This is a longer form explanation of a talk that I gave at the Brisbane FP Group. If you prefer talking and profuse hand gestures, you may want to check it out as well:
You don't need to run the code to follow along, but if you want to see things work / inspect types / tinker then you may want to set things up.
psql postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE opallib" && psql opallib -f setup.sql
cabal sandbox init
cabal install --only-dependencies
Before running the code, you'll need to edit the connectInfo hardcoded in:
To run all the queries, print the Queries and the output:
cabal run
To get a repl that you can inspect types and run things by hand:
cabal repl
And if you want to follow on with the database schema that we are working with, take a peek at the DB setup script.
Opaleye is an embedded DSL written in Haskell that generates SQL and runs it against a postgres database. It focuses on:
- Fine grained composability of query elements
- Being true to SQL and offering all of SQLs awesome features (joins, aggregations, etc)
- While maintaining a typesafe API that will not generate SQL that fails at runtime.
This is an awesome thing, because so many applications talk to databases it has always been saddening for me to get hit with the same old tradeoffs / problems:
- Raw SQL is easy but not safely composable
- Some DB APIs restrict what you can do so you lose valuable parts of SQL (joins,aggregations, etc)
- Some APIs need your data types constrained so much that it's impractical to use the library without giving up a lot of control to the libraries template haskell functions.
- You give up control over performance and can get very slow (albeit correct) queries.
- The API can still generate SQL that fails at runtime.
- Or even if it can do all of that, the density of the API and type errors make you angry and go back to one of the less-safe-but-easier options.
Opaleye comes achieves the goal of composable, typesafe SQL without any of these problems save for a moderate (but not impassable) learning curve.
It is super refreshing to be able to treat your SQL with the same dose of safe abstraction as the rest of your haskell code, and for that alone it's well worth diving in and trying it out for yourself! 😄
First we need to tell Opaleye what our tables and columns are. These table definitions form the starting point for our queries.
First we define a datatype with a hole record accessor and a type parameter for each column. This seems crazy at first, but it makes a lot of sense later!
data Book' a b = Book
{ _bookIsbn :: a
, _bookTitle :: b
} deriving Show
makeLenses ''Book'
We then make shorthand types for the database types (Columns) and the types that we want to end up with once we run our query.
type BookColumns = Book' IsbnColumn (Column PGText)
type Book = Book' Isbn Text
See Opaleye.PGTypes for the full list of column types.
We then line these columns up to a table and column names with a table definition.
makeAdaptorAndInstance "pBook" ''Book'
bookTable :: Table BookColumns BookColumns
bookTable = Table "book" $ pBook Book
{ _bookIsbn = pIsbn . Isbn $ required "isbn"
, _bookTitle = required "title"
See OpalLib.Book for the full code.
Note that this is the same thing as having a tuple except that we have names for each hole rather than 1,2,3,4,5.
type Book' a b = (a,b)
type BookColumns = (IsbnColumn,(Column PGText))
type Book = (Isbn,Text)
Except that Data.Profunctor.Product already has a product profunctor for tuples from 1-26 widths!
bookTable :: Table BookColums BookColumns
bookTable = Table "book" $ p2
( pIsbn . Isbn $ required "isbn"
, required "title"
This becomes really useful once we start joining and projecting on other columns as we can always use a tuple instead of making a type just for that set of return columns. It's really up to you and whether you're dealing with that set of columns enough to give them proper names (the names help!).
But what are these weird pBook / p2 things?
λ> :t pBook
:: Data.Profunctor.Product.ProductProfunctor p =>
Book' (p a1_0 a1_1) (p a2_0 a2_1)
-> p (Book' a1_0 a2_0) (Book' a1_1 a2_1)
The easiest way to think about profunctors is to specialise them to (->).
λ> :t pBook (Book (* 2) (++"bar"))
pBook (Book (* 2) (++"bar"))
:: Book' Int [Char] -> Book' Int [Char]
λ> pBook (Book (* 2) (++"bar")) (Book 2 "foo")
Book {_bookIsbn = 4, _bookTitle = "foobar"}
In essence, the product profunctor gives us the ability to run transformations on each column. Depending on the profunctor, we get a different transformation. There are a lot of different profunctors in use in Opaleye to reduce boilerplate:
- TableDefiniton: For constructing table definitions (you saw this just before!)
- Constant: for constructing a column literal from a haskell value
- QueryRunner: For going from a column to a haskell value when a query is run.
- Aggregate: Used for constructing aggregations on a set of columns.
- Etc.
We'll see more on these later! Don't worry, it'll start making more sense soon!
It would be counterproductive to our goals to just record the primary key of the table (in Book, this was ISBN) just as a PGInt8 as that would mean that when we are joining tables we could easily mess up and join the wrong PGInt8s together.
data Isbn' a = Isbn { unIsbn :: a } deriving Show
makeAdaptorAndInstance "pIsbn" ''Isbn'
type IsbnColumn = Isbn' (Column PGInt8)
type Isbn = Isbn' Int64
The annoying thing about this is that whenever you want to deal with the column there is some extra unwrapping in places that you don't actually want it. Like what we saw in the table definition:
bookTable = Table "book" . pBook $ Book
{ _bookIsbn = pIsbn . Isbn $ required "isbn"
, _bookTitle = required "title"
And it's also annoying once you start have the column be autoincrementing or nullable, but the extra safety when joining is definititely worth the clunkiness.
See these in full in OpalLib.Ids
When we saw the table definition, remember the weird thing where our table definition had two type parameters. We didn't use it for Books, but the first type parameter is for noting that some of the columns for insertion are optional because the database will default the value (sequence based id, etc.).
type PersonIdColumnMaybe = PersonId' (Maybe (Column PGInt4))
type PersonColumns = Person' PersonIdColumn (Column PGText)
type PersonInsertColumns = Person' PersonIdColumnMaybe (Column PGText)
type Person = Person' PersonId Text
personTable :: Table PersonInsertColumns PersonColumns
personTable = Table "person" $ pPerson Person
{ _personId = pPersonId . PersonId $ optional "id"
, _personName = required "name"
This means that later on when we insert we can pass in Nothing for the ID and have the database assign it for us.
See this in full in OpalLib.Person
Now that we have defined our tables, we need to start doing what we came here for: making SQL!
The queryTable takes a table definition and essentially creates a SELECT * FROM foo
query that you can build other queries from.
bookQuery :: Query BookColumns
bookQuery = queryTable bookTable
That query has all of the column names as the return type, so we have access to all of those columns to restrict and project.
The query generated looks like this:
SELECT "isbn0_1" as "result1_2",
"title1_1" as "result2_2"
FROM (SELECT "isbn" as "isbn0_1",
"title" as "title1_1"
FROM "book" as "T1") as "T1") as "T1"
Which is probably not how you'd write it, but with the wonders of the Postgres Query planner it should be more or less the same performance as the ideal SQL. There are plans to improve the query generator over time so that it can get closer to the ideal SQL that you'd expect, but correctness is an overruling goal. Tom makes the claim that if your query is being generated in a way that is significantly slower than the ideal SQL, that is considered a bug and he'll do what he can to optimise that case.
So we have two main building blocks for Opaleye.
- Columns: An individual SQL expression used in restrictions or projections. This comes in three main forms:
- Column Reference: the columns that our output from queryTable
- Literals: A literal value in the SQL (e.g.
pgStrictText "foo" :: Column PGText
which corresponds to a 'foo' in the actual SQL) - Compound expressions: E.g.
(b^.bookTitle .== pgStrictText "foo") :: Column PGBool
- Queries: A fully runnable SQL query. Can be joined to other queries.
(There's also a QueryArr input output
which is a query but is not runnable because it requires input first, but more on that later! :) )
Opaleye contains many different ways to run queries, which are defined in:
The main one that we want is:
runQuery :: Default QueryRunner columns haskells => Connection -> Query columns -> IO [haskells]
Which looks scary, but reads:
Give me a DB connection and a Query of columns, and so long as there is a way to convert columns to the haskell values, I'll run the query against the database and give you back the haskell values.
You guessed it! QueryRunner is a ProductProfunctor, so as long as you've got a transformation between each column and the haskell type then it'll all just work.
Lets see it in action:
type IsbnColumn = Isbn' (Column PGInt8)
type BookColumns = Book' IsbnColumn (Column PGText)
type Isbn = Isbn' Int64
type Book = Book' Isbn Text
booksAll :: Connection -> IO Book
booksAll c = runQuery c (queryTable bookTable)
This works because there is a QueryRunnerColumnDefault PGInt8 Int64
QueryRunnerColumnDefault PGText Text
and the makeAdaptorAndInstance
defined a productprofunctor instance for Book that allows haskell to glue all of
those smaller transformations together.
To see which QueryRunnerColumnDefault instances there are, take a look at this list of instances here:
Because of this type magic, it is always advised to have type signatures on your functions that are actually running the query and returning haskell values. You'll see this all over OpalLib.
Also, in OpalLib the running of the query is slightly different:
booksAll :: CanOpaleye c e m => m [Book]
booksAll = liftQuery bookQuery
Which uses the monad transformer versions of the RunQuery functions. These are defined in a library that I wrote called Opaleye.Classy. Use of this is completely optional but I find it easier than threading the Connection through and having exceptions thrown in my applications.
Lets query a book based on its ISBN.
findBookByIsbnQ :: IsbnColumn -> Query BookColumns
findBookByIsbnQ isbn = proc () -> do
b <- bookQuery -< ()
restrict -< unIsbn (b^.bookIsbn) .== unIsbn isbn
returnA -< b
Lets ignore this funky syntax for now and focus on what's happening:
- We start with all books
- Then restrict them to only the ones which have an Isbn that matches our input.
- We return the books that we found.
Generated SQL:
SELECT "isbn0_1" as "result1_2",
"title1_1" as "result2_2"
FROM (SELECT "isbn" as "isbn0_1",
"title" as "title1_1"
FROM "book" as "T1") as "T1"
WHERE (("isbn0_1") = 9781593272838)) as "T1"
Then to run the query and return a book if there is one:
findBookByIsbn :: CanOpaleye c e m => Isbn -> m (Maybe Book)
findBookByIsbn = liftQueryFirst . findBookByIsbnQ . constant
The function constant is defined in (Opaleye.Constant)[] as
constant :: Default Constant haskells columns => haskells -> columns
Constant is the opposite of QueryRunnerDefault. It goes from a haskell value to a literal column(s). Here we are turning the Isbn with a haskell Int64 inside it to a Isbn' (Column PGInt8).
More info in OpalLib.Book.
We don't need to get into the nitty gritty details of arrows but it is worthwhile noting some points.
The query generation is purposefully not a monad and that is (at least my intuition) because the arbitrary nesting of monadic computation gets you into trouble by allowing you to refer to things that aren't actually valid any more (because they are in a subquery and weren't projected/aggregated out of the query, etc).
The main thing to note about arrows is that they are much more like Applicative in that the computation branches out but doesn't nest (no join), so things only flow from one context to the other.
In the arrow syntax, the arrow has Input, does some work with that input (or variable in scope out of the arrow comprehension entirely) and produces an output. That means that each arrow has complete control over what columns further queries can see and use later on down the track, which gives us a lot of our safety!
Side note, Query is just an alias for a QueryArr with no input:
type Query a = QueryArr () a
And if none of that makes sense, just know that you can safely treat Arrow notation just like a monadic do. You'll eventually realise this is a lie when you get a "Variable x is not defined" error when you try and use a bound output in an arrow body, but by that time you'll have enough other understanding that it'll click at that point. 😄
Remember that the only real restriction we have on the output of our query is that it is a product profunctor (and that isn't even required if you are prepared to specify the transformations explicitly!), so you're not limited to always returning your table object. You're free to return tuples or just a single column.
bookTitlesQuery :: Query (Column PGText)
bookTitlesQuery = proc () -> do
b <- bookQuery -< ()
returnA -< b^.bookTitle
bookTitles :: CanOpaleye c e m => m [Text]
bookTitles = liftQuery bookTitlesQuery
SELECT "title1_1" as "result1_2"
FROM (SELECT "isbn" as "isbn0_1",
"title" as "title1_1"
FROM "book" as "T1") as "T1") as "T1"
Joins are as simple as putting two tables in your arrow comprehension and restricting them as appropriate.
booksWithKeywordQuery :: Column PGText -> Query BookColumns
booksWithKeywordQuery kw = proc () -> do
b <- bookQuery -< ()
k <- bookKeywordQuery -< ()
restrict -< b^ unIsbn .== k^ unIsbn
restrict -< k^.bookKeywordKeyword .== kw
returnA -< b
SELECT "isbn0_1" as "result1_3",
"title1_1" as "result2_3"
FROM (SELECT "isbn" as "isbn0_1",
"title" as "title1_1"
FROM "book" as "T1") as "T1",
(SELECT "book_isbn" as "book_isbn0_2",
"keyword" as "keyword1_2"
FROM "book_keyword" as "T1") as "T2"
WHERE (("keyword1_2") = E'Programming') AND (("isbn0_1") = ("book_isbn0_2"))) as "T1"
But the above example would get clunky if you had to join to keyword lots. Lets refactor it out so that we can reuse it elsewhere.
booksWithKeywordQuery :: Column PGText -> Query BookColumns
booksWithKeywordQuery kw = proc () -> do
b <- bookQuery -< ()
k <- bookKeywordJoin -< (b)
restrict -< k .== kw
returnA -< b
bookKeywordJoin :: QueryArr BookColumns (Column PGText)
bookKeywordJoin = proc (b) -> do
k <- bookKeywordQuery -< ()
restrict -< b^ unIsbn .== k^ unIsbn
returnA -< k^.bookKeywordKeyword
And if we are restricting lots based on keywords we can even make that part reusable:
:: Column PGText
-> QueryArr BookColumns (Column PGText)
bookRestrictedByKeyword kw = proc (b) -> do
k <- bookKeywordJoin -< b
restrict -< k .== kw
returnA -< k
booksWithKeywordQuery :: Column PGText -> Query BookColumns
booksWithKeywordQuery kw = proc () -> do
b <- bookQuery -< ()
bookRestrictedByKeyword kw -< b
returnA -< b
So we clearly see that we can yank out pretty much any part of our query and safely abstract it as we please. Awesome!
More info in OpalLib.Book.
Generating queries is great, but we are going to need to insert and change data at some point! We'll experiment with this by writing a function to loan accessions (an copy of a book) out.
See OpalLib.Loan for the full code.
:: CanOpaleye c e m
=> AccessionId
-> PersonId
-> UTCTime
-> UTCTime
-> m LoanId
borrow aId pId b d =
fmap head $ liftInsertReturning loanTable (^.loanId) $ Loan
{ _loanId = LoanId Nothing
, _loanPersonId = constant pId
, _loanAccessionId = constant aId
, _loanBorrowed = constant b
, _loanDue = constant d
, _loanReturned = null
Lets break this down from right to left:
- We create a Loan to insert with a default id and a null returned date
- We insert that into the loan table returning the new id
- We are only every gonna get one and only one of them but liftInsertReturning returns a list; so fix that. 😉
Generates the SQL that you'd expect:
INSERT INTO loan (id,person_id,accession_id,borrowed,due,returned)
VALUES (null,1,1,'2015-08-01','2015-09-01',null)
loanReturn :: CanOpaleye c e m => LoanId -> UTCTime -> m ()
loanReturn lId r = void $ liftUpdate loanTable
( (loanId %~ pLoanId (LoanId Just))
. (loanReturned .~ toNullable (constant r))
(\ l -> l^ unLoanId .== unLoanId (constant lId))
From right to left:
- Updating the loan table where the id = the input loan
- The 2nd argument to liftUpdate is a function from LoanColumns -> LoanInsertColumns so we have to wrap the current loan id in Just as well as set the returned date that we wanted to do.
and (.~)
are lens functions that modify the current value with
a function and set the current value to a constant (respectively). To learn
more, delve into the wonderful world of lens
Aggregation is one of the things that make SQL an awesome reporting / data processing language. And the fact that opaleye manages to offer all the aggregate functions without sacrificing any type safety is really the cream on the cake of this awesome DSL. 😄
Lets start off with a simple count of accessions.
accessionsForBookQuery :: IsbnColumn -> Query (AccessionIdColumn,BookColumns)
accessionsForBookQuery isbn = proc () -> do
t <- accessionsWithBookQuery -< ()
restrict -< t^ unIsbn .== unIsbn isbn
returnA -< t
accessionCountForBookQuery :: IsbnColumn -> Query (Column PGInt8)
accessionCountForBookQuery =
aggregate count . fmap (^ unAccessionId) . accessionsForBookQuery
aggregate takes an Aggregate a and a Query a, and is a product profunctor so if there are more than one columns you can supply and aggregate function for each hole with an appropriate pAccession or pN call.
Also don't forget that Querys are Functors so we can just fmap the result rather
than breaking out into arrow syntax. They are also Profunctors,Applicatives and
even Categories (you can compose them e.g. QueryArr a b -> QueryArr b c -> QueryArr a c
). Isn't haskell awesome?!?
Generated SQL:
SELECT "result0_3" as "result1_4"
FROM (SELECT COUNT("id0_1") as "result0_3"
FROM (SELECT "id" as "id0_1",
"book_isbn" as "book_isbn1_1"
FROM "accession" as "T1") as "T1",
(SELECT "isbn" as "isbn0_2",
"title" as "title1_2"
FROM "book" as "T1") as "T2"
WHERE (("isbn0_2") = 9781593272838) AND (("book_isbn1_1") = ("isbn0_2"))) as "T1"
GROUP BY COALESCE(0)) as "T1") as "T1"
Now to group by is as simple as returning multiple columns and grouping by the ones that you want.
accessionCountsForKeywordQuery :: Query (Column PGText,Column PGInt8)
accessionCountsForKeywordQuery =
orderBy (desc (^._2)) . aggregate (p2 (groupBy,count)) $ proc () -> do
(aId,b) <- accessionsWithBookQuery -< ()
k <- bookKeywordJoin -< b
returnA -< (k,aId^.to unAccessionId)
SELECT "result0_4" as "result1_5",
"result1_4" as "result2_5"
FROM (SELECT "keyword1_3" as "result0_4",
COUNT("id0_1") as "result1_4"
FROM (SELECT "id" as "id0_1",
"book_isbn" as "book_isbn1_1"
FROM "accession" as "T1") as "T1",
(SELECT "isbn" as "isbn0_2",
"title" as "title1_2"
FROM "book" as "T1") as "T2",
(SELECT "book_isbn" as "book_isbn0_3",
"keyword" as "keyword1_3"
FROM "book_keyword" as "T1") as "T3"
WHERE (("isbn0_2") = ("book_isbn0_3")) AND (("book_isbn1_1") = ("isbn0_2"))) as "T1"
GROUP BY "keyword1_3") as "T1") as "T1"
ORDER BY "result1_4" DESC NULLS FIRST) as "T1") as "T1"
There are lots of other aggregate functions defined in Opaleye.Aggregate:
- sum
- avg
- max
- min
- boolOr (any)
- boolAnd (all)
- arrayAgg (Column a -> Column (PGArray a))
- stringAgg (array_to_string)
Pagination is a very common thing that otherwise needs lots of repetition or ugly hacks. Wouldn't it be great if you you write it once for any query and repeat easily compose it into any query?
Lets define our pagination input and results.
data Pagination = Pagination
{ _paginationPage :: Int
, _paginationWidth :: Int
makeLenses ''Pagination
data PaginationResults a = PaginationResults
{ _paginationResultsPage :: Int
, _paginationResultsWidth :: Int
, _paginationResultsMaxPage :: Int64
, _paginationResultsRows :: [a]
} deriving (Show,Functor)
makeLenses ''PaginationResults
We can simply limit and offset any Query a with functions from opaleye:
paginateQuery :: Pagination -> Query a -> Query a
paginateQuery (Pagination p w) = limit w . offset ((p-1) * w)
And we know how to count a column, so we can count any query if we have a way to get a countable column from it.
countQuery :: (a -> Column i) -> Query a -> Query (Column PGInt8)
countQuery getId = aggregate count . fmap getId
And then gluing these together into grab the current page and the full total is a piece of cake.
:: (CanOpaleye c e m, Default QueryRunner a b)
=> Pagination
-> (a -> Column i)
-> Query a
-> m (PaginationResults b)
paginate p getId q = paginationResults p
<$> liftQueryFirst (countQuery getId q)
<*> liftQuery (paginateQuery p q)
Mixing this into a query is easy.
:: CanOpaleye c e m
=> Pagination
-> Text
-> m (PaginationResults Book)
booksWithKeywordPaginated p
= paginate p (^ unIsbn) . booksWithKeywordQuery . constant
-- The old version was : booksWithKeywordQuery . constant
See OpalLib.Pagination for the full story and OpalLib.Book for the paginated book call.
The most hideous part of many a webapps is usually some search or report that has to configurably search on different fields. Lets give this a whirl in OpalLib.
Our search terms:
data Search = Search
{ _searchTitle :: Maybe Text
, _searchKeywords :: [Text]
, _searchAvailableOnly :: Bool
makeLenses ''Search
First we are going to need a gnarly left join to the Loan table to get a nullable due date (if there is a current loan against the accession).
accessionWithDueDateQuery :: Query (AccessionIdColumn,BookColumns,Column (Nullable PGTimestamptz))
accessionWithDueDateQuery = fmap project
. leftJoin accessionsWithBookQuery loanQuery
$ \ ((a,_),l) ->
unAccessionId a .== l^ unAccessionId
.&& loanOutstanding l
project :: ((AccessionIdColumn,BookColumns),LoanColumnsNullable)
-> (AccessionIdColumn,BookColumns,Column (Nullable PGTimestamptz))
project = (\ ((a,b),l) -> (a,b,l^.loanDue))
Then do query full of all of the accession ids and array of keywords:
:: Search
-> Query (AccessionIdColumn,Column (PGArray PGText))
searchAccessionIdQuery s = aggregate agg $ proc () -> do
(a,b,l) <- accessionWithDueDateQuery -< ()
k <- bookKeywordJoin -< b
restrictMaybe likeTitle (s^.searchTitle) -< b
restrict -< bool (constant True) (isNull l) (s^.searchAvailableOnly)
restrictMaybe (\ k kws -> in_ (constant <$> kws) k) (nonEmpty $ s^.searchKeywords) -< k
returnA -< (a,k)
agg = p2 (pAccessionId $ AccessionId groupBy, arrayAgg)
likeTitle b t = (b^.bookTitle) `like` (constant $ "%" <> t <> "%")
Granted that could use a healthy dose of refactoring and be prettier. We also see Arrows get in the way of reaching for standard tools like traverse_ (this may still be my inexperience with Arrows, mind you) and writing our own combinators like restrictMaybe, but it is still nice to see such a messy thing possible in Opaleye.
Then we can easily get back the accessionId,book,due date and keywords reusing a lot of stuff.
searchQuery :: Search -> Query SearchResultColumns
searchQuery s = proc () -> do
(a,b,l) <- accessionWithDueDateQuery -< ()
(aId,kws) <- searchAccessionIdQuery s -< ()
restrict -< unAccessionId aId .== unAccessionId a
returnA -< SearchResult a b kws l
And hey, we can even paginate it without a hassle:
:: CanOpaleye c e m
=> Pagination
-> Search
-> m (PaginationResults SearchResult)
searchPaginated p s = paginate p
(^ unAccessionId)
(searchQuery s)
Boom! 😉
Details in OpalLib.Search
I've talked about the good parts, but there are a number of bits that have room for improvement in Opaleye.
These could be my inexperience or they could be just be because someone hasn't needed them yet. Given that opaleye is still pretty young I'm sure some of these have some clever fixes and it's just the case that it's waiting for someone to do it.
Nothing out of the box checks the schema on boot of your programing / in test cases, so if your tables aren't there or you messed up the table/column names your stuff will break at runtime.
A really cool thing would be something that you could give a list of tables to and it'd go and check that the tables actually line up. Something that you could do when your app started up so it could squawk if the DB wasn't using the right schema before it goes live.
There is no function equivalent to NOW(),date_trunc or any of the date functions. They are easy to write though:
now :: Column PGTimestamptz
now = C.Column (HPQ.FunExpr "now" [])
Nor is there any support for infinite timestamps (Unbounded in pg-simple) or intervals.
There is also no nice way to compare dates and timestamps without ugly coercion. It needs some love like what already exists for PGOrd.
It's sometimes easy to introduce joins to many relationships that blow up the number of results that you're expecting back.
It would kinda be nice to have relationships modelable so that you could get an idea of the cardinality in the types, but I think that would break the simplicity of things.
Wrapping things in newtypes introduces some extra ceremony with the product profunctor parts where we don't necessarily need the extra hassle. It's minor compared to the gains though.
Also, the template haskell for makeAdaptorAndInstance won't accept a newtype, so you have to pay the runtime price of a full blown datatype with a single constructor.
It's really easy to bust up an insert / update if the Text exceeds the VARCHAR length. It'd be nice if there was a way to make this more explicit in the types.
With the like operator, it's a bit weird that it takes a raw PGText. It means you'd have to remember to escape % signs in user input yourself, which seems like it could be better.
But why would you do that? 😉
Btw; there appears to be an sqlite version in the pipeline.
Core concepts:
- Table: Sources the table name, column names, insert column types and read column types.
- Column: An expression inside an SQL query (Literal,ColumnName,Compound Expression)
- Query o: A query that we can either join to another query, restrict or run on the database. to do its bit.
- ProductProfunctor: Magic sauce for transforming each column in a record or tuple. Depending on the profunctor, lots of different things can be done (UnpackSpec,Constant,Aggregation,etc.).
Take away points:
- It's a DSL that looks and feels like SQL without having anything missing.
- It composes awesomely and safely,
- And there aren't a lot of ways that it can go wrong at runtime.
- While you have to learn profunctors along the way, it's still pretty digestable.
- Even if you don't interact with SQL/Postgres it's still a nice case study in how useful haskell can be!
Thanks for following along!
Thanks to [](Tom Ellis) for the lovely library and all the hard work that others have done on HaskellDB (a precursor to Opaleye).
My learning wouldn't have been possible without reading the opaleye tutorial first. You can find that from the opaleye github repository's readme file.