing classes.
+As soon as the new strategies are registered in the IoC container, the provider is extended.
+#### Single responsibility principle
+The generic provider has one single responsibility: Providing the requested strategy. How this strategy is instantiated is separated and handled be the strategy locator (i.e. IoC container).
+[Strategy pattern (wikipedia)]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategy_pattern
+[Strategy and open/closed principle]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategy_pattern#Strategy_and_open.2Fclosed_principle
+[Open/close principle (wikipedia)]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open%E2%80%93closed_principle
+[Single responsibility principle (wikipedia)]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_responsibility_principle
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15d780d
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+++ b/docs/input/docs/getting-started/index.cshtml
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+Order: 10
+Description: Overview about the features of BBT.Maybe.
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diff --git a/docs/input/docs/getting-started/principles.md b/docs/input/docs/getting-started/principles.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cb1847
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+++ b/docs/input/docs/getting-started/principles.md
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+Order: 20
+Title: Core principles
+Description: Core principles of BBT.StrategyPattern.
+Goal of this infrastructure is to support the providing of specific strategies achieved by usage of generics.
+This infrastructure introduces a generic strategy interface managed by generic strategy provider.
+The generic parameter acts as selection criterion and declares the responsibility of the specific strategy.
+The generic strategy interface leads to more structured code.
+Based on its generic type parameter, strategies are categorized and make their responsibility explicit.
+As a consequence this leads to higher chance of reuse and better readable code.
+The implementation is driven by SOLID principles like open/closed, single responsibility and dependency inversion.
+For further explanations see [Fundamentals of strategy pattern]
+[Fundamentals of strategy pattern]: ./fundamentals
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diff --git a/docs/input/docs/getting-started/whystrategypattern.md b/docs/input/docs/getting-started/whystrategypattern.md
new file mode 100644
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+Order: 10
+Title: Why does BBT.StrategyPattern exist?
+Description: Introduction to BBT.StrategyPattern, what problems are solved and how it is distinctive from other implementations of strategy pattern.
+## Introduce structure to your code by using BBT.StrategyPattern
+BBT.StrategyPattern is an implementation of the strategy design pattern.
+BBT.StrategyPattern has the following goals:
+* Support the usage of strategies with no need to implement specific strategy factories
+* Provide a generic strategy provider based on generics
+* Introduce strategy categorization based on generic parameter
+Implementation details of BBT.StrategyPattern are:
+* Introduces a generic strategy interface
+* The generic parameter represents the criterion for the selection of the specific strategy
+* Works with any IoC framework
+* Supports generic type unbound IoC registrations
diff --git a/docs/input/docs/usage/obtain.md b/docs/input/docs/usage/obtain.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ea4c5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/input/docs/usage/obtain.md
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+Order: 10
+Title: Obtain
+Description: Obtain BBT.StrategyPattern
+## Nuget
+> `nuget install bbt.strategypattern`
diff --git a/docs/input/docs/usage/use-with-ioc.md b/docs/input/docs/usage/use-with-ioc.md
index f606231..612d6c8 100644
--- a/docs/input/docs/usage/use-with-ioc.md
+++ b/docs/input/docs/usage/use-with-ioc.md
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-Order: 20
+Order: 30
Title: Use with IoC
Description: Example how to use BBT.StrategyPattern with IoC.
@@ -13,9 +13,7 @@ public void WorksWithIocNinject()
IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel();
- kernel
- .Bind>()
- .ToMethod((con) => new NinjectStrategyLocator(kernel));
+ kernel.Bind(typeof(IStrategyLocator<>)).To(typeof(NinjectStrategyLocator<>));
diff --git a/docs/input/docs/usage/use-without-ioc.md b/docs/input/docs/usage/use-without-ioc.md
index 2a7fc8a..8c2f1a7 100644
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+++ b/docs/input/docs/usage/use-without-ioc.md
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-Order: 10
+Order: 20
Title: Use without IoC
Description: Example how to use BBT.StrategyPattern without IoC.