Asynchronous promises in rust using threads
Crate | Travis |
This library provides an usefull way to invoke functions (clousures) in a Promise Style using separated threads. A Promise is a Struct that represents the return value or the error that the funcion produces.
It also allows the execution of tasks in Parallel or Series in deferred, joining the result in a Promise.
It includes methods to manage Event Loops, where there are tasks that "emit" events in background, and they are collected by a promise.
This project is based on the Q Promise library for Node JS and Async.js
Dual-licensed to be compatible with the Rust project.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license, at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
This is a simple setup for a promise based execution:
use asynchronous::Promise;
Promise::new(|| {
// Do something
let ret = 10.0 / 3.0;
if ret > 0.0 { Ok(ret) } else { Err("Incorrect Value") }
}).success(|res| { // res has type f64
// Do something if the previous result is correct
assert_eq!(res, 10.0 / 3.0);
let res_int = res as u32 * 2;
}).finally_sync(|res| { // res has type Result<u32,&str>
// Executed always at the end
assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), 6u32);
Deferred execution:
use asynchronous::{Promise,Deferred,ControlFlow};
let d_a = Deferred::<&str, &str>::new(|| { Ok("a") });
let p_b = Promise::<&str, &str>::new(|| { Ok("b") }); // Executed right now
let d1 = Deferred::<u32, &str>::new(|| { Ok(1u32) });
let d2 = Deferred::<u32, &str>::new(|| { Err("Mock Error") });
let d3 = Deferred::<u32, &str>::new(|| { Ok(3u32) });
let d4 = Deferred::<u32, &str>::new(|| { Ok(4u32) });
let d5 = Deferred::<u32, &str>::new(|| { Ok(5u32) });
let promise = Deferred::vec_to_promise(vec![d1,d2,d3], ControlFlow::Parallel);
// Only d1, d2 and d3 are being executed at this time.
assert_eq!("ab", d_a.to_promise().success(|res_a| {
p_b.success(move |res_b| {
Ok(res_a.to_string() + res_b)
promise.success(|res| {
// Catch the result. In this case, tasks d4 and d5 never will be executed
}).fail(|error| {
// Catch the error and execute another Promise
assert_eq!(error, vec![Ok(1u32), Err("Mock Error"), Ok(3u32)]);
Deferred::vec_to_promise(vec![d4,d5], ControlFlow::Series).sync()
}).finally_sync(|res| { // res : Result<Vec<u32>,&str>
// Do something here
assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), vec![4u32, 5u32]);
Simple event loop:
use asynchronous::EventLoop;
let el = EventLoop::new().finish_in_ms(100);
// Do something here
el.to_promise().finally_sync(|res| { // res: Result<Vec<Ev>,()>
assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), vec!["Event1", "Event2"]);