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index 7340a190..5e56744c 100644
--- a/database/README.md
+++ b/database/README.md
@@ -94,4 +94,9 @@ Each production release depends on the execution of a fixed set of scripts again
- `ddl/STR_DSS_Incremental_DB_DDL_Sprint_13.sql`
- `ddl/STR_DSS_Views_Sprint_13.sql`
- `ddl/STR_DSS_Routines_Sprint_13.sql`
- - `utility/Correct_Rental_Listings_Sprint_13.sql`
\ No newline at end of file
+ - `utility/Correct_Rental_Listings_Sprint_13.sql`
+- Sprint 14:
+ - `ddl/STR_DSS_Incremental_DB_DDL_Sprint_14.sql`
+ - `ddl/STR_DSS_Views_Sprint_14.sql`
+ - `seeding/STR_DSS_Data_Seeding_Sprint_14.sql`
+ - `utility/Correct_Rental_Listings_Sprint_14.sql`
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/database/model/PhysicalDataDiagram(Sprint14).svg
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+#Physical Data Diagram (Sprint 14)
+Generated using [DbSchema](https://dbschema.com)
+### Physical Data Diagram (Sprint 14)
+### Table dss.dss_access_request_status
+A potential status for a user access request (e.g. Requested, Approved, or Denied)
+|Idx |Name |Data Type |Description |
+| * 🔑 ⬋ | access\_request\_status\_cd| varchar(25) | System-consistent code for the request status |
+| * | access\_request\_status\_nm| varchar(250) | Business term for the request status |
+##### Indexes
+|Type |Name |On |
+| 🔑 | dss\_access\_request\_status\_pk | ON access\_request\_status\_cd|
+### Table dss.dss_business_licence
+|Idx |Name |Data Type |Description |
+| * 🔑 ⬋ | business\_licence\_id| bigint GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY | Unique generated key |
+| * 🔍 | business\_licence\_no| varchar(50) | The local government issued licence number that applies to the rental offering |
+| * | expiry\_dt| date | The date on which the business licence expires |
+| 🔎 | physical\_rental\_address\_txt| varchar(250) | The full physical address of the location that is licenced as a short-term rental business |
+| | licence\_type\_txt| varchar(320) | Free form description of the type of business licence issued (e.g. short-term rental, bed and breakfast, boarding and lodging, tourist accommodation) |
+| | restriction\_txt| varchar(320) | Notes related to any restrictions associated with the licence |
+| | business\_nm| varchar(320) | Official name of the business |
+| | mailing\_street\_address\_txt| varchar(100) | Street address component of the business mailing address |
+| | mailing\_city\_nm| varchar(100) | City component of the business mailing address |
+| | mailing\_province\_cd| varchar(2) | Province component of the business mailing address |
+| | mailing\_postal\_cd| varchar(10) | Postal code component of the business mailing address |
+| | business\_owner\_nm| varchar(320) | Full name of the registered business owner |
+| | business\_owner\_phone\_no| varchar(30) | Phone number of the business owner |
+| | business\_owner\_email\_address\_dsc| varchar(320) | Email address of the business owner |
+| | business\_operator\_nm| varchar(320) | Full name of the business operator or property manager |
+| | business\_operator\_phone\_no| varchar(30) | Phone number of the business operator |
+| | business\_operator\_email\_address\_dsc| varchar(320) | Email address of the business operator |
+| | infraction\_txt| varchar(320) | Description of an infraction |
+| | infraction\_dt| date | The date on which the described infraction occurred |
+| | property\_zone\_txt| varchar(100) | Description or name of the property zoning |
+| | available\_bedrooms\_qty| smallint | The number of bedrooms in the dwelling unit that are available for short term rental |
+| | max\_guests\_allowed\_qty| smallint | The number of guests that can be accommodated |
+| | is\_principal\_residence| boolean | Indicates whether the short term rental property is a principal residence |
+| | is\_owner\_living\_onsite| boolean | Indicates whether the owner lives on the property |
+| | is\_owner\_property\_tenant| boolean | Indicates whether the business owner rents the property |
+| | property\_folio\_no| varchar(30) | The number used to identify the property |
+| | property\_parcel\_identifier\_no| varchar(30) | The PID number assigned by the Land Title and Survey Authority that identifies the piece of land |
+| | property\_legal\_description\_txt| varchar(320) | The physical description of the property as it is registered with the Land Title and Survey Authority |
+| * 🔎 ⬈ | licence\_status\_type| varchar(25) | Foreign key |
+| * 🔍 ⬈ | providing\_organization\_id| bigint | Foreign key |
+| 🔎 ⬈ | affected\_by\_physical\_address\_id| bigint | Foreign key |
+| * | upd\_dtm| timestamptz | Trigger-updated timestamp of last change |
+| | upd\_user\_guid| uuid | The globally unique identifier (assigned by the identity provider) for the most recent user to record a change |
+##### Indexes
+|Type |Name |On |
+| 🔑 | dss\_business\_licence\_pk | ON business\_licence\_id|
+| 🔎 | dss\_business\_licence\_i2 | ON affected\_by\_physical\_address\_id|
+| 🔍 | dss\_business\_licence\_uk | ON providing\_organization\_id, business\_licence\_no|
+| 🔎 | dss\_business\_licence\_i1 | ON licence\_status\_type|
+| 🔎 | dss\_business\_licence\_i3 | ON physical\_rental\_address\_txt|
+##### Foreign Keys
+|Type |Name |On |
+| | dss_business_licence_fk_provided_by | ( providing\_organization\_id ) ref [dss.dss\_organization](#dss\_organization) (organization\_id) |
+| | dss_business_licence_fk_affecting | ( affected\_by\_physical\_address\_id ) ref [dss.dss\_physical\_address](#dss\_physical\_address) (physical\_address\_id) |
+| | dss_business_licence_fk_classified_as | ( licence\_status\_type ) ref [dss.dss\_business\_licence\_status\_type](#dss\_business\_licence\_status\_type) (licence\_status\_type) |
+##### Triggers
+|Name |Definition |
+### Trigger dss_business_licence_br_iu_tr
+ ```
+CREATE TRIGGER dss\_business\_licence\_br\_iu\_tr BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON dss.dss\_business\_licence FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION dss.dss\_update\_audit\_columns()
+### Table dss.dss_business_licence_status_type
+A potential status for a BUSINESS LICENCE (e.g. Pending, Issued, Suspended, Revoked, Cancelled, Expired)
+|Idx |Name |Data Type |Description |
+| * 🔑 ⬋ | licence\_status\_type| varchar(25) | System-consistent code for the business licence status (e.g. Pending, Issued, Suspended, Revoked, Cancelled, Expired) |
+| * | licence\_status\_type\_nm| varchar(50) | Business term for the licence status (e.g. Pending, Issued, Suspended, Revoked, Cancelled, Expired) |
+| * | licence\_status\_sort\_no| smallint | Relative order in which the business prefers to see the status listed |
+##### Indexes
+|Type |Name |On |
+| 🔑 | dss\_business\_licence\_status\_type\_pk | ON licence\_status\_type|
+### Table dss.dss_email_message
+A message that is sent to one or more recipients via email
+|Idx |Name |Data Type |Description |
+| * 🔑 ⬋ | email\_message\_id| bigint GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY | Unique generated key |
+| * ⬈ | email\_message\_type| varchar(50) | Foreign key |
+| * 🔎 | message\_delivery\_dtm| timestamptz | A timestamp indicating when the message delivery was initiated |
+| * | message\_template\_dsc| varchar(4000) | The full text or template for the message that is sent |
+| * | is\_submitter\_cc\_required| boolean | Indicates whether the user initiating the message should receive a copy of the email |
+| | is\_host\_contacted\_externally| boolean | Indicates whether the the property host has already been contacted by external means |
+| | is\_with\_standard\_detail| boolean | Indicates whether message body should include text a block of detail text that is standard for the message type |
+| | lg\_phone\_no| varchar(30) | A phone number associated with a Local Government contact |
+| | unreported\_listing\_no| varchar(50) | The platform issued identification number for the listing (if not included in a rental listing report) |
+| | host\_email\_address\_dsc| varchar(320) | E-mail address of a short term rental host (directly entered by the user as a message recipient) |
+| | lg\_email\_address\_dsc| varchar(320) | E-mail address of a local government contact (directly entered by the user as a message recipient) |
+| | cc\_email\_address\_dsc| varchar(4000) | E-mail address of a secondary message recipient (directly entered by the user) |
+| | unreported\_listing\_url| varchar(4000) | User-provided URL for a short-term rental platform listing that is the subject of the message |
+| | lg\_str\_bylaw\_url| varchar(4000) | User-provided URL for a local government bylaw that is the subject of the message |
+| | custom\_detail\_txt| varchar(4000) | Free form text that should be included in the message body |
+| 🔎 ⬈ | concerned\_with\_rental\_listing\_id| bigint | Foreign key |
+| ⬈ | initiating\_user\_identity\_id| bigint | Foreign key |
+| ⬈ | affected\_by\_user\_identity\_id| bigint | Foreign key |
+| ⬈ | involved\_in\_organization\_id| bigint | Foreign key |
+| ⬈ | batching\_email\_message\_id| bigint | Foreign key |
+| ⬈ | requesting\_organization\_id| bigint | Foreign key |
+| | external\_message\_no| varchar(50) | External identifier for tracking the message delivery progress |
+| | upd\_dtm| timestamptz | Trigger-updated timestamp of last change |
+| | upd\_user\_guid| uuid | The globally unique identifier (assigned by the identity provider) for the most recent user to record a change |
+##### Indexes
+|Type |Name |On |
+| 🔑 | dss\_email\_message\_pk | ON email\_message\_id|
+| 🔎 | dss\_email\_message\_i1 | ON concerned\_with\_rental\_listing\_id, message\_delivery\_dtm|
+##### Foreign Keys
+|Type |Name |On |
+| | dss_email_message_fk_initiated_by | ( initiating\_user\_identity\_id ) ref [dss.dss\_user\_identity](#dss\_user\_identity) (user\_identity\_id) |
+| | dss_email_message_fk_affecting | ( affected\_by\_user\_identity\_id ) ref [dss.dss\_user\_identity](#dss\_user\_identity) (user\_identity\_id) |
+| | dss_email_message_fk_involving | ( involved\_in\_organization\_id ) ref [dss.dss\_organization](#dss\_organization) (organization\_id) |
+| | dss_email_message_fk_communicating | ( email\_message\_type ) ref [dss.dss\_email\_message\_type](#dss\_email\_message\_type) (email\_message\_type) |
+| | dss_email_message_fk_batched_in | ( batching\_email\_message\_id ) ref [dss.dss\_email\_message](#dss\_email\_message) (email\_message\_id) |
+| | dss_email_message_fk_requested_by | ( requesting\_organization\_id ) ref [dss.dss\_organization](#dss\_organization) (organization\_id) |
+| | dss_email_message_fk_included_in | ( concerned\_with\_rental\_listing\_id ) ref [dss.dss\_rental\_listing](#dss\_rental\_listing) (rental\_listing\_id) |
+##### Triggers
+|Name |Definition |
+### Trigger dss_email_message_br_iu_tr
+ ```
+CREATE TRIGGER dss\_email\_message\_br\_iu\_tr BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON dss.dss\_email\_message FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION dss.dss\_update\_audit\_columns()
+### Table dss.dss_email_message_type
+The type or purpose of a system generated message (e.g. Notice of Takedown, Takedown Request, Delisting Warning, Delisting Request, Access Granted Notification, Access Denied Notification)
+|Idx |Name |Data Type |Description |
+| * 🔑 ⬋ | email\_message\_type| varchar(50) | System-consistent code for the type or purpose of the message (e.g. Notice of Takedown, Takedown Request, Delisting Warning, Delisting Request, Access Granted Notification, Access Denied Notification) |
+| * | email\_message\_type\_nm| varchar(250) | Business term for the type or purpose of the message (e.g. Notice of Takedown, Takedown Request, Delisting Warning, Delisting Request, Access Granted Notification, Access Denied Notification) |
+##### Indexes
+|Type |Name |On |
+| 🔑 | dss\_email\_message\_type\_pk | ON email\_message\_type|
+### Table dss.dss_listing_status_type
+A potential status for a CURRENT RENTAL LISTING (e.g. New, Active, Inactive, Reassigned, Taken Down)
+|Idx |Name |Data Type |Description |
+| * 🔑 ⬋ | listing\_status\_type| varchar(2) | System-consistent code for the listing status (e.g. N, A, I, R, T) |
+| * | listing\_status\_type\_nm| varchar(50) | Business term for the listing status (e.g. New, Active, Inactive, Reassigned, Taken Down) |
+| * | listing\_status\_sort\_no| smallint | Relative order in which the business prefers to see the status listed |
+##### Indexes
+|Type |Name |On |
+| 🔑 | dss\_listing\_status\_type\_pk | ON listing\_status\_type|
+### Table dss.dss_organization
+A private company or governing body component that plays a role in short term rental reporting or enforcement
+|Idx |Name |Data Type |Description |
+| * 🔑 ⬋ | organization\_id| bigint GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY | Unique generated key |
+| * 🔎 ⬈ | organization\_type| varchar(25) | Foreign key |
+| * 🔍 | organization\_cd| varchar(25) | An immutable system code that identifies the organization (e.g. CEU, AIRBNB) |
+| * | organization\_nm| varchar(250) | A human-readable name that identifies the organization (e.g. Corporate Enforecement Unit, City of Victoria) |
+| | local\_government\_type| varchar(50) | A sub-type of local government organization used for sorting and grouping or members |
+| | economic\_region\_dsc| varchar(100) | A free form description of the economic region to which a Local Government Subdivision belongs |
+| | is\_lg\_participating| boolean | Indicates whether a LOCAL GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION participates in Short Term Rental Data Sharing |
+| | is\_str\_prohibited| boolean | Indicates whether a LOCAL GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION entirely prohibits short term housing rentals |
+| | is\_principal\_residence\_required| boolean | Indicates whether a LOCAL GOVERNMENT SUBDIVISION is subject to Provincial Principal Residence Short Term Rental restrictions |
+| | is\_business\_licence\_required| boolean | Indicates whether a LOCAL GOVERNMENT SUBDIVISION requires a business licence for Short Term Rental operation |
+| | area\_geometry| geometry | the multipolygon shape identifying the boundaries of a local government subdivision |
+| 🔎 ⬈ | managing\_organization\_id| bigint | Self-referential hierarchical foreign key |
+| * | upd\_dtm| timestamptz | Trigger-updated timestamp of last change |
+| | upd\_user\_guid| uuid | The globally unique identifier (assigned by the identity provider) for the most recent user to record a change |
+##### Indexes
+|Type |Name |On |
+| 🔑 | dss\_organization\_pk | ON organization\_id|
+| 🔎 | dss\_organization\_i1 | ON organization\_type|
+| 🔍 | dss\_organization\_uk | ON organization\_cd|
+| 🔎 | dss\_organization\_i2 | ON managing\_organization\_id|
+##### Foreign Keys
+|Type |Name |On |
+| | dss_organization_fk_managed_by | ( managing\_organization\_id ) ref [dss.dss\_organization](#dss\_organization) (organization\_id) |
+| | dss_organization_fk_treated_as | ( organization\_type ) ref [dss.dss\_organization\_type](#dss\_organization\_type) (organization\_type) |
+##### Triggers
+|Name |Definition |
+### Trigger dss_organization_br_iu_tr
+ ```
+CREATE TRIGGER dss\_organization\_br\_iu\_tr BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON dss.dss\_organization FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION dss.dss\_update\_audit\_columns()
+### Table dss.dss_organization_contact_person
+A person who has been identified as a notable contact for a particular organization
+|Idx |Name |Data Type |Description |
+| * 🔑 | organization\_contact\_person\_id| bigint GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY | Unique generated key |
+| * | email\_address\_dsc| varchar(320) | E-mail address given for the contact by the organization |
+| | is\_primary| boolean | Indicates whether the contact should receive all communications directed at the organization |
+| | given\_nm| varchar(25) | A name given to a person so that they can easily be identified among their family members (in some cultures, this is often the first name) |
+| | family\_nm| varchar(25) | A name that is often shared amongst members of the same family (commonly known as a surname within some cultures) |
+| | phone\_no| varchar(30) | Phone number given for the contact by the organization (contains only digits) |
+| * ⬈ | contacted\_through\_organization\_id| bigint | Foreign key |
+| ⬈ | email\_message\_type| varchar(50) | Foreign key |
+| * | upd\_dtm| timestamptz | Trigger-updated timestamp of last change |
+| | upd\_user\_guid| uuid | The globally unique identifier (assigned by the identity provider) for the most recent user to record a change |
+##### Indexes
+|Type |Name |On |
+| 🔑 | dss\_organization\_contact\_person\_pk | ON organization\_contact\_person\_id|
+##### Foreign Keys
+|Type |Name |On |
+| | dss_organization_contact_person_fk_contacted_for | ( contacted\_through\_organization\_id ) ref [dss.dss\_organization](#dss\_organization) (organization\_id) |
+| | dss_organization_contact_person_fk_subscribed_to | ( email\_message\_type ) ref [dss.dss\_email\_message\_type](#dss\_email\_message\_type) (email\_message\_type) |
+##### Triggers
+|Name |Definition |
+### Trigger dss_organization_contact_person_br_iu_tr
+ ```
+CREATE TRIGGER dss\_organization\_contact\_person\_br\_iu\_tr BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON dss.dss\_organization\_contact\_person FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION dss.dss\_update\_audit\_columns()
+### Table dss.dss_organization_type
+A level of government or business category
+|Idx |Name |Data Type |Description |
+| * 🔑 ⬋ | organization\_type| varchar(25) | System-consistent code for a level of government or business category |
+| * | organization\_type\_nm| varchar(250) | Business term for a level of government or business category |
+##### Indexes
+|Type |Name |On |
+| 🔑 | dss\_organization\_type\_pk | ON organization\_type|
+### Table dss.dss_physical_address
+A property address that includes any verifiable BC attributes
+|Idx |Name |Data Type |Description |
+| * 🔑 ⬋ | physical\_address\_id| bigint GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY | Unique generated key |
+| * 🔎 | original\_address\_txt| varchar(250) | The source-provided address of a short-term rental offering |
+| | match\_result\_json| json | Full JSON result of the source address matching attempt |
+| 🔎 | match\_address\_txt| varchar(250) | The sanitized physical address (returned as fullAddress) that has been derived from the original |
+| | match\_score\_amt| smallint | The relative score returned from the address matching attempt |
+| | unit\_no| varchar(50) | The unitNumber (suite) returned by the address match (e.g. 100) |
+| | civic\_no| varchar(50) | The civicNumber (building number) returned by the address match (e.g. 1285) |
+| | street\_nm| varchar(100) | The streetName returned by the address match (e.g. Pender) |
+| | street\_type\_dsc| varchar(50) | The streetType returned by the address match (e.g. St or Street) |
+| | street\_direction\_dsc| varchar(50) | The streetDirection returned by the address match (e.g. W or West) |
+| | locality\_nm| varchar(100) | The localityName (community) returned by the address match (e.g. Vancouver) |
+| | locality\_type\_dsc| varchar(50) | The localityType returned by the address match (e.g. City) |
+| | province\_cd| varchar(5) | The provinceCode returned by the address match |
+| | site\_no| varchar(50) | The siteID returned by the address match |
+| | block\_no| varchar(50) | The blockID returned by the address match |
+| | location\_geometry| geometry | The computed location point of the matched address |
+| | is\_exempt| boolean | Indicates whether the address has been identified as exempt from Short Term Rental regulations |
+| | is\_match\_verified| boolean | Indicates whether the matched address has been verified as correct for the listing by the responsible authorities |
+| | is\_changed\_original\_address| boolean | Indicates whether the original address has received a different property address from the platform in the last reporting period |
+| | is\_match\_corrected| boolean | Indicates whether the matched address has been manually changed to one that is verified as correct for the listing |
+| | is\_system\_processing| boolean | Indicates whether the physical address is being processed by the system and may not yet be in its final form |
+| 🔎 ⬈ | containing\_organization\_id| bigint | Foreign key |
+| ⬈ | replacing\_physical\_address\_id| bigint | Foreign key |
+| * | upd\_dtm| timestamptz | Trigger-updated timestamp of last change |
+| | upd\_user\_guid| uuid | The globally unique identifier (assigned by the identity provider) for the most recent user to record a change |
+##### Indexes
+|Type |Name |On |
+| 🔑 | dss\_physical\_address\_pk | ON physical\_address\_id|
+| 🔎 | dss\_physical\_address\_i1 | ON original\_address\_txt|
+| 🔎 | dss\_physical\_address\_i2 | ON match\_address\_txt|
+| 🔎 | dss\_physical\_address\_i3 | ON containing\_organization\_id|
+##### Foreign Keys
+|Type |Name |On |
+| | dss_physical_address_fk_contained_in | ( containing\_organization\_id ) ref [dss.dss\_organization](#dss\_organization) (organization\_id) |
+| | dss_physical_address_fk_replaced_by | ( replacing\_physical\_address\_id ) ref [dss.dss\_physical\_address](#dss\_physical\_address) (physical\_address\_id) |
+##### Triggers
+|Name |Definition |
+### Trigger dss_physical_address_br_iu_tr
+ ```
+CREATE TRIGGER dss\_physical\_address\_br\_iu\_tr BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON dss.dss\_physical\_address FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION dss.dss\_update\_audit\_columns()
+### Table dss.dss_rental_listing
+A rental listing snapshot that is either relevant to a specific monthly report, or is the current, master version
+|Idx |Name |Data Type |Description |
+| * 🔑 ⬋ | rental\_listing\_id| bigint GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY | Unique generated key |
+| * 🔎 | platform\_listing\_no| varchar(50) | The platform issued identification number for the listing |
+| | platform\_listing\_url| varchar(4000) | URL for the short-term rental platform listing |
+| 🔎 | business\_licence\_no| varchar(320) | The business licence number that is published for the rental offering |
+| 🔎 | effective\_business\_licence\_no| varchar(320) | The local government issued licence number that should be used for compariing the rental offering with others |
+| 🔎 | effective\_host\_nm| varchar(320) | The full name of the rental offering host that should be used for comparison with others |
+| | bc\_registry\_no| varchar(50) | The Short Term Registry issued permit number |
+| * | is\_current| boolean | Indicates whether the RENTAL LISTING VERSION is a CURRENT RENTAL LISTING (if it is a copy of the most current REPORTED RENTAL LISTING (having the same listing number for the same offering platform) |
+| | is\_active| boolean | Indicates whether a CURRENT RENTAL LISTING was included in the most recent RENTAL LISTING REPORT |
+| | is\_new| boolean | Indicates whether a CURRENT RENTAL LISTING appeared for the first time in the last reporting period |
+| | is\_taken\_down| boolean | Indicates whether a CURRENT RENTAL LISTING has been reported as taken down by the offering platform |
+| | is\_changed\_original\_address| boolean | Indicates whether a CURRENT RENTAL LISTING has received a different property address in the last reporting period |
+| | is\_changed\_address| boolean | Indicates whether a CURRENT RENTAL LISTING has been subjected to address match changes by a user |
+| | is\_lg\_transferred| boolean | Indicates whether a CURRENT RENTAL LISTING has been transferred to a different Local Goverment Organization as a result of address changes |
+| | is\_changed\_business\_licence| boolean | Indicates whether a CURRENT RENTAL LISTING has been subjected to business licence linking changes by a user |
+| | is\_entire\_unit| boolean | Indicates whether the entire dwelling unit is offered for rental (as opposed to a single bedroom) |
+| 🔎 | lg\_transfer\_dtm| timestamptz | Indicates when a CURRENT RENTAL LISTING was most recently transferred to a different Local Goverment Organization as a result of address changes |
+| | available\_bedrooms\_qty| smallint | The number of bedrooms in the dwelling unit that are available for short term rental |
+| | nights\_booked\_qty| smallint | The number of nights that short term rental accommodation services were provided during the reporting period |
+| | separate\_reservations\_qty| smallint | The number of separate reservations that were taken during the reporting period |
+| * 🔎 ⬈ | offering\_organization\_id| bigint | Foreign key |
+| 🔎 ⬈ | including\_rental\_listing\_report\_id| bigint | Foreign key |
+| 🔎 ⬈ | derived\_from\_rental\_listing\_id| bigint | Foreign key |
+| 🔎 ⬈ | locating\_physical\_address\_id| bigint | Foreign key |
+| 🔎 ⬈ | governing\_business\_licence\_id| bigint | Foreign key |
+| 🔎 ⬈ | listing\_status\_type| varchar(2) | Foreign key |
+| * | upd\_dtm| timestamptz | Trigger-updated timestamp of last change |
+| | upd\_user\_guid| uuid | The globally unique identifier (assigned by the identity provider) for the most recent user to record a change |
+##### Indexes
+|Type |Name |On |
+| 🔑 | dss\_rental\_listing\_pk | ON rental\_listing\_id|
+| 🔎 | dss\_rental\_listing\_i1 | ON offering\_organization\_id, platform\_listing\_no|
+| 🔎 | dss\_rental\_listing\_i2 | ON including\_rental\_listing\_report\_id|
+| 🔎 | dss\_rental\_listing\_i3 | ON derived\_from\_rental\_listing\_id|
+| 🔎 | dss\_rental\_listing\_i4 | ON locating\_physical\_address\_id|
+| 🔎 | dss\_rental\_listing\_i5 | ON listing\_status\_type, offering\_organization\_id|
+| 🔎 | dss\_rental\_listing\_i6 | ON governing\_business\_licence\_id|
+| 🔎 | dss\_rental\_listing\_i7 | ON business\_licence\_no|
+| 🔎 | dss\_rental\_listing\_i8 | ON effective\_business\_licence\_no|
+| 🔎 | dss\_rental\_listing\_i9 | ON effective\_host\_nm|
+| 🔎 | dss\_rental\_listing\_i11 | ON lg\_transfer\_dtm|
+##### Foreign Keys
+|Type |Name |On |
+| | dss_rental_listing_fk_offered_by | ( offering\_organization\_id ) ref [dss.dss\_organization](#dss\_organization) (organization\_id) |
+| | dss_rental_listing_fk_included_in | ( including\_rental\_listing\_report\_id ) ref [dss.dss\_rental\_listing\_report](#dss\_rental\_listing\_report) (rental\_listing\_report\_id) |
+| | dss_rental_listing_fk_located_at | ( locating\_physical\_address\_id ) ref [dss.dss\_physical\_address](#dss\_physical\_address) (physical\_address\_id) |
+| | dss_rental_listing_fk_generating | ( derived\_from\_rental\_listing\_id ) ref [dss.dss\_rental\_listing](#dss\_rental\_listing) (rental\_listing\_id) |
+| | dss_rental_listing_fk_classified_as | ( listing\_status\_type ) ref [dss.dss\_listing\_status\_type](#dss\_listing\_status\_type) (listing\_status\_type) |
+| | dss_rental_listing_fk_governed_by | ( governing\_business\_licence\_id ) ref [dss.dss\_business\_licence](#dss\_business\_licence) (business\_licence\_id) |
+##### Triggers
+|Name |Definition |
+### Trigger dss_rental_listing_br_iu_tr
+ ```
+CREATE TRIGGER dss\_rental\_listing\_br\_iu\_tr BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON dss.dss\_rental\_listing FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION dss.dss\_update\_audit\_columns()
+### Table dss.dss_rental_listing_contact
+A person who has been identified as a notable contact for a particular rental listing
+|Idx |Name |Data Type |Description |
+| * 🔑 | rental\_listing\_contact\_id| bigint GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY | Unique generated key |
+| * | is\_property\_owner| boolean | Indicates a person with the legal right to the unit being short-term rental |
+| | listing\_contact\_nbr| smallint | Indicates which of the five possible supplier hosts is represented by this contact |
+| | supplier\_host\_no| varchar(50) | The platform identifier for the supplier host |
+| | full\_nm| varchar(320) | The full name of the contact person as included in the listing |
+| | phone\_no| varchar(30) | Phone number given for the contact |
+| | fax\_no| varchar(30) | Facsimile numbrer given for the contact |
+| | full\_address\_txt| varchar(250) | Mailing address given for the contact |
+| | email\_address\_dsc| varchar(320) | E-mail address given for the contact |
+| * 🔎 ⬈ | contacted\_through\_rental\_listing\_id| bigint | Foreign key |
+| * | upd\_dtm| timestamptz | Trigger-updated timestamp of last change |
+| | upd\_user\_guid| uuid | The globally unique identifier (assigned by the identity provider) for the most recent user to record a change |
+##### Indexes
+|Type |Name |On |
+| 🔑 | dss\_rental\_listing\_contact\_pk | ON rental\_listing\_contact\_id|
+| 🔎 | dss\_rental\_listing\_contact\_i1 | ON contacted\_through\_rental\_listing\_id|
+##### Foreign Keys
+|Type |Name |On |
+| | dss_rental_listing_contact_fk_contacted_for | ( contacted\_through\_rental\_listing\_id ) ref [dss.dss\_rental\_listing](#dss\_rental\_listing) (rental\_listing\_id) |
+##### Triggers
+|Name |Definition |
+### Trigger dss_rental_listing_contact_br_iu_tr
+ ```
+CREATE TRIGGER dss\_rental\_listing\_contact\_br\_iu\_tr BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON dss.dss\_rental\_listing\_contact FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION dss.dss\_update\_audit\_columns()
+### Table dss.dss_rental_listing_extract
+A prebuilt report that is specific to a subset of rental listings
+|Idx |Name |Data Type |Description |
+| * 🔑 | rental\_listing\_extract\_id| bigint GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY | Unique generated key |
+| * | rental\_listing\_extract\_nm| varchar(250) | A description of the information contained in the extract |
+| * | is\_pr\_requirement\_filtered| boolean | Indicates whether the report is filtered by jurisdictional principal residence requirement |
+| | source\_bin| bytea | The binary image of the information in the report |
+| ⬈ | filtering\_organization\_id| bigint | Foreign key |
+| * | upd\_dtm| timestamptz | Trigger-updated timestamp of last change |
+| | upd\_user\_guid| uuid | The globally unique identifier (assigned by the identity provider) for the most recent user to record a change |
+##### Indexes
+|Type |Name |On |
+| 🔑 | dss\_rental\_listing\_extract\_pk | ON rental\_listing\_extract\_id|
+##### Foreign Keys
+|Type |Name |On |
+| | dss_rental_listing_extract_fk_filtered_by | ( filtering\_organization\_id ) ref [dss.dss\_organization](#dss\_organization) (organization\_id) |
+##### Triggers
+|Name |Definition |
+### Trigger dss_rental_listing_extract_br_iu_tr
+ ```
+CREATE TRIGGER dss\_rental\_listing\_extract\_br\_iu\_tr BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON dss.dss\_rental\_listing\_extract FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION dss.dss\_update\_audit\_columns()
+### Table dss.dss_rental_listing_report
+A platform-specific collection of rental listing information that is relevant to a specific month
+|Idx |Name |Data Type |Description |
+| * 🔑 ⬋ | rental\_listing\_report\_id| bigint GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY | Unique generated key |
+| * 🔍 | report\_period\_ym| date | The month to which the listing information is relevant (always set to the first day of the month) |
+| * | is\_current| boolean | Indicates whether the rental listing version is the most recent one reported by the platform |
+| * 🔍 ⬈ | providing\_organization\_id| bigint | Foreign key |
+| * | upd\_dtm| timestamptz | Trigger-updated timestamp of last change |
+| | upd\_user\_guid| uuid | The globally unique identifier (assigned by the identity provider) for the most recent user to record a change |
+##### Indexes
+|Type |Name |On |
+| 🔑 | dss\_rental\_listing\_report\_pk | ON rental\_listing\_report\_id|
+| 🔍 | dss\_rental\_listing\_report\_uk | ON providing\_organization\_id, report\_period\_ym|
+##### Foreign Keys
+|Type |Name |On |
+| | dss_rental_listing_report_fk_provided_by | ( providing\_organization\_id ) ref [dss.dss\_organization](#dss\_organization) (organization\_id) |
+##### Triggers
+|Name |Definition |
+### Trigger dss_rental_listing_report_br_iu_tr
+ ```
+CREATE TRIGGER dss\_rental\_listing\_report\_br\_iu\_tr BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON dss.dss\_rental\_listing\_report FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION dss.dss\_update\_audit\_columns()
+### Table dss.dss_upload_delivery
+A delivery of uploaded information that is relevant to a specific month
+|Idx |Name |Data Type |Description |
+| * 🔑 ⬋ | upload\_delivery\_id| bigint GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY | Unique generated key |
+| * | upload\_delivery\_type| varchar(25) | Identifies the treatment applied to ingesting the uploaded information |
+| | report\_period\_ym| date | The month to which the delivery batch is relevant (always set to the first day of the month) |
+| * | source\_hash\_dsc| varchar(256) | The hash value of the information that was uploaded |
+| | source\_bin| bytea | The binary image of the information that was uploaded |
+| | source\_header\_txt| varchar(32000) | Full text of the header line |
+| * ⬈ | providing\_organization\_id| bigint | Foreign key |
+| * | upd\_dtm| timestamptz | Trigger-updated timestamp of last change |
+| | upd\_user\_guid| uuid | The globally unique identifier (assigned by the identity provider) for the most recent user to record a change |
+##### Indexes
+|Type |Name |On |
+| 🔑 | dss\_upload\_delivery\_pk | ON upload\_delivery\_id|
+##### Foreign Keys
+|Type |Name |On |
+| | dss_upload_delivery_fk_provided_by | ( providing\_organization\_id ) ref [dss.dss\_organization](#dss\_organization) (organization\_id) |
+##### Triggers
+|Name |Definition |
+### Trigger dss_upload_delivery_br_iu_tr
+ ```
+CREATE TRIGGER dss\_upload\_delivery\_br\_iu\_tr BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON dss.dss\_upload\_delivery FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION dss.dss\_update\_audit\_columns()
+### Table dss.dss_upload_line
+An upload delivery line that has been extracted from the source
+|Idx |Name |Data Type |Description |
+| * 🔑 | upload\_line\_id| bigint GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY | Unique generated key |
+| * | is\_validation\_failure| boolean | Indicates that there has been a validation problem that prevents successful ingestion of the upload line |
+| * | is\_system\_failure| boolean | Indicates that a system fault has prevented complete ingestion of the upload line |
+| * 🔎 | is\_processed| boolean | Indicates that no further ingestion attempt is required for the upload line |
+| * 🔍 | source\_organization\_cd| varchar(25) | An immutable system code identifying the organization who created the information in the upload line (e.g. AIRBNB) |
+| * 🔍 | source\_record\_no| varchar(50) | The immutable identification number for the source record, such as a rental listing number |
+| * | source\_line\_txt| varchar(32000) | Full text of the upload line |
+| | error\_txt| varchar(32000) | Freeform description of the problem found while attempting to interpret the report line |
+| * 🔍 ⬈ | including\_upload\_delivery\_id| bigint | Foreign key |
+##### Indexes
+|Type |Name |On |
+| 🔑 | dss\_upload\_line\_pk | ON upload\_line\_id|
+| 🔍 | dss\_upload\_line\_uk | ON including\_upload\_delivery\_id, source\_organization\_cd, source\_record\_no|
+| 🔎 | dss\_upload\_line\_i1 | ON is\_processed, including\_upload\_delivery\_id|
+##### Foreign Keys
+|Type |Name |On |
+| | dss_upload_line_fk_included_in | ( including\_upload\_delivery\_id ) ref [dss.dss\_upload\_delivery](#dss\_upload\_delivery) (upload\_delivery\_id) |
+### Table dss.dss_user_identity
+An externally defined domain directory object representing a potential application user or group
+|Idx |Name |Data Type |Description |
+| * 🔑 ⬋ | user\_identity\_id| bigint GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY | Unique generated key |
+| * | user\_guid| uuid | An immutable unique identifier assigned by the identity provider |
+| * | display\_nm| varchar(250) | A human-readable full name that is assigned by the identity provider (this may include a preferred name and/or business unit name) |
+| * | identity\_provider\_nm| varchar(25) | A directory or domain that authenticates system users to allow access to the application or its API (e.g. idir, bceidbusiness) |
+| * | is\_enabled| boolean | Indicates whether access is currently permitted using this identity |
+| * ⬈ | access\_request\_status\_cd| varchar(25) | The current status of the most recent access request made by the user (restricted to Requested, Approved, or Denied) |
+| | access\_request\_dtm| timestamptz | A timestamp indicating when the most recent access request was made by the user |
+| | access\_request\_justification\_txt| varchar(250) | The most recent user-provided reason for requesting application access |
+| | given\_nm| varchar(25) | A name given to a person so that they can easily be identified among their family members (in some cultures, this is often the first name) |
+| | family\_nm| varchar(25) | A name that is often shared amongst members of the same family (commonly known as a surname within some cultures) |
+| | email\_address\_dsc| varchar(320) | E-mail address associated with the user by the identity provider |
+| | business\_nm| varchar(250) | A human-readable organization name that is associated with the user by the identity provider |
+| | terms\_acceptance\_dtm| timestamptz | A timestamp indicating when the user most recently accepted the published Terms and Conditions of application access |
+| ⬈ | represented\_by\_organization\_id| bigint | Foreign key |
+| * | upd\_dtm| timestamptz | Trigger-updated timestamp of last change |
+| | upd\_user\_guid| uuid | The globally unique identifier (assigned by the identity provider) for the most recent user to record a change |
+##### Indexes
+|Type |Name |On |
+| 🔑 | dss\_user\_identity\_pk | ON user\_identity\_id|
+##### Foreign Keys
+|Type |Name |On |
+| | dss_user_identity_fk_representing | ( represented\_by\_organization\_id ) ref [dss.dss\_organization](#dss\_organization) (organization\_id) |
+| | dss_user_identity_fk_given | ( access\_request\_status\_cd ) ref [dss.dss\_access\_request\_status](#dss\_access\_request\_status) (access\_request\_status\_cd) |
+##### Triggers
+|Name |Definition |
+### Trigger dss_user_identity_br_iu_tr
+ ```
+CREATE TRIGGER dss\_user\_identity\_br\_iu\_tr BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON dss.dss\_user\_identity FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION dss.dss\_update\_audit\_columns()
+### Table dss.dss_user_privilege
+A granular access right or privilege within the application that may be granted to a role
+|Idx |Name |Data Type |Description |
+| * 🔑 ⬋ | user\_privilege\_cd| varchar(25) | The immutable system code that identifies the privilege |
+| * | user\_privilege\_nm| varchar(250) | The human-readable name that is given for the role |
+##### Indexes
+|Type |Name |On |
+| 🔑 | dss\_user\_privilege\_pk | ON user\_privilege\_cd|
+### Table dss.dss_user_role
+A set of access rights and privileges within the application that may be granted to users
+|Idx |Name |Data Type |Description |
+| * 🔑 ⬋ | user\_role\_cd| varchar(25) | The immutable system code that identifies the role |
+| * | user\_role\_nm| varchar(250) | The human-readable name that is given for the role |
+| | user\_role\_dsc| varchar(200) | The human-readable description that is given for the role |
+| | upd\_dtm| timestamptz | Trigger-updated timestamp of last change |
+| | upd\_user\_guid| uuid | The globally unique identifier (assigned by the identity provider) for the most recent user to record a change |
+##### Indexes
+|Type |Name |On |
+| 🔑 | dss\_user\_role\_pk | ON user\_role\_cd|
+##### Triggers
+|Name |Definition |
+### Trigger dss_user_role_br_iu_tr
+ ```
+CREATE TRIGGER dss\_user\_role\_br\_iu\_tr BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON dss.dss\_user\_role FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION dss.dss\_update\_audit\_columns()
+### Table dss.dss_user_role_assignment
+The association of a grantee credential to a role for the purpose of conveying application privileges
+|Idx |Name |Data Type |Description |
+| * 🔑 ⬈ | user\_identity\_id| bigint | Foreign key |
+| * 🔑 ⬈ | user\_role\_cd| varchar(25) | Foreign key |
+| | upd\_dtm| timestamptz | Trigger-updated timestamp of last change |
+| | upd\_user\_guid| uuid | The globally unique identifier (assigned by the identity provider) for the most recent user to record a change |
+##### Indexes
+|Type |Name |On |
+| 🔑 | dss\_user\_role\_assignment\_pk | ON user\_identity\_id, user\_role\_cd|
+##### Foreign Keys
+|Type |Name |On |
+| | dss_user_role_assignment_fk_granted | ( user\_role\_cd ) ref [dss.dss\_user\_role](#dss\_user\_role) (user\_role\_cd) |
+| | dss_user_role_assignment_fk_granted_to | ( user\_identity\_id ) ref [dss.dss\_user\_identity](#dss\_user\_identity) (user\_identity\_id) |
+##### Triggers
+|Name |Definition |
+### Trigger dss_user_role_assignment_br_iu_tr
+ ```
+CREATE TRIGGER dss\_user\_role\_assignment\_br\_iu\_tr BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON dss.dss\_user\_role\_assignment FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION dss.dss\_update\_audit\_columns()
+### Table dss.dss_user_role_privilege
+The association of a granular application privilege to a role
+|Idx |Name |Data Type |Description |
+| * 🔑 ⬈ | user\_privilege\_cd| varchar(25) | Foreign key |
+| * 🔑 ⬈ | user\_role\_cd| varchar(25) | Foreign key |
+| | upd\_dtm| timestamptz | Trigger-updated timestamp of last change |
+| | upd\_user\_guid| uuid | The globally unique identifier (assigned by the identity provider) for the most recent user to record a change |
+##### Indexes
+|Type |Name |On |
+| 🔑 | dss\_user\_role\_privilege\_pk | ON user\_privilege\_cd, user\_role\_cd|
+##### Foreign Keys
+|Type |Name |On |
+| | dss_user_role_privilege_fk_conferred_by | ( user\_role\_cd ) ref [dss.dss\_user\_role](#dss\_user\_role) (user\_role\_cd) |
+| | dss_user_role_privilege_fk_conferring | ( user\_privilege\_cd ) ref [dss.dss\_user\_privilege](#dss\_user\_privilege) (user\_privilege\_cd) |
+##### Triggers
+|Name |Definition |
+### Trigger dss_user_role_privilege_br_iu_tr
+ ```
+CREATE TRIGGER dss\_user\_role\_privilege\_br\_iu\_tr BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON dss.dss\_user\_role\_privilege FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION dss.dss\_update\_audit\_columns()
+## Schema dss
+### Functions
+### Procedures
diff --git a/database/model/STR_DSS_Physical_DB_Design_Sprint_14.pdf b/database/model/STR_DSS_Physical_DB_Design_Sprint_14.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f8187cda
Binary files /dev/null and b/database/model/STR_DSS_Physical_DB_Design_Sprint_14.pdf differ
diff --git a/database/utility/Correct_Rental_Listings_Sprint_14.sql b/database/utility/Correct_Rental_Listings_Sprint_14.sql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d1de232c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database/utility/Correct_Rental_Listings_Sprint_14.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+-- Populate lg_transfer_dtm if null when is_lg_transferred is true
+UPDATE dss_rental_listing
+SET lg_transfer_dtm = upd_dtm
+WHERE including_rental_listing_report_id IS NULL AND lg_transfer_dtm IS NULL AND is_lg_transferred = true;
+-- Correct 12-month nights stayed and separate reservations if differing match found
+MERGE INTO dss_rental_listing AS tgt
+ drl1.rental_listing_id,
+ SUM(drl3.nights_booked_qty) AS nights_booked_qty,
+ SUM(drl3.separate_reservations_qty) AS separate_reservations_qty
+ FROM dss_rental_listing drl1
+ JOIN dss_rental_listing drl2 ON drl2.rental_listing_id = drl1.derived_from_rental_listing_id
+ JOIN dss_rental_listing drl3 ON drl2.platform_listing_no = drl3.platform_listing_no AND drl2.offering_organization_id = drl3.offering_organization_id
+ JOIN dss_rental_listing_report drlr2 ON drlr2.rental_listing_report_id = drl2.including_rental_listing_report_id
+ JOIN dss_rental_listing_report drlr3 ON drlr3.rental_listing_report_id = drl3.including_rental_listing_report_id
+ WHERE drl1.including_rental_listing_report_id IS NULL
+ AND drlr2.report_period_ym < drlr3.report_period_ym + interval '12 months'
+ GROUP BY drl1.rental_listing_id
+ HAVING MIN(drl1.nights_booked_qty) != SUM(drl3.nights_booked_qty)
+ OR MIN(drl1.separate_reservations_qty) != SUM(drl3.separate_reservations_qty)
+) AS src
+ON (tgt.rental_listing_id = src.rental_listing_id)
+ nights_booked_qty = src.nights_booked_qty,
+ separate_reservations_qty = src.separate_reservations_qty;
diff --git a/database/utility/STR_DSS_Migration_Sprint_14.sql b/database/utility/STR_DSS_Migration_Sprint_14.sql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1acf05bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database/utility/STR_DSS_Migration_Sprint_14.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+/* SORRY -- UNFINISHED!! Sprint 14 Master Database Migration Script -- must be run from psql using the following command: \i '/