Models can be trained using standard functionalities of espnet. The modified
version of the code offered here automatically saves the randomly initialized
model before training under exp/<exp_name>/results/model.acc.init
Alternatively, the models used to generate the results from [1] (random and
pretrained) can be downloaded from here. The trained model correspond to
the large transformer model with specaug described in
The random model is the non trained version of the same model.
Once you have the models, the activations can easily be extracted by running:
./ \
--decode_config conf/tuning/decode_pytorch_transformer_large.yaml \
--tag phonemerepr
After the script ends, the activation files can be found under the experiment
folder (exp/train_960_pytorch_phonemerepr
). Alternatively, the activation
files obtained from the models used in [1] are available
[1] Chrupała, Grzegorz, Bertrand Higy, and Afra Alishahi. “Analyzing Analytical Methods: The Case of Phonology in Neural Models of Spoken Language.” In Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Seattle, WA, USA: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2020.