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File metadata and controls

300 lines (218 loc) · 7.61 KB


{Scope} is really simple-to-use library with a relatively small API surface area.

Overall, it only exposes 4 types:

  • scope::scope_exit<Fn>
  • scope::scope_success<Fn>
  • scope::scope_fail<Fn>
  • scope::unique_resource<R,D>

each of which are described below.


The scope::scope_exit class (and corresponding scope::make_scope_exit function) are used to to defer execution of a specified function until the end of a scope. The execution of this function is always guaranteed to occur, even if the scope ends early due to an exception.

If you are using C++17 or above, you can use the template-deduction for scope_exit, but in C++14 or below you will require scope::make_scope_exit in order to achieve the same effect.

This type is useful for a number of things:

  • Doing resource cleanup on several control-flow paths
  • Logging on exit
  • Computing runtime of a function that has several exit paths
  • etc

Note: All scope guards MUST be assigned to a variable. The name of this variable does not matter, but without it there will be no RAII.

Doing resource cleanup example

Managing resources that cannot afford to be leaked in any condition, such as semaphores, are an excellent use-case for scope_exit:


  // Always unlock semaphore at end of scope
  auto scope = ::scope::make_scope_exit([&]{

  // ...

  // multiple return conditions that require unlocking
  if ( ... ) {

  // ...


Logging on exit example

If you are in a logging-heavy system or function, which is commonly seen in highly asynchronous environments, it can be helpful to log the same message at multiple exit points. This is made easy with scope_exit:

  auto scope = ::scope::make_scope_exit([&]{
    std::cout << "Leaving function now ..." << std::endl;

  // ...

  // multiple return conditions that require the same log
  if ( ... ) {

  // ...


Computing runtime of a function example

  const auto start_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();

  auto scope = ::scope::make_scope_exit([&]{
    const auto end_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    const auto diff = end_time - start_time;

  // ...

  // multiple return conditions that require the same timing
  if ( ... ) {

  // ...


Similar to scope_exit, scope_success will defer execution until the end of the scope -- but instead it will only execute if the scope is being left due to a normal condition, and not due to an exception being thrown.

This has many potential uses, such as:

  • Committing an action for atomicity (e.g. transactions)
  • Recording/notifying successful conditions
  • etc

Note: All scope guards MUST be assigned to a variable. The name of this variable does not matter, but without it there will be no RAII.

Commiting an action atomically example

Sometimes you might have a complicated control flow that should only ever post a value in successful states, but not in failure states. This is where scope_success comes in:

  // copy the old state of things
  auto state = m_state.copy();

  auto scope = ::scope::make_scope_success([&state, this]{

  // do some potentially throwing stuff... that
  // modifies 'state'

Recording/notifying successful conditions example

In some cases, you want to notify that a change has been made to your code, and this information should be propagated to all consumers. This could be done via logging, observers, signals, etc -- but the key point is that someone is listening to this change.

This is where scope_success can be useful:

  auto scope = ::scope::make_scope_success([this]{

  // try to change 'm_some_value', throws on error


The scope_fail is effectively the inverse of scope_success in that it will always defer execution until the end of the scope, but will only execute if the scope was left due to an exception being in-flight.

This can be extremely useful for:

  • Rolling back changes for atomic-transactions
  • Notifying failure conditions
  • etc

Note: All scope guards MUST be assigned to a variable. The name of this variable does not matter, but without it there will be no RAII.

Rolling back changes example

This can be done in connection with make_scope_success to provide full atomic transactions, where scope_fail will roll back changes on failure, but scope_success will commit them!

  auto state = m_state.copy();

  auto scope_fail = ::scope::make_scope_fail([&state, this]{
  auto scope_success = ::scope::make_scope_success([&state, this]{

  // do some potentially throwing stuff... that

  // modifies 'state'

Notifying failure conditions example

It can always be useful to notify that a bad state has happened. This can be done through logging, observers, signals, etc -- but the key aspect is that something went bad, and someone else needs to know about it. This is where scope_fail comes in:

  auto scope = ::scope::make_scope_fail([this]{

  // something that may throw on error


unique_resource is a more generic version of unique_ptr. It has unique ownership semantics, but can hold any arbitrary type T rather than only pointers. This allows for interfacing directly with types that distribute resources that must be deleted other calls. This works extremely well with older C-style APIs that return handles and must be deleted on cleanup.

unique_resource also provides two utility construction functions for deducing the types, and for ensuring that the constructed value is not a bad value. For example, POSIX ::open will return a file descriptor integer -1 on failure, which should not be ::closed.

Posix File Example

The simple example is interfacing with a Posix-style C API, such as the file API:

  auto file = ::scope::make_unique_resource_checked(
    ::open( ... ), // Creates the resource
    -1,            // The 'invalid' value (ensures no deletion)
    &::close       // function for deleting this

  // do stuff with 'file'


SDL2 Example

Realistically, any library that returns handls of any kind can be used by this utility. For example, if you are using the SDL2 library, this can help manage any pointers returned from their API calls:

  auto window = ::scope::make_unique_resource_checked(
    ::SDL_CreateWindow( ... ),

  // do stuff with 'window'


More complicated examples

What if you have a more complicated example that isn't just a C API using a function pointer? In that scenario, the deleter can be a lambda or functor type that does some more complicated actions on callbacks.

Let's use a resource system from an imaginary game-engine as an example.

  auto shader = ::scope::make_unique_resource_checked(
    [&shader_resource_manager](ShaderResourceManager::Handle& handle){

  // do something with 'shader'

Overall, this can help to reduce a lot of boilerplate that would otherwise come with creating handle types for complicated systems, since it can now be boiled down to two things: The resource value, and the system that disposes it.