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CoreBot with Application Insights

Bot Framework v4 core bot sample.

This bot has been created using Bot Framework, it shows how to:

  • Use LUIS to implement core AI capabilities
  • Implement a multi-turn conversation using Dialogs
  • Handle user interruptions for such things as Help or Cancel
  • Prompt for and validate requests for information from the user
  • Use Application Insights to monitor your bot


This sample requires prerequisites in order to run.


This bot uses LUIS, an AI based cognitive service, to implement language understanding and Application Insights, an extensible Application Performance Management (APM) service for web developers on multiple platforms.

Create a LUIS Application to enable language understanding

LUIS language model setup, training, and application configuration steps can be found here.

If you wish to create a LUIS application via the CLI, these steps can be found in the

Add Application Insights service to enable the bot monitoring

Application Insights resource creation steps can be found here.

You must include the instrumentation key in the file, as well is in the designated field in your Azure Bot resource.

Add Activity and Personal Information logging for Application Insights

To log activity and personal information, extra code is needed in after the creation of the telemetry client. This code is already present in the sample, but must be unconmmented in order to function. It is important to note that due to privacy concerns, in a real-world application you must obtain user consent prior to logging this information.

The required code is as follows:

TELEMETRY_LOGGER_MIDDLEWARE = TelemetryLoggerMiddleware(telemetry_client=TELEMETRY_CLIENT, log_personal_information=True)

To try this sample

  • Clone the repository
git clone
  • In a terminal, navigate to botbuilder-samples\samples\python\21.corebot-app-insights folder
  • Activate your desired virtual environment
  • In the terminal, type pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run your bot with python

Testing the bot using Bot Framework Emulator

Bot Framework Emulator is a desktop application that allows bot developers to test and debug their bots on localhost or running remotely through a tunnel.

  • Install the latest Bot Framework Emulator from here

Connect to the bot using Bot Framework Emulator

  • Launch Bot Framework Emulator
  • File -> Open Bot
  • Enter a Bot URL of http://localhost:3978/api/messages

Deploy the bot to Azure

To learn more about deploying a bot to Azure, see Deploy your bot to Azure for a complete list of deployment instructions.

Further reading