ngx_mruby plugin for asdf version manager.
asdf plugin-add ngx_mruby
For Linux like Ubuntu you need these packages installed:
apt-get install make bison build-essential \
openssh-server rake ruby2.0 ruby2.0-dev \
libcurl4-openssl-dev libhiredis-dev libmarkdown2-dev \
libcap-dev libcgroup-dev libpcre3 libpcre3-dev \
For macOS, you need use homebrew
to install:
brew install openssl pcre curl
Note: lots of versions may not work on macOS
due to some build options.
List all available ngx_mruby
asdf list-all ngx_mruby
Install one version of ngx_mruby
asdf install ngx_mruby 1.20.1
Set a local version:
asdf local ngx_mruby 1.20.1
then nginx
will be available in your shell path.
More asdf
command details to asdf README.