A Ruby client (and additional integrations) for BigPanda's API
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'bigpanda'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself:
$ gem install bigpanda
require 'bigpanda'
panda = BigPanda::Client.new(access_token: 'YOUR_TOKEN')
# => #<BigPanda::Client:0x007fb7721641b8 @config={:access_token=>"YOUR_TOKEN", :target_url=>"https://api.bigpanda.io", :deployment_start_path=>"/data/events/deployments/start", :deployment_end_path=>"/data/events/deployments/end"}, @ssl={}>
panda.deployment_start({ hosts: ['prod-1', 'prod-2'], component: 'billing', version: '123' })
# => {"status"=>"created"}
panda.deployment_end({ hosts: ['prod-1', 'prod-2'], component: 'billing', version: '123' })
# => {"status"=>"created"}
You can pass ssl options to BigPanda::Client.new
BigPanda::Client.new(access_token: 'YOUR_TOKEN', ssl: {ca_file: '/my/cert.pem'})
Avalible SSL options:
Additional documentation can be found at http://dev.bigpanda.io/docs/api