- Ahmar Jamal (Population Analysis)
- Bhavini Vyas (Crime Analysis)
- Mark Findley (Property price Analysis)
Austin crime relationship to home prices by zipcodes 2015-2018 along with seperate analysis of property price, population and crime.
* H-Null: There is no relationship between crime and housing prices. If crime increases within zipcode, housing price doesn't decrease in that specific zipcode.
* H-Alt: An increase in crimes, over a period, will negatively impact home prices in an Austin zip code. Conversely, a decrease in crime, over a period, will positively impact home prices in an Austin zip code.
- Does housing price impact by the raise of crime in Austin?
- Which zipcode having more crime and which one having less?
- Which are the zipcodes where crime decreases over the period of time and visa versa.
- How are violent and property crime changing over the period of four year 2015 to 2018?
- Which month having more crime and which month has less crime?
- Which zipcode has highest %change increase in median home price?
- US Cencus Data (Pupulation by zipcode)
- MLS listing data (zipcode, listing date, listing price)
- austintexas.gov (zipcode, crime type, occurance date)
- Get Datasets for Austin Crime, population and housing price.
- Clean the datasets. Keep only data between year 2015 to 2018.
- Breakdown & Analyze Data Sets.
- Property Analysis
- Plot the map showing %change increase in median home price.
- Populatin Anlysis
- Plot the map showing change in population from 2015 to 2018 by zipcode.
- Crime Analysis
- Get total crime (2015-2018) per 1000 population by zipcode.
- Plot map showingList zipcodes with 5 highest and 5 lowest crime.
- Get the %change in crime from year 2015 to 2018.
- Plot map showing the percentage change in crime (from 2015 to 2018) for every zipcode.
- Plot map showing crime analysis by zipcode on heatmap with symbol marker.
- Seperate the dataset based on violent and property crime.
- Get the percentage change of violent crime year by year.
- Plot the map showing how violent and property crime changes year by year over the period of four year.
- Plot the map showing violent and property crime by month.
- Plot the map showing crime by day.
- Crime Vs Property Price Analysis
- Plot the map showing the relation between %change in crime vs %change in property price.
- Find if there is any corelation between %change in crime Vs % change in property price.
- Pandas
- Matplotlib, Google Map API for Visualization
- Python with Json for cencus and austintexas.gov API
Since the p-value is greater than .05, it supports the null hypothesis and rejects our hypothesis that there is a correlation between crime and property value in Austin zipcodes.
Currently, it does not appear that crime data has a significant influence on home prices in Austin.
Other factors such as neighborhood location, schools, walkability, neighborhood character, property taxes and long-term value may be more important.
Overall, Austin is not a particularly violent city. This study might lend itself better to cities where violent crime is a major problem like Chicago.
Zipcode with five highest and five lowest number of crime per 1000 population over four years 2015 to 2018.
ZipCode | No Of Crime per 1000 population |
78730 | 25 |
78725 | 26 |
78739 | 28 |
78717 | 43 |
78747 | 46 |
78723 | 241 |
78702 | 289 |
78742 | 298 |
78719 | 373 |
78701 | 1072 |
- Zipcode with 5 highest and 5 lowest % change in crime over four years 2015 to 2018.
ZipCode | %Change in Crime (per 1000 Population) |
78739 | -42.22 |
78719 | -32.82 |
78747 | -31.60 |
78705 | -29.60 |
78753 | -24.59 |
78727 | 17.17 |
78729 | 19.21 |
78717 | 29.36 |
78730 | 62.77 |
78742 | 111.69 |
- %Change in Violent Crime is getting reduced while %Change in Property Crime is getting increased over the four year from 2015 to 2018.
- From 2017 to 2018, Violent crime has been decreased by 5%, while Property crime has been increased by 7%.
- February is the month with lowest crimes. October is the month with comparatively high crime based on four year total crime.
- %change in median housing price for all zipcode increases over the period of four year 2015-2018.