yay -S --needed pkgfile zsh git fzf direnv python-pipenv kubectx ripgrep bat gron-bin git tree tldr fd eza oh-my-posh
sudo systemctl enable pkgfile-update.timer
brew install coreutils gnu-sed gnu-which zsh git fzf direnv pipenv kubectx ripgrep bat gron git tree tldr fd eza oh-my-posh
/opt/homebrew/opt/fzf/install --key-bindings --completion --no-update-rc
git clone git@github.com:belminf/dotzsh.git ~/.zsh
make init
- Ctrl T: Find a file
- Ctrl R: Search history
- Ctrl Q: Push line till next prompt (e.g., forgot to run a different command first)
- Ctrl B: Copy what is on the command line buffer