- Requirement
- Introduction
- Files tree
- Installation
- Deployement :
- First step
- Second step
- Third step
- Fourth step
- API documentation
- Acknowledgement
You must have installed NODEJS :
ONLY tested on linux os
├── .gitignore
├── index.js // file used for deployement
├── package.json // list packages used by index.js
├── README.md
└── src
├── .bashrc // master file called by every bash instance, it contain's import of others files
├── .bashrc.d // directory for bash other scripts
│ ├── bashrc_aliases // bash alias contain's persistent alias
│ └── bashrc_prompt // contain's syntax coloration for terminal
├── .gitconfig // git main config file with every git alias, set up for accounts etc...
├── .git.d // directory for git other scripts
│ └── .git-completion.bash // allow git cmd completion
└── .nanorc // custom nano settings
this repository is usefull to deploy a basic configuration for git and bash terminal.
It will duplicate files from inside src/
and apply them on the user home ~/
You will have to provide a git user name and a email adress for the git configuration.
This repository will provide you with alias and git autocompletions and terminal coloration if you are in a git repository :
Just run the cmd bellow to init the project.
$ npm install
Now let just start import of this new configuration inside our home
$ npm run start
It will ask you to provide a name for git to be able to commit.
# Merci de remplir votre nom d'utilisateur git: <votre réponse ici>
It ask for your email now.
# merci de remplir votre email : <votre email ici>
We save the original .bashrc
and .gitconfig
under those names :
# création dun backup de /home/ben/.bashrc ------------> /home/ben/.bashrc.before.config.deployement.backup
# création d'un backup de /home/ben/.gitconfig ------------> /home/ben/.gitconfig.before.config.deployement.backup
We merge your .bashrc
backup and our new .bashrc
config and we add a split between.
#OLD/YOUR CONFIG END <--------------------------------------------------
#-----------------------------------------------------> NEW CONFIG START
To see every Alias available on the bash terminal just write inside a terminal this cmd:
$ alias
It contain every alias which will be avaible on bash terminals.
And the most important alias is the one to edit every aliases via nano
and reload bash source after edition.
Call this cmd inside a terminal:
$ EditAlias
It will also give your access to those alias :
#Git alias
alias gis='git status'
alias gap='git add -p'
alias gic='git commit -m'
alias gpush='git push origin '
# will show you a log with commmits and branches see exemple below
alias gog="git log --pretty=tformat:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --branches --graph"
alias return inside git repository :
thanks to Maxime Bréhin from Delicious insights for the perfect git formation which cover everything i needed to know about git! And for the knowledge provided on scripting.
thanks to Companeo for sending me to Delicious insights git formation.