Releases: beer-psi/sh0wer
Releases · beer-psi/sh0wer
This is an automated build based on the latest code. Use with caution.
20220328T100746Z build: sudo
Prerelease 20220328T091118Z
feat: add deverser (no reason)
- Sileo updated to v2.3
- zstd updated to v1.5.2
This is an automated build based on the latest code. Use with caution.
20220117T133501Z bash replacement of tr -d
This is an automated build based on the latest code. Use with caution.
20220117T124005Z I forgot this ain't bash
This is an automated build based on the latest code. Use with caution.
20220109T055358Z Should take a snapshot before the bootstrapping happens
This is an automated build based on the latest code. Use with caution.
20220109T010417Z Don't build Pongo by default
This is an automated build based on the latest code. Use with caution.
20211223T074529Z missing build dep
This is an automated build based on the latest code. Use with caution.
20211223T050400Z Fix copying built pongoOS resources