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{:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:new_window: target="_blank"} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:screen: .screen} {:tip: .tip} {:pre: .pre}

iOS Mobile Application with Push and Analytics

Learn how easy it is to quickly create an iOS Swift application with high-value mobile services - Push Notifications and Mobile Analytics on IBM Cloud.

This tutorial walks you through the creation of a mobile starter application, adding mobile services, setting up client SDKs, importing the code to Xcode and then further enhance the application.


  • Create a mobile project with Push Notifications and Mobile Analytics services from Basic Swift starter kit.

  • Obtain APNs credentials and configure Push Notifications service instance.

  • Download the code and setup client SDKs.

  • Instrumenting the app to use Mobile Analytics.

  • Send and monitor push notifications.

  • Monitoring the app with Mobile Analytics.


This tutorial uses the following products:

Before you begin

{: #prereqs}

  1. Apple DevelopersExternal link icon account to send remote notifications from Push Notifications service instance on IBM Cloud (the provider) to iOS devices and applications.
  2. Xcode for importing and enhancing your code.

Create a mobile project from basic Swift starter kit

{: #get_code}

  1. Navigate to Mobile Dashboard to create your Project from pre-defined Starter Kits.
  2. Click on Starter Kits and scroll down to select Basic Starter Kit.
  3. Enter a project name which will also be the Xcode project and app name.
  4. Select Swift as your language and check the mobile services on the right pane.
  5. Click on Create Project to scaffold an iOS Swift App.
  6. A new Project will be created under Projects tab on the left pane.

Note: Push Notifications and Mobile Analytics Services should already be added with the Basic Starter.

Download the code and setup client SDKs

If you haven't downloaded the code yet, Click on Download Code under Projects > Your Mobile Project The downloaded code comes with Push Notifications and Mobile Analytics Client SDKs included. The Client SDKs are available on CocoaPods and Carthage. For this solution, you will use CocoaPods.

  1. To install CocoaPods on your machine, Open the Terminal and run the below command.

    sudo gem install cocoapods

    {: pre:}

  2. Unzip the downloaded code and using the terminal, navigate to the unzipped folder

    cd <Name of Project>

    {: pre:}

  3. The folder already includes a podfile with required dependencies. Run the below command to install the dependencies (Client SDKs) and the required dependencies will be installed.

pod install

{: pre:}

Instrumenting the app to use Mobile Analytics

  1. Open .xcworkspace in Xcode and navigate to AppDelegate.swift. Note: Ensure that you always open the new Xcode workspace, instead of the original Xcode project file: MyApp.xcworkspace.

BMSCore is the Core SDK and is base for the Mobile Client SDKs. BMSClient is a class of BMSCore and initialized in AppDelegate.swift. Along with BMSCore, Mobile Analytics SDK is already imported into the project. 2. Analytics initialization code is already included as shown below

// Analytics client SDK is configured to record lifecycle events.
       	Analytics.initialize(appName:dictionary["appName"] as? String,
      			     apiKey: dictionary["analyticsApiKey"] as? String,
      	        	     deviceEvents: .lifecycle)

      	// Enable Logger (disabled by default) and set level to ERROR (DEBUG by default).
      	Logger.isLogStorageEnabled = true
      	Logger.logLevelFilter = .error

{: codeblock:}

Note: The service credentials are part of BMSCredentials.plist file.

  1. Gathering usage analytics and using logger - Navigate to ViewController.swift to see the below code.

     func didBecomeActive(_ notification: Notification) {

    For advanced Analytics and logging capabilities, Refer Gathering usage Analytics and logging {:tip}

    Obtain APNs credentials and configure Push Notifications service instance.

    For iOS devices and applications, Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) allows application developers to send remote notifications from Push Notifications service instance on IBM Cloud (the provider) to iOS devices and applications. Messages are sent to a target application on the device.

    You need to obtain and configure your APNs credentials. The APNs certificates are securely managed by Push Notifications service and used to connect to APNs server as a provider.

    Registering an App ID

    The App ID (the bundle identifier) is a unique identifier that identifies a specific application. Each application requires an App ID. Services like the Push Notifications service are configured to the App ID. Ensure that you have an Apple DevelopersExternal link icon account. This is a mandatory prerequisite.

    1. Go to the Apple DeveloperExternal link icon portal, click Member Center, and select Certificates, IDs & Profiles.
    2. Go to Identifiers > App IDs section.
    3. In the Registering App IDs page, provide the App name in the App ID Description Name field. For example: ACME Push Notifications. Provide a string for the App ID Prefix.
    4. For the App ID Suffix, choose Explicit App ID and provide a Bundle ID value. It is recommended that you provide a reverse domain-name style string. For example: com.ACME.push.
    5. Select the Push Notifications check-box and click Continue.
    6. Go through your settings and click Register > Done. Your App ID is now registered.

Create a development and distribution APNs SSL certificate

Before you obtain an APNs certificate, you must first generate a certificate signing request (CSR) and submit it to Apple, the certificate authority (CA). The CSR contains information that identifies your company and your public and private key that you use to sign for your Apple push notifications. Then, generate the SSL certificate on the iOS Developer Portal. The certificate, along with its public and private key, is stored in Keychain Access. You can use APNs in two modes:

 * Sandbox mode for development and testing.
 * Production mode when distributing applications through the App Store (or other enterprise distribution mechanisms).

You must obtain separate certificates for your development and distribution environments. The certificates are associated with an App ID for the app that is the recipient of remote notifications. For production, you can create up to two certificates. IBM Cloud uses the certificates to establish an SSL connection with APNs.

  1. Go to the Apple Developer website, click Member Center, and select Certificates, IDs & Profiles.
  2. In the Identifiers area, click App IDs.
  3. From your list of App IDs, select your App ID, then select Edit.
  4. Select the Push Notifications check-box, and then on Development SSL certificate pane, click Create Certificate.
 ![Push Notification SSL certificates](images/solution6/certificate_createssl.png)
  1. When the About Creating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) screen displays, follow the instructions shown to create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file. Give a meaningful name that helps you identify whether it is a certificate for development (sandbox) or distribution (production); for example, sandbox-apns-certificate or production-apns-certificate.

  2. Click Continue and on the Upload CSR file screen, click Choose File, and select the file CertificateSigningRequest.certSigningRequest you just created. Click Continue.

  3. On the Download, Install and Backup pane, click Download. The aps_development.cer file is downloaded. Download certificate

    Generate certificate

  4. On your mac, open Keychain Access, File, Import and select the downloaded .cer file to install it.

  5. Right-click on the new certificate and private key, and then select Export and change the File Format to Personal information exchange format (.p12 format). Export certificate and keys

  6. In the Save As field, provide the certificate a meaningful name. For example, sandbox_apns.p12 or production_apns.p12, then click Save. Export certificate and keys

  7. In the Enter a password field, enter a password to protect the exported items, then click OK. You can use this password to configure your APNs settings on the Push Notifications service console.

    Export certificate and keys

  8. The Key prompts you to export your key from the Keychain screen. Enter your administrative password for your Mac to allow your system to export these items, and then select the Always Allow option. A .p12 certificate is generated on your desktop.

  For Production SSL, On **Production SSL certificate** pane, click **Create Certificate** and repeat Steps 5 to 12 above.

Creating a development provisioning profile

The provisioning profile works with the App ID to determine which devices can install and run your app and which services your app can access. For each App ID, you create two provisioning profiles: one for development and the other for distribution. Xcode uses the development provisioning profile to determine which developers are allowed to build the application and which devices are allowed to be tested on the application.

Ensure that you have registered an App ID, enabled it for Push Notifications service, and configured it to use a development and production APNs SSL certificate.

Create a development provisioning profile, as follows:

  1. Go to the Apple Developer portal, click Member Center, and select Certificates, IDs & Profiles.
  2. Go to the Mac Developer Library, scroll to the Creating Development Provisioning Profiles section, and follow the instructions to create a development profile. Note: When you configure a development provision profile, select the following options:
 - **iOS App Development**
 - **For iOS and watchOS apps**

Creating a store distribution provisioning profile

Use the store provisioning profile to submit your app for distribution to the App Store.

  1. Go to the Apple Developer, click Member Center, and select Certificates, IDs & Profiles.
  2. Double-click the downloaded provisioning profile to install it into Xcode. After obtaining the credentials, the next step is to Configure a service instance.

Configure the service instance

To use the Push Notifications service to send notifications, upload the .p12 certificates that you had created in the above Step. This certificate contains the private key and SSL certificates that are required to build and publish your application.

Note: After the .cer file is in your key chain access, export it to your computer to create a .p12 certificate.

  1. Click on Push Notifications under Services section or Click on the three vertical dots next to the Push Notifications service and select Open dashboard.
  2. On the Push Notifications Dashboard, you should see Configure option under Manage > Send Notifications.

To set up APNs on the Push Notification services console, complete the steps:

  1. Select Configure on the Push Notification services Dashboard.
  2. Choose the Mobile option to update the information in the APNs Push Credentials form.
  3. Select Sandbox (development) or Production (distribution) as appropriate and then upload the p.12 certificate that you have created.
  4. In the Password field, enter the password that is associated with the .p12 certificate file, then click Save.

Configure,send, and monitor push notifications

  1. Push initialization code (under func application) and notification registration code can be found in AppDelegate.swift. Provide an unique USER_ID(Optional).
  2. Run the app on a physical device as notifications can't be sent to an iPhone Simulator.
  3. Open Push Notifications service under Mobile Services > Existing services on IBM Cloud Mobile dashboard and to send basic push notifications, complete the following steps:
  • Select Send Notifications, and compose a message by choosing a Send to option. The supported options are Device by Tag, Device Id, User Id, Android devices, iOS devices, Web Notifications, and All Devices.

    Note: When you select the All Devices option, all devices subscribed to Push Notifications will receive notifications.

  • In the Message field, compose your message. Choose to configure the optional settings as required.

  • Click Send and verify that your physical devices has received the notification.

  1. You should see a notification on your iPhone.

  2. You can monitor your sent notifications by navigating to Monitoring on the Push Notifications Service.

The IBM Push Notifications service now extends capabilities to monitor the push performance by generating graphs from your user data. You can use the utility to list all the sent push notifications, or to list all the registered devices and to analyze information on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Monitoring the app with Mobile Analytics.

You can record application logs and monitor data with the Mobile Analytics Client SDK. Developers can control when to send this data to the Mobile Analytics Service. When data is delivered to Mobile Analytics, you can use the Mobile Analytics console to get analytics insights about your mobile applications, devices, and application logs.

  1. Open the Mobile Analytics service from the mobile project you created or click on the three vertical dots next to the service and select Open Dashboard.
  2. You should see LIVE Users, Sessions and other App Data by disabling Demo Mode. You can filter the analytics information by
    • Date.
    • Application.
    • Operating System.
    • Version of the app. Mobile Analytics
  3. Click here to set alerts, Monitor App crashes, and Monitor network requests.

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