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Raspberry Pi Instructions
this will result in a rpi that can be run either as headless or with the full scide including VTM gui.
the sclang.yaml file and the autostart.sh script are both in ~/supercolliderStandaloneRPI2.
VTM is in ~/SCClasses and can be updated with git pull
(or overwritten with rsync).
project specific code is in ~/g_16/ting and you edit the autostart.sh to start it at boot.
- burn image or etch .zip (2017-04-10-raspbian-jessie.zip) to SD card https://www.etcher.io/
- connect ethernet, screen, and keyboard
sudo raspi-config
- Change User Password
- enable SSH in Interfacing Options
- finish and reboot
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
#optional - takes a while sudo apt-get install tmux xvfb vim
- follow the installation instructions for SuperCollider standalone version: (Copied from here )
sudo apt-get install libqt5webkit5 libqt5sensors5 libqt5positioning5 libqt5concurrent5 libfftw3-bin libcwiid1
git clone https://github.com/redFrik/supercolliderStandaloneRPI2 --depth 1
mkdir -p ~/.config/SuperCollider
cp supercolliderStandaloneRPI2/sc_ide_conf_temp.yaml ~/.config/SuperCollider/sc_ide_conf.yaml
- now start sclang and install the required Quarks
cd supercolliderStandaloneRPI2
./sclang -a -l sclang.yaml
#ALT1 - if you have a screen attached -
xvfb-run --auto-servernum ./sclang -a -l sclang.yaml
#ALT2 - if you are logged in via ssh > Quarks.install("UnitTesting")
> Quarks.install("API")
> Quarks.install("Modality-toolkit")
> 0.exit
- install VTM and MIDIDevice from git
mkdir ~/SCClasses && cd ~/SCClasses
git clone https://github.com/blacksound/VTM.git
git clone https://github.com/blacksound/MIDIDevice.git
- then edit and add VTM paths to the sclang.yaml file
nano ~/supercolliderStandaloneRPI2/sclang.yaml
includePaths: - ./share/system/SCClassLibrary - ./share/system/Extensions - ./share/user/Extensions - /home/pi/supercolliderStandaloneRPI2/share/user/downloaded-quarks/UnitTesting - /home/pi/supercolliderStandaloneRPI2/share/user/downloaded-quarks/API - /home/pi/supercolliderStandaloneRPI2/share/user/downloaded-quarks/Modality-toolkit - /home/pi/SCClasses/VTM - /home/pi/SCClasses/MIDIDevice excludePaths: [] postInlineWarnings: false
NOTE: here could be a good moment to double check that the class library is compiling and then make a copy of the sd card to an image file (see backup below). then you can save setup time by burning this image that now includes raspbian, sc and vtm.
sudo raspi-config
- edit Hostname (e.g. ting2)
- finish and reboot
- set up static ip like below
- optionally set up a shutdown script like below
- last edit autostart.sh...
nano /home/pi/supercolliderStandaloneRPI2/autostart.sh
- make it look like this...
#!/bin/sh tmux has-session -t sc if [ $? != 0 ]; then tmux new-session -s sc -d tmux send-keys -t sc 'xvfb-run ./sclang -a -l sclang.yaml ~/g_16/ting/tingStartup.scd' C-m fi
- and make autostart.sh run at boot with
crontab -e
#and add the following to the end@reboot cd /home/pi/supercolliderStandaloneRPI2 && xvfb-run ./autostart.sh
- should do the trick - if not then ..
- mounting usb
ls /dev/
sudo mkdir /media/usb
sudo mount -t vfat -o uid=pi,gid=pi /dev/sda1 /media/usb
ls /media/usb
to have a button turn off the rpi do the following...
- save this python script as 'shutdown.py' in /home/pi
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import os
pin= 3
GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.IN)
GPIO.wait_for_edge(pin, GPIO.FALLING)
os.system("sudo halt -p")
- then edit crontab
crontab -e
#and add the following... @reboot python /home/pi/shutdown.py
to have the rpi turn off from a network command...
- add this somewhere to your rpi project code...
OSCFunc({|msg| msg.postln; "sudo halt -p".unixCmd}, \shutdown, recvPort: 52705);
- then use a broadcast message like this to turn off all rpis on the network
NetAddr("", 52705).sendMsg(\shutdown);
note this is for raspbian jessie (things work differently on older versions)
- ssh to a raspberry and edit this file, adding the lines below
sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
network={ ssid="myssid" psk="mypassword" }
- then edit this file, adding the relevant ip addresses...
sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf
interface wlan0 static ip_address= static routers= static domain_name_servers=
run this on osx. it will copy the folder VTM to a raspberry pi and put it in /home/pi/SCClasses. if the files are already there it will only copy over any changes.
rsync -av --delete --exclude='.git/' --exclude='.DS_Store' -e ssh VTM pi@raspberrypi.local:SCClasses
use -nav
to dry-run (the -n flag will make rsync just list what files will be overwritten/deleted).
insert the sd card into a mac osx laptop and type
diskutil list
verify that your sd card is mounted at /dev/disk2 and then do...
sudo dd bs=4m if=/dev/rdisk2 of=/Users/asdf/Desktop/ting2backup20170525.img
with a 16gb card this process takes ~4.5min and it can easily be restored with http://etcher.io
- to boot scsynth you first need to start jackd in a controlled manner. with an usb soundcard connected add this to autostart.sh...
/usr/bin/jackd -P75 -dalsa -dhw:1 -p1024 -n3 -s -r44100 &
- then use
in your project code
with the built in sound use -dhw:0
and when starting manually from ssh do export DISPLAY=:0.0
before trying to start jackd with jackd -P75 -dalsa -dhw:1 -p1024 -n3 -s -r44100 &
connect a hdmi screen (projector or monitor) plus usb keyboard and mouse. start the rpi and open a terminal window.
optionally stop any sclang that has been autostarted with...
pkill sclang
if you want to use a soundcard start jack with this command in terminal...
- select soundcard (under setup/interfaces)
- if usb soundcard also set periods to 3
- start jack by clicking the play icon
open a new terminal window and type the following to start scide...
cd supercolliderStandaloneRPI2
export PATH=.:$PATH
- burn image or etch .zip to SD card https://www.etcher.io/
- boot raspberry ...
sudo raspi-config
- go to advanced options and select update - enable VNC (in raspi-config)
- set gpu_mem to
via the desktop environment or edit in/boot/config.txt
- if not already done, install cmake
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
- then
sudo apt-get install cmake
- see https://github.com/redFrik/supercolliderStandaloneRPI2/blob/master/BUILDING_NOTES.md
git clone --recursive git://github.com/supercollider/supercollider --depth 1
git clone --recursive https://github.com/supercollider/sc3-plugins.git --depth 1
cd sc3-plugins
mkdir build && cd build
export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-4.8
export CXX=/usr/bin/g++-4.8
cmake -L -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release" -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-march=armv7-a -mtune=cortex-a8 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=neon"
-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-march=armv7-a -mtune=cortex-a8 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=neon" -DSC_PATH=../../supercollider/
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/supercolliderStandaloneRPI2/share/user/Extensions/sc3-plugins ..
make -j 4
leave out flag-j 4on single core rpi models (zero,1,2) sudo make install
cd ~/supercolliderStandaloneRPI2/share/system/Extensions/
sudo chown -R pi SC3plugins
sudo chgrp -R pi SC3plugins
mkdir SC3plugins/bin
mv SC3plugins/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/*.so SC3plugins/bin/
mv SC3plugins/share/SuperCollider/Extensions/SC3plugins/* SC3plugins/
rm -rf SC3plugins/lib
rm -rf SC3plugins/share
rm -rf SC3plugins/local
this is what i did to ting2 - it is now running supercolliderStandaloneRPI2 but with the old code from g_16
- install following the instructions at the top of this page
- but copy over SCClasses and g_16 folders from another ting - replacing the fresh git clones
an example of how to set up a python script that monitor and restart supercollider if it stop sending osc (if it crashed)
- install pyosc if needed
pip install pyosc --pre
- make the below script start at bootup
@reboot cd /home/pi/supercolliderStandaloneRPI2 && python surveillance.py
- save the following python code as '/home/pi/supercolliderStandaloneRPI2/surveillance.py'
#!/usr/bin/env python
#a script for checking if sc is alive
#send it an osc message once every x second
#else sc + jack will be forcefully restarted
#first install pyosc with this command...
# pip install pyosc --pre
import subprocess
from time import sleep
from threading import Thread
from OSC import OSCServer
TIMEOUT= 30 #in seconds
OSCPORT= 50005 #network port
def oscInput(addr, tags, stuff, source):
global received
received= True
def timeout(): #called when no osc message received for x seconds
subprocess.call(['pkill', 'sclang'])
subprocess.call(['pkill', 'scsynth'])
subprocess.call(['pkill', 'jackd'])
p= subprocess.Popen(['xvfb-run', './autostart.sh'])
server= OSCServer(('', OSCPORT)) #receive from everywhere on port x
server.addDefaultHandlers() #for dealing with unmatched messages
server.addMsgHandler('/alive', oscInput)
server_thread= Thread(target= server.serve_forever)
print server
received= True
while received:
received= False
if not received:
print 'timeout!!!!'
received= True
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print 'closing'
print 'done'
then from sc do something like this to send a keep alive message from sclang
NetAddr("", 50005).sendMsg(\alive);
25.wait; //25 seconds
or let scsynth send the keep alive message via sclang like this
SynthDef(\alive, {var dur= 25; SendReply.kr(Impulse.kr(1/dur), '/alive', 1)}).play; //dur in seconds
OSCdef(\alive, {|msg| NetAddr("", 50005).sendMsg(\alive)}, \alive);