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NOTE: In the following examples, the LuaTween folder is located under @Resources.

Script Setup

Here's the generic format for the script measure:

; (Default: "Tweenable")
; (where N is an ordered number from 0)
; (where N is an ordered number from 0)


The group that will be updated and redraw. Set measures' and meters' group to this name to receive updates from tweens. (Default: "Tweenable")


The tween declaration. There's 3 types of tween: Single, Chain and Multiple.


  • All time parameters for the syntax uses milliseconds, NOT seconds.
  • ALWAYS use ( ) when doing calculations, LuaTween will parse the string and calculate it automatically.


Only tweens one section's option or one group's option. It's the simplest form of tween.

Syntax: Single | SectionName | OptionName | StartValue | EndValue | Duration

e.g. Valid Syntax for (1) Meter, (2) Measure, (3) Variable, (4) Group tweens:

; (1)
TweenN=Single | MeterPopcorn | SolidColor | 0,0,0,100 | 50,50,180,255 | 100

; (2)
TweenN=Single | MeasureCakeSize | Formula | 10 | #MaxCakeSize# | 60

; (3)
TweenN=Single | Variable | Money | 0 | 10000 | 500

; (4)
TweenN=Single | BarGroup | X | 0 | 50 | 100


Creates multiple tweens at once and call them in intervals

Syntax: Chain | SectionName | OptionName | StartValue | EndValue | Duration | Interval | SectionCount

Note: Interval refers to time between the start of child tweens. The first tween will run immediately.

e.g. Valid Syntax for (1) Meter, (2) Measure, (3) Variable, (4) Group tweens:

; (1)
TweenN=Chain | MeterLine%% | H | 0 | (#Size# * 100) | 100 | 50 | 100

; (2)
TweenN=Chain | MeasureBalloonSqueak(%%+1) | Formula | 10 | 1000 | 500 | 100 | 80

; (3)
TweenN=Chain | Variable | BankAccount%% | 1000000 | 0.02 | 10 | 1000 | 10

; (4)
TweenN=Chain | BoxGroup(%%) | Y | 0 | 5 | 300 | 50 | 10

NOTE: Use %% and it'll be replaced incrementally, from 0 to (SectionCount-1)


Creates multiple Single type tweens and allows calling them independantly. This has a slightly different call method that will be discussed in the Public Functions section below.

Syntax: Multiple | SectionName | OptionName | StartValue | EndValue | Duration | SectionCount

e.g. Valid Syntax for (1) Meter, (2) Measure, (3) Variable, (4) Group tweens:

; (1)
TweenN=Multiple | MeterLine%% | H | 0 | (#Size# * 100) | 100 | 100

; (2)
TweenN=Multiple | MeasureBalloonSqueak(%%+1) | Formula | 10 | 1000 | 500 | 80

; (3)
TweenN=Multiple | Variable | BankAccount%% | 1000000 | 0.02 | 10 | 10

; (4)
TweenN=Multiple | BoxGroup(%%) | Y | 0 | 5 | 300 | 10

NOTE: Use %% and it'll be replaced incrementally, from 0 to (SectionCount-1)


Contains optional parameters for each tween. All the tween types have the same options. Use "|" (Pipe character) to separate multiple optionals:


The easing used (Case insensitive) (Default: "linear")


  • For the full list of easings, visit There, if you want to use, say 'easeInQuint', type 'inQuint' (without quotes) instead into the tween parameter).
  • You can also check the tween.lua script and search for the tween.easing table. It lists all the easings supported


Optional0=Easing OutQuad


The group the tween belongs to. With this specified, you can call a function which affects a group rather than individually calling them one by one. (Case insensitive) (Default: nil)

The group name does not relate to Rainmeter's Group in any way. The name will live internally to be used with the public functions.


Optional0=Easing OutQuad | Group TitleGroup


The loop of the tween. Choices: None, Restart or Yoyo. (Case insensitive) (Default: None)

Note:: Restart and Yoyo will cause the tween to animate infinitely, if you wish to pause it later on, call Pause, Reset or Finish to stop it (See the Public Functions section below)


Optional0=Easing OutQuad | Group TitleGroup | Loop yoyo


Path-like Tween

For all the tween types' StartValue and EndValue parameters, you can insert more values in between to create a path-like tween. There's two ways to trigger this mechanic (Don't mix):

  1. Insert the values as usual between StartValue and EndValue, this path will then be separated evenly.
; Tweens a color producing a rainbow effect
TweenN=Single | MeterImage | SolidColor | 255,0,0 | 0,0,255 | 0,255,255 | 0,255,0 | 255,255,0 | 255,0,0 | 1000
  1. Insert the values between StartValue and EndValue and explicitly write its percentual value (0 to 1).
; Tweens a color producing a rainbow effect (uneven)
Tween0=Single | MeterImage | SolidColor | 255,0,0 ; 0.0 | 0,0,255 ; 0.4 | 0,255,255 ; 0.5 | 0,255,0 ; 0.7 | 255,255,0 ; 0.8 | 255,0,0 ; 0.85 | 1000

Public Functions

Public functions are called with the CommandMeasure bang.


[!CommandMeasure LuaTweener "Start(0)"]

[!CommandMeasure LuaTweener "Start('tweenGroup')"]


Plays the tween forward


Plays the tween backwards


Pauses the tween from playing


Sets the value to the EndValue


Sets the value to the Startalue


Calls Reset then Start together


Calls Finish then Reverse together

SetOptional(index, optionName, value)

Sets the optional values of a tween


Reinitializes the tween and gets the new values (Will reset tween)

Extra Notes

  • index can also be a group name to apply a function on the tweens in that group. It's worth noting that different tween types have slightly different call methods (e.g. 'Multiple` type tweens) and so you have to be careful when dealing with groups that consist of multiple tween types.

  • Tip: Lua automatically resizes the amount of parameters you pass in into functions. Say you pass 3 parameters into a function that accepts only one, Lua will only use the first parameter, same goes when you lack parameters for a function, Lua will fill the rest as nil.

Note on Multiple Type Tween

Multiple type tween uses a slightly differrent syntax because it consist of more individual tweens called subTweens. Except for Reinit(index), after the index parameter, specify the subIndex too to refer to the independant subTween. If not, it'll call all the subTweens in batch instead.

e.g. Assuming that Tween0 is a Multiple tween:

; Starts the subTween of `subIndex` 0, which is the first subTween
Start(0, 0)

; Finishes and play the subTween of `subIndex` 2 backwards, which is the third subTween
Rewind(0, 3)

; Sets the sixth subtween's easing to InOutExpo
SetOptional(0, 5, 'easing', 'inoutexpo')

; Sets all of the subtween's loop type to Yoyo
SetOptional(0, 'Loop', 'Yoyo')