All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Benchee 0.99 & 1.0.0 support
- BREAKING: data structures changed, no more
- it's all inrun_time_data
now under the keyssamples
to mirror the original benchee data structure.
- Benchee 0.14.0 support
- Added the serialization of memory usages
- Switched out the JSON library from poison to jason, this avoids inconsistent behaviour between poison 2.x and 3.x + is probably faster
- Compatibility with the tags and names of benchee 0.12
- benchee 0.10 compatibility
- You can now also specify the formatter as just
- Fixed broken typespec for
, thanks to @sasa1977's help
Benchee 0.8.0 compatibility, basic typespecs and droppinx elixir 1.2 support.
- General
method that can encode a benchee structure to JSON - just delegates to Poison atm but decouples other plugins from it.
- Relaxed
dependency to be just>= 1.4.0