Goal: implement an event sourced complex business process (conference booking system)
The business we are to implement is a conference booking system. When the customer orders a seat booking for a conference, he should pay the conference price and receive a seat booking number.
Check out the following scenario:
Scenario: successfully book a seat for a conference
Given I am a customer
And I credit my account with 50E
And "Why testing is not an option" is a 50 seats conference costing 10E
When I book a seat for the conference "Why testing is not an option"
Then my account is debited of 10E
And I get a seat booked
And available seats for conference drop down to 49
Scenario: booking attempt failure for a fully booked conference
Given I am a customer
And "Why testing is not an option" is a 50 seats conference with 50 seats already booked
When I try to book a seat for the conference "Why testing is not an option"
Then I get no seat
And my account is not debited
Scenario: booking attempt failure for a conference when the price is too high
Given I am a customer
And I credit my account with 50E
And "become master of the world in 10 lessons" is a 50 seats conference costing 1000E
When I try to book a seat for the conference "become master of the world in 10 lessons"
Then I get no seat
And my account is not debited
We have 3 aggregates
A Conference
described a planned conference, with its booking state. It has the following properties:
- the number of seats
- the currently booked seats (indeed rather, remaining available seats)
- the price of a seat
It's an event sourced entity, with the following states and business events:
Implement the missing decision/evolutions function of the entity.
should pass green !
An Account
is a user account, with its current balance in euro.
It's an event sourced entity, with only one "state" and the following business events:
Implement the missing decision/evolutions function of the entity.
should pass green !
An Order
represent the order passed by a customer, for a given conference. It has the following properties:
- the name of the target conference
- the booked seat number
- the account Id of the customer
- the reference of payment.
It's also an event sourced entity, with the following states and business events:
Implement the missing decision/evolution functions of the entity.
should pass green !
The ConferenceBookingProcessManager
is the process manager driving a conference booking requested by a user.
It is supposed to:
- check the remaining seats for the conference.
- accept the request if the account balance of the customer is enough.
- keep consistency between the customer booked seat, and the conference remaining available seats.
- debit the customer account.
Implement in the ConferenceBookingProcessManager
and previous 3 aggregates the process for a successful booking:
The test ConferenceBookingTest.should_book_a_seat_successfully()
should pass green.
Then implement the case of a failing booking when the conference is already full:
The test ConferenceBookingTest.should_cancel_booking_if_the_is_place_no_more()
should pass green.
Then implement the case of a failing booking when the account has not enough funds:
The test ConferenceBookingTest.should_cancel_booking_if_funds_are_insufficient()
should pass green.