A set of R scripts to create the municipal solid waste disposal in B.C. indicator published on Environmental Reporting BC.
The data used for the indicator is available from the B.C. Data Catalogue under the Open Government Licence - British Columbia. Each year's new disposal rate data are provided by regional districts through the completion of the municipal solid waste disposal calculator run by the Environmental Standards Branch in the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy.
For envreportbc team members that need to update the dataset:
There is one R script, internal.R
which loads and combines the published
open data
with this years yet-to-be published values, and creates the output data files
to be uploaded to the BC Data Catalogue and subsequently used in the indicator.
This script requires input data from the Environmental Standards Branch.
For anyone else looking to generate the shinyapp, you do not need to run internal.R
The dataviz folder contains code to create a Shiny app for an interactive data visualization used on the indicator website.
There is also one RMarkdown file associated with the indicator that generates the data visualizations and summary statistics.
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