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Use Case Examples

Tim Csaky edited this page Jul 18, 2023 · 3 revisions

Common COMS API use-cases

  • Users of your web application submitting documents to BC Government employees.
  • Uploading files and making them publicly available to download in a browser.
  • Sharing files between an authorized group of users.
  • Integration with BCBox allows users to find their files in our hosted user-interface.

API Usage Patterns

The following steps describe how a document management interface in your application could potentially leverage COMS:

Uploading a file

  1. User A logs in to your application via an OIDC Authentication realm; the user's JWT is stored in the browser's cache.
  2. The user fills in a web form on your website attaching a document from their computer (a common user experience).
  3. When the user submits this web form, the client application sends a HTTP multipart/form-data POST to the Create Object endpoint (attaching the User A's JWT in an Authorization header).
  4. COMS will do the following
    • Inspect the JWT and create a user record in the COMS database
    • Pass the file to an S3 bucket
    • Grant all PERMISSIONS to that user

Sharing a file

  1. Client application can do the following:
    • Call the COMS User Search endpoint to return a list of matching users in the COMS database.
    • Call the Add Permission endpoint to grant a Government employee READ permission on the file.

Downloading a file

  1. User B logs in to the client application.
  2. Client application makes request to Read Object endpoint (with User B's JWT in an Authorization header)
    • COMS will verify User B using the JWT and look up permissions for the file in the COMS database
    • COMS will then respond with a redirect to a pre-signed url to the source object in the storage server or allow direct download via proxy. Read the section on OIDC AUthentication for more details.

For full implementation details of the COMS API, visit the BCBox repository.