Route settings specific to Twilio routes. Only used for Twilio route types
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
fleets | List[str] | list of Fleet UIDs to apply route to, if any. If empty, applies to all Fleets | [optional] |
filter | HttpFilter | [optional] | |
timeout | int | Timeout in seconds for each request | [optional] [default to 15] |
account_sid | str | Twilio Account SID | [optional] |
auth_token | str | Twilio Auth Token. This value will be omitted from the response and replaced with a placeholder. | [optional] |
to | str | Phone number to send SMS to, leave blank to use notefile, must use E.164 format | [optional] |
var_from | str | Phone number to send SMS from, leave blank to use notefile, must use E.164 format | [optional] |
message | str | Message to send, leave blank to use notefile. | [optional] |
throttle_ms | int | [optional] |
from notehub_py.models.twilio import Twilio
# TODO update the JSON string below
json = "{}"
# create an instance of Twilio from a JSON string
twilio_instance = Twilio.from_json(json)
# print the JSON string representation of the object
# convert the object into a dict
twilio_dict = twilio_instance.to_dict()
# create an instance of Twilio from a dict
twilio_from_dict = Twilio.from_dict(twilio_dict)