My way of writing TypeScript might be a little bit too much, but there are a couple of reasons I am proceeding like this.
- Faster accomodation for everybody:
- people that are coming from true OOP languages are having some hard times understanding the OOP available in scripting languages
- tracking the code in both IDEs and code editors is much easier (you can find usages, one-time rename event etc.)
- Given the fact that this aims to be a boilerplate, the code must follow some strict rules in terms of coding standards. From my past experience: if you don't impose a style from scratch, you will have a lot of bad time in the future when multiple people will develop on that project.
* Imports
* - Always destructure the imports.
* - Always chop down imports
* - Modules are ordered alphabetically
* - Imported members are ordered alphabetically
* - There should be only three types of imports: node_modules, imports following paths mappings, relative imports
/** 1. node_modules imports */
import {
} from '@stencil/core';
import {
} from '@stencil/redux';
* 2. Imports following paths mapping in tsconfig.json
* - mimic packages and namespaces
import autobind from '~decorators/autobind';
/** 3. Relative imports */
import {
} from './app-something.interface';
tag: 'app-something', /** Always prefix the components with "app-" */
styleUrl: 'app-something.pcss' /** The stylesheet file should be named exactly like the components */
export default class AppSomething {
* 1. Internal Props (context and connect)
* - ordering: alphabetically
* - initial value: never
* - naming: identically with the context/connect name
* - modifier: private
context: 'store'
private store: Store;
* 2. Public Properties
* - ordering: naturally
* - initial value: always
* - naming: following the guidelines
* - modifier: public
public content: string = '';
public message: AppSomethingMessage = '';
* 3. Self-controlled State Items
* - ordering: naturally
* - initial value: always
* - naming: following the guidelines
* - modifier: private
private isValidated: boolean;
* 4. Binded State Items
* - ordering: naturally
* - initial value: never
* - naming: following the guidelines
* - modifier: private
private isValidatedRedux: boolean;
* 5. HTML Element Instance
* - ordering: -
* - initial value: never
* - naming: HTML(ClassName)Element
* - modifier: public or private
private $element: HTMLAppSomethingElement;
* 6. Own Properties
* - ordering: naturally
* - initial value: always
* - naming: following the guidelines
* - modifier: private
private num: number = 0;
private $appOtherReference: HTMLAppOtherElement = null;
* 7. Watchers
* - ordering: same as corresponding props
* - naming: (prop)ChangeHandler
* - modifier: protected
* - param types: same as corresponding prop
* - return type: always
* - preceeded by directly-tied methods
protected messageChangeHandler(newValue: AppSomethingMessage, oldValue: AppSomethingMessage): void {
private updateState(): void {
protected contentChangeHandler(newValue: AppSomethingMessage, oldValue: AppSomethingMessage): void {
* 8. Component lifecycle Eventsd
* - ordering: naturally
* - naming: component(Will/Did)(Load/Update/Unload)
* - modifier: protected
* - param types: -
* - return type: void
* - preceeded by directly-tied methods
protected componentWillLoad(): void {
console.log('The component is about to be rendered');
protected componentDidLoad(): void {
console.log('The component has been rendered');
protected componentWillUpdate(): void {
console.log('The component will update');
protected componentDidUpdate(): void {
console.log('The component did update');
protected componentDidUnload(): void {
console.log('The view has been removed from the DOM');
* 9. Listeners
* - ordering: naturally
* - naming: component(event)Handler
* - modifier: protected
* - param types: always
* - return type: void
* - preceeded by directly-tied methods
@Listen('click', {
enabled: false
protected componentClickHandler(ev: UIEvent): void {
* 10. Public Methods API
* - ordering: naturally
* - naming: following the guidelines
* - modifier: public
* - param types: always
* - return type: always
* - preceeded by directly-tied methods
public open(): void {
public close(): void {
* 11. Other Local methods
* - ordering: naturally
* - naming: following the guidelines
* - modifier: private
* - param types: always
* - return type: always
* - preceeded by directly-tied methods
private prepareAnimation(): void {
* 12. hostData() Method
* - ordering: -
* - naming: hostData
* - modifier: protected
* - param types: -
* - return type: JSXElements.(ClassName)Attributes
* - preceeded by directly-tied methods
protected hostData(): JSXElements.AppSomethingAttributes {
return {
class: {
'message active': this.content.length > 0
* 12. Methods directly-tied to render()
* - ordering: naturally
* - naming: render(Element) | (element)(event)Handler | following the guidelines
* - modifier: protected
* - param types: always
* - return type: always
* - preceeded by directly-tied methods
* - use autobind instead of arrow functions
private messageLabelClickHandler(evt: UIEvent): void {
private renderMessage(): JSX.Element[] {
return [
<spa onClick={this.messageLabelClickHandler}>Message:</span>
* 13. render() Method
* - ordering: -
* - naming: render
* - modifier: protected
* - param types: -
* - return type: always
* - preceeded by directly-tied methods
protected render(): JSX.Element {
return (
<div class='menu-inner page-inner'>