autoDS stands for Automatic Data Science and is an Open-Source tool that automates as many phases of the data science life cycle as possible. This tool makes it possible to automatically train a regression model for a specific label, use it to make predictions and deploy it as an API.
- Upload data: Load the pre-processed data set, select the label and prepare for next steps.
- EDA: Explore data in deeply with Exploratory Data Analysis.
- Training: A (new) best model is trained with AutoML.
- Prediction: You can make predictions with an old or new model.
- Deployment: You can deploy the trained model to an API, used for other systems.
Don't forget to rename sample.env to .env
Step: 1 Install dependencies via pip
python3 -m pip install pipenv
python3 -m pipenv install
Step 2: Run server
python3 -m pipenv run server
Step 3: Test API after successfully run
python3 -m pipenv run api
Call URL http://localhost:8501 or change frontend with configuration.
- Backend: Python 3.11
- API: FastAPI
- Frontend: Streamlit
- AutoML: PyCaret
- EDA: Pandas and YData Profiling