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tdanford committed Nov 26, 2014
2 parents e2c74f0 + bcc0dec commit 050a31c
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Showing 5 changed files with 621 additions and 1 deletion.
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Expand Up @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ object ReferenceRegion {
case class ReferenceRegion(referenceName: String, start: Long, end: Long) extends Ordered[ReferenceRegion] with Interval {

assert(start >= 0)
assert(end > start)
assert(end >= start)

def width: Long = end - start

Expand Down
237 changes: 237 additions & 0 deletions adam-core/src/main/scala/org/bdgenomics/adam/rdd/Coverage.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
* Licensed to Big Data Genomics (BDG) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The BDG licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.bdgenomics.adam.rdd

import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import scala.math._
import org.bdgenomics.adam.models.{ SequenceDictionary, ReferenceRegion }
import PairingRDD._

* A base is 'covered' by a region set if any region in the set contains the base itself.
* The 'coverage regions' of a region set are the unique, disjoint, non-adjacent,
* minimal set of regions which contain every covered base, and no bases which are not covered.
* The Coverage class calculates the coverage regions for a given region set.
* @param window A parameter (which should be a positive number) that determines the parallelism
* which Coverage uses to calculate the coverage regions -- larger window sizes
* indicate less parallelism, but also fewer subsequent passes.
class Coverage(val window: Long) extends Serializable {

require(window > 0)

type Region = ReferenceRegion

* The primary method.
* Calling findCoverageRegions calculates (as an RDD) the coverage regions for a given
* RDD of input regions.
* @param coveringRegions The input regions whose coverage regions are to be calculated
* @return an RDD containing the ReferenceRegions corresponding to the coverage regions
* of the input set 'coveringRegions'
def findCoverageRegions(coveringRegions: RDD[ReferenceRegion]): RDD[ReferenceRegion] = {

// First, map each input region to a window
val windowKeyedRegions: RDD[(Region, Region)] = coveringRegions.flatMap(regionToWindows)

// Then, within each window, calculate the coverage regions. This complete list
// might contain pairs of regions that are adjacent (i.e. adjacent at the window
// boundaries), therefore we ...
val possiblyAdjacent: RDD[Region] = windowKeyedRegions.groupByKey().flatMap {
case (window: Region, cRegions: Iterable[Region]) =>

// ... collapse the adjacent regions down into single contiguous regions.

* Uses the fixed window-width to key each Region by the corresponding window Region
* to which it belongs (through overlap). Since a Region can overlap several windows,
* there may be >1 value in the resulting Seq.
* @param region An input Region which is to be keyed to 1 or more windows.
* @return A Seq of Region pairs, where the first element of each pair is one of the windows
* (of fixed-width) and the second element is the input Region
def regionToWindows(region: ReferenceRegion): Seq[(Region, Region)] = {
val windowStart = region.start / window
val windowEnd = region.end / window

(windowStart to windowEnd).map {
case (widx: Long) =>
val wstart = widx * window
val wend = wstart + window
val wRegion = ReferenceRegion(region.referenceName, wstart, wend)
val clippedRegion = ReferenceRegion(region.referenceName, max(wstart, region.start), min(wend, region.end))
(wRegion, clippedRegion)

def isAdjacent(r1: Region, r2: Region): Boolean =
r1.referenceName == r2.referenceName && r1.end == r2.start

def regionOrdering(r1: Region, r2: Region): Int = r1.compareTo(r2)

def optionOrdering(or1: Option[Region], or2: Option[Region]): Int =
(or1, or2) match {
case (None, None) => 0
case (None, Some(r2)) => -1
case (Some(r1), None) => 1
case (Some(r1), Some(r2)) => r1.compareTo(r2)

case class OrientedPoint(chrom: String, pos: Long, polarity: Boolean) extends Ordered[OrientedPoint] with Serializable {
override def compare(that: OrientedPoint): Int = {
if (chrom != that.chrom) {
} else {
val c1 =
if (c1 != 0) {
} else {
// we actually want the *reverse* ordering from the Java Boolean.compareTo
// function!
// c.f.

* This is a helper function for findCoverageRegions -- basically, it takes a set
* of input ReferenceRegions, it finds all pairs of regions that are adjacent to each
* other (i.e. pairs (r1, r2) where r1.end == r2.start and r1.referenceName == r2.referenceName),
* and it collapses all such adjacent regions into single contiguous regions.
* @param regions The input regions set; we assume that this input set is non-overlapping
* (that no two regions in the input set overlap each other)
* @return The collapsed set of regions -- no two regions in the returned RDD should be
* adjacent, all should be at least one base-pair apart (or on separate
* chromosomes).
def collapseAdjacent(regions: RDD[Region]): RDD[Region] = {

val pairs = regions.sortBy(p => p).pairWithEnds()

val points: RDD[OrientedPoint] = pairs.flatMap {
case (None, Some(region)) =>
Seq(OrientedPoint(region.referenceName, region.start, true))
case (Some(region), None) =>
Seq(OrientedPoint(region.referenceName, region.end, false))
case (Some(r1), Some(r2)) =>
if (isAdjacent(r1, r2)) {
} else {
OrientedPoint(r1.referenceName, r1.end, false),
OrientedPoint(r2.referenceName, r2.start, true))
val paired = points.pair()
val pairedAndFiltered = paired.filter(p =>
p._1.chrom == p._2.chrom && p._1.polarity && p._2.pos - p._1.pos >= 0) {
case (p1: OrientedPoint, p2: OrientedPoint) => ReferenceRegion(p1.chrom, p1.pos, p2.pos)

def getAllWindows(sc: SparkContext, dict: SequenceDictionary): RDD[ReferenceRegion] = {

val chromRegions: RDD[ReferenceRegion] = sc.parallelize( {
case seqRecord =>
ReferenceRegion(, 0, seqRecord.length)

val windowRegions: RDD[ReferenceRegion] = chromRegions.flatMap {
case chromRegion =>
(0 until chromRegion.length().toInt by window.toInt).map { start =>
ReferenceRegion(chromRegion.referenceName, start, start + window)


def calculateCoverageRegions(regions: Iterable[ReferenceRegion]): Iterator[ReferenceRegion] =

* Calculates the coverage regions for an input set -- note that this input set is an
* Iterable, not an RDD. This is the method which we call on each individual partition
* of the RDD, in order to calculate an initial set of disjoint-but-possibly-adjacent
* regions within the partition.
* @param regions The input set of ReferenceRegion objects
* @return The 'coverage regions' of the input set
def calculateCoverageRegions(regions: Iterator[ReferenceRegion]): Iterator[ReferenceRegion] = {
if (regions.isEmpty) {

} else {
val sregions = regions.toArray.sorted
if (sregions.size == 1) {
return sregions.iterator

// We're calculating the 'coverage regions' here.
// We do this in a few steps:
// 1. sort the regions in lexicographic (seq-start-end) order -- this happened above.
// let the conceptual variables STARTS and ENDS be two arrays, each of len(regions),
// which contain the .start and .end fields of the (ordered) regions.
// 2. Next, we calculate an array of length len(regions), called MAXENDS, where
// MAXENDS(i) = max(ENDS[0:i-1])
// 3. Now, for any index i, if STARTS(i) > MAXENDS(i), then we call region i a
// 'split' region -- a region that doesn't overlap any region that came before it,
// and which _starts_ a 'coverage region.' We calculate the set
// SPLITS = { i : STARTS(i) > MAXENDS(i) }
// 4. Finally, we pair the splits -- each pair of splits corresponds to a single,
// contiguous coverage region.

// TODO:
// Calculating the MAXENDS and SPLITS sets in two passes here, although we could probably
// do it in one if we really thought about it...
val maxEnds: Array[Long] =
val splitIndices: Seq[Int] =
0 +:
(1 until sregions.size).filter(i => sregions(i).start > maxEnds(i)) :+

splitIndices.sliding(2).map {
case Vector(i1, i2) =>
ReferenceRegion(sregions(i1).referenceName, sregions(i1).start, maxEnds(i2))

132 changes: 132 additions & 0 deletions adam-core/src/main/scala/org/bdgenomics/adam/rdd/PairingRDD.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
* Licensed to Big Data Genomics (BDG) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The BDG licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.bdgenomics.adam.rdd

import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
import org.bdgenomics.adam.rdd.ADAMContext._

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

* PairingRDD provides some simple helper methods, allowing us take an RDD (presumably an
* RDD whose values are in some reasonable or intelligible order within and across partitions)
* and get paired or windowed views on that list of items.
* @param rdd The RDD of ordered values
* @param kt The type of the values in the RDD must be manifest
* @tparam T The type of the values in the RDD
class PairingRDD[T](rdd: RDD[T])(implicit kt: ClassTag[T], ordering: Ordering[T]) extends Serializable {

private val sorted: RDD[T] = rdd.sortBy(k => k, ascending = true)

* Replicates the Seq.sliding(int) method, where we turn an RDD[T] into an RDD[Seq[T]],
* where each internal Seq contains exactly 'width' values taken (in order) from the original
* RDD, and where all such windows are presented 'in order' in the output set.
* E.g. the result of 'sliding(3)' on an RDD of the elements
* 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
* Should be an RDD of
* Seq(1, 2, 3), Seq(2, 3, 4), Seq(3, 4, 5)
* @param width The 'width' of the sliding window to calculate
* @return An RDD of the sliding window values
def sliding(width: Int): RDD[Seq[T]] = {
// We're going to create the Seq[T]'s by doing a foldLeft, so we need a starting
// starting element...
val base: RDD[(Long, T)] = sorted.zipWithIndex().map(p => (p._2, p._1))
val starting: RDD[(Long, Vector[T])] = => (p._1, Vector(p._2)))

// ... and a seq to fold down. The value of offsets(i) is going to be the
// RDD of (i+1)st elements in each of the resulting sliding windows.
val offsets: Seq[RDD[(Long, T)]] = (1 until width) map { offset => => (p._1 - offset, p._2))

// We use Vectors, since this makes it easier to compare with the 'sliding' output
// of the original Seq method.
def plus(p: (Long, (Vector[T], T))): (Long, Vector[T]) = p._1 -> (p._2._1 :+ p._2._2)

offsets.foldLeft(starting)((acc, next) => acc.join(next).map(plus)).map(_._2)

* The 'pair' method is a simplified version of .sliding(2), returning just pairs
* of (T, T) values for every consecutive pair of T values in the input RDD.
* For example, calling .pair() on a (sorted) RDD of
* 1, 2, 3, 4
* should return the following pairs
* (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)
* @return an RDD[(T, T)] of all consecutive pairs of values
def pair(): RDD[(T, T)] = {
val indexed: RDD[(Long, T)] = sorted.zipWithIndex().map(p => (p._2, p._1)).sortByKey()
val indexMinusOne: RDD[(Long, T)] = => (p._1 - 1, p._2))


* The 'pairWithEnds' method is a variation on 'pairs', except that it returns two
* _extra_ pairs (relative to 'pairs') corresponding to the first and last elements
* of the original RDD. Every (t1, t2) from .pair() now becomes a (Some(t1), Some(t2))
* with .pairWithEnds(). The first element is a (None, Some(t0)) and the last element
* is a (Some(tN), None).
* For example, calling .pairWithEnds() on a (sorted) RDD of
* 1, 2, 3
* should return the following pairs
* (None, Some(1)), (Some(1), Some(2)), (Some(2), Some(3)), (Some(3), None)
* (This is immediately useful as a helper method inside the Coverage class, but also
* might be useful to other applications as well, that rely on a total ordering of the
* elements within a single RDD.)
* @return an RDD[(T, T)] of all consecutive pairs of values
def pairWithEnds(): RDD[(Option[T], Option[T])] = {
val indexed: RDD[(Long, Option[T])] = sorted.zipWithIndex().map(p => (p._2, Some(p._1)))
val indexMinusOne: RDD[(Long, Option[T])] = => (p._1 - 1, p._2))
val max: Long =

if (max == 0) { return rdd.sparkContext.emptyRDD }

val initial: RDD[(Long, Option[T])] = indexed.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(-1L -> None))
val terminal: RDD[(Long, Option[T])] = indexed.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq((max - 1) -> None))

val initialed = indexed.union(initial)
val terminated = indexMinusOne.union(terminal)
val joined = initialed.join(terminated).sortByKey(ascending = true)


object PairingRDD extends Serializable {
implicit def rddToPairingRDD[T](rdd: RDD[T])(implicit kt: ClassTag[T], ordering: Ordering[T]): PairingRDD[T] =
new PairingRDD[T](rdd)

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