Solve PDE functions.
With goki_check_cc:lieonn.hh:filter condition, a piecewise continuous functions' (especially for f(x)) integrate/differential can be written in f(x,dx) algebraic ones. So if condition satisfies, any PDEs can be written in their form.
With randtools on PDE, we conclude tan <a,[x,dx]>(... x_k ... dx_k ...)^m -> epsilon for their solution.
After doing them, with matrix-matrix log/exp can describe the series better with super geometry functions.
After doing them all, we can get some root functions f_0(x,dx), ... as g(f_0(x,dx),...) as a solution, so reverting such dx variable by first ones, we can get whole solution if they are proved only exists.
We can use super boxel methods to do this with surface condition nonlinear fit to the unique boxel and diff/integrate matrices. We don't use them.
We input PDEs with super geometric series form and surface conditions. The output format is obscure.