The tutorials provided in this folder take you through the first steps
of working with ixmp
package. You will learn how to create an
as a structured data collection for sets, parameters
and the numerical solution to the associated optimization problem.
We use Dantzig's transport problem, which is also used as the standard GAMS tutorial. This problem finds a least cost shipping schedule that meets demand requirements at markets and supply capacity constraints at multiple factories.
If you are not familiar with GAMS, please take a minute to look at the transport.gms code.
For reference of the transport problem, see:
Dantzig, G B, Chapter 3.3. In Linear Programming and Extensions.
Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1963.
This formulation is described in detail in:
Rosenthal, R E, Chapter 2: A GAMS Tutorial.
In GAMS: A User's Guide. The Scientific Press, Redwood City, California, 1988.
The tutorials are provided as Jupyter notebooks for both Python and R, and they are identical as far as possible.
- Tutorial 1:
- Solve Dantzig's Transport Problem - Tutorial 2:
- Make a scenario of Dantzig's Transport Problem