From 2c57d72cf4228832ce2169034b011ea9ace04600 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sascha Greuel Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2020 00:16:14 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Added LoginRadius --- | 3 ++- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 8a97e4b..5d4a4fd 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ # Hacktoberfest 2020 Swag -[![GitHib](]( +[![GitHub](]( [![Web Version](;base64,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)]( [![Build Status](]( [![GitHub forks](]( @@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ In all of the hacktoberfest excitement, many companies want to join the celebrat | lakeFS | ![Shirt](icons/tshirt.png) ![Stickers](icons/stickers.png) | "1 PR on our [GitHub repo]( for a collection of stickers, 2 or more gets stickers and a lakeFS t-shirt 👕" | [Details]( | | LBRY | ![Shirt](icons/tshirt.png) | "A sweet LBRY sticker for 1 PR, T-shirt for a Good PR and 10,000 LBC for first PR of this month" | [Details]( (Verified 2019) | | | ![Shirt](icons/tshirt.png) | "To win a t-shirt, make 3 pull requests on API Platform's GitHub repositories by October 31st, and [then fill in this form]( ." | [Details]( (Verified 2019) | +| LoginRadius | ![Shirt](icons/tshirt.png) | "LoginRadius will be part of hacktoberfest and yes, we are here with some cool swags. We have got around 500 t-shirts for people contributing to our open source repositories." | [Details]( (Verified 2020) | | MayaData | ![Shirt](icons/tshirt.png) ![Stickers](icons/stickers.png) ![Laptop](icons/laptop.png) | "anyone who submits a pull request to one of our [github repos](" gets a 👕, BEST PR gets a 💻 | [Details]( (Verified 2019) | | Operation Code | ![Shirt](icons/tshirt.png) ![Stickers](icons/stickers.png) | "Resolve 3 issues and receive a white or black t-shirt! Merge 2 pull requests and receive stickers!" | [Details]( (Verified 2019) | | Opsdroid | ![Stickers](icons/stickers.png) | "Solve issues or improve documentation. 5–10 contributions is probably sticker worthy" | [Details]( (Verified 2019) |