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Working with users Pull Request (PR) on Github

How to fork a repository and submitting a PR, see my forking procedure

Accepting and merging a PR.

This procedure is written from the perspective of the original repository owner who is handling an incoming pull request. The forker was referring to the original repository as upstream. Here we view it as the owner of the original repository and, the standard origin remote.

Testing PR

Open up the .git/config file and add a new line under [remote "origin"]:

    fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/pull/origin/*

Fetch and checkout any pull request so that you can test them:

    # Fetch all pull request branches
    git fetch origin

    # Checkout out a given pull request branch based on its number (#123)
    git checkout -b 123 pull/origin/123

These branches are read only and, thus it is not possible to push any changes.

Automatically merging a PR

Simple fast-forward merges, is automatically done with the button on the pull request page on GitHub.

Manually merging a PR

To merge manually, checkout the target branch in the source repo, then pull directly from the fork, and finally merge and push.

    # Checkout the branch you're merging to in the target repo
    git sw2 master

    # Pull the development branch from the fork repo where the pull request development was done.
    git pull issue-with-xxx

    # Merge the development branch (fast-forward)
    git mef issue-with-xxx

    # Push master with the new feature merged into it
    git push origin master

Delete the development branch. Git alias 'dbr' expands to 'branch -d'.

    git dbr issue-with-xxx

Used Git aliases configuration

My '~/.gitconfig' when I'm working with git.

            ui = auto
            editor = /bin/nano
            com = commit
            sta = status
            sw2 = checkout
            nbr = checkout -b
            vhi = log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(Yellow)%d%Creset%s%Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative
            vbr = branch -a
            vre = remote -v
            vdi = diff --staged
            dbr = branch -d
            mer = merge --no-ff
            mef = merge --ff-only
            save = !git add -A && git commit -m 'SAVEPOINT'

            name = berrak
            email =
            defaultBranch = master