We leverage the use of GitHub's Encrypted Secrets for deployment. However, any secret management service would work
As more secrets are added to the repository, they should be added to a list here
Name | Example/Maintainer | Description |
ADMIN_EMAIL | anvil-admins@firecloud.org |
The email of the AnVIL admin team |
AUTHTESTCLIENTEMAIL | hammer@gcp-testing-308520.iam.gserviceaccount.com |
A Jest testing variable |
CLIENT_EMAIL | Attain from creds.json |
The client_email field of the service account |
CLIENT_ID | Attain from creds.json |
The client_id field of the service account |
DEFAULT_BILLING_PROJECT | anvil-dev-fhir2 |
The default billing project to charge to |
FIRECLOUD_URL | https://api.firecloud.org |
The HTTPS URL of the Firecloud client to be called |
GCP_CREDS | Paste the entire creds.json |
The credentials of the service account |
GCP_REGION | us-east4 |
The region for the Cloud Function to be deployed |
PRIVATE_KEY | Attain from creds.json |
The private_key field of the service account |
PRIVATE_KEY_ID | Attain from creds.json |
The private_key_id field of the service account |
PROJECT_ID | Attain from creds.json |
The project_id field of the service account |
SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY | creds.json |
The name/location of the creds file |
TEMPLATE_AUTH_DOMAIN | Auth_Asymmetrik_Hammer |
The auth domain of the template workspace |
TEMPLATE_NAMESPACE | anvil-dev-fhir2 |
The billing project of the template workspace |
TEMPLATE_WORKSPACE | Asymmetrik_Hammer_Template |
The workspace name of the template |