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Butch Wesley edited this page Apr 15, 2018 · 38 revisions

Gut 6.3.0

GUT (Godot Unit Test) is a utility for writing tests for your Godot Engine game. It allows you to write tests for your gdscript in gdscript.

Godot 3.0 Compatible.

As of version 6.0.0 Gut is Godot 3.0 compatible. These changes are not compatible with any of the 2.x versions of Godot. The godot_2x branch has been created to hold the old version of Gut that works with Godot 2.x. Barring any severe issues, there will not be any more development for Godot 2.x.

Getting Started

Here's a couple links to get you started.

Advanced Testing

Experimental Features


Gut is provided under the MIT license. The license is distributed with Gut so it is in the addons/gut folder.


This testing tool has tests of course. All Gut related tests are found in the test/unit and test/integration directories. Any enhancements or bug fixes should have a corresponding pull request with new tests.

The bulk of the tests for Gut are in and tests the class used to track the emitting of signals. The other test scripts in unit and integration should be run and their output spot checked since they test other parts of Gut that aren't easily testabled.

For convenience, the main.tscn includes a handy "Run Gut Unit Tests" button that will kick off all the essential test scripts.

Who do I talk to?

You can talk to me, Butch Wesley

  • Github: bitwes
  • Godot forums: bitwes
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