For all examples, a single input passed to the REPL will be represented by lines prefixed by >
and output from the REPL will be represented by lines prefixed by <
These are a list of intended usages with grammar examples, production mechanics will be done at a later time.
- Top Level Await
> - await {then(f) {setTimeout(() => f(, 1000;)}}
< 1000
- Reused environment record that removes conflicting bindings between evluations
> let x = 1; let y = 'a'; x
< 1
> let x = 2; x
< 2
> x
< 2
> y
< 'a'
is the global
> typeof this
< "object"
> let x = 1; this.x
< undefined
- Sloppy by default
> with ({x: 1}) x
< 1
> let x = 2; x
< 2
> eval('let x =3; x')
< 3
> x
< 3
- Top level static import
> import {x} from './y';
< undefined
- Object literal at start
> {x: 1}
< {"x": 1}
- Strict mode DirectivePrologue
> "use strict"; with ({}) {}
< SyntaxError: Strict mode code may not include a with statement
- REPL Environment Record is not Global Environment Record
> geval = eval; geval('let x = 1; x')
< 1
> let x = 2; x
< 2
> geval('x')
< 1
REPL Input :
[lookahead = {] ObjectLiteral[+Await]
[lookahead != {] Script[+Await, +Import]
ScriptItemList[?Await, ?Import]
ScriptItem[?Await, ?Import]
ScriptItemList ScriptItem[?Await, ?Import]
if (+import) ImportDeclaration
StatementListItem[~Yield, ?Await, ?Import, ~Return]
These are a list of intended spec changes by adding various things with new semantics.
- Allow the repeated running of lines from scrollback history.
Allow repeated running of the same input even if the input would collide with existing bindings on the REPL Environment Record.
- Abililty to remove bindings that have permanently been stuck in the Temporal Dead Zone.
Allow cleaning up of bindings that have become stuck in a TDZ.
- Separation from the global scope.
Allow a separation from the Global Environment in order to preserve logical consistency of how bindings work and giving a level of isolation to prevent leaving accidental bindings on the global when using tools such as a debugger.
A Lexical Environment with an outer environment reference to a Global Lexical Environment. A REPL environment's Environment Record may be shared amongst multiple REPL Input Records.
A REPL Input Record encapsulates information about a repl input being evaluated. Each REPL Input Record contains the fields.
Field Name | Value Type | Meaning |
[[Realm]] Realm Record | undefined | The realm within which this REPL Input Record was created. undefined if not yet assigned. |
[[Environment]] Lexical Environment | a REPL Lexical Environment | The Lexical Environment containing the top level bindings for this REPL Input Record. This field is set when the REPL Input Record is instantiated. |
[[ECMAScriptCode]] | a Parse Node | The result of parsing the source text of this module using REPL as the goal symbol. |
[[HostDefined]] | Any, default value is undefined. | Field reserved for use by host environments that need to associate additional information with a REPL Input Record. |
A REPL Environment Record is a declarative Environment Record that is used to represent the top-level scope of a REPL. It may be reused amongst multiple REPL Input Records.
Parses the sourceText and initializes all the lexical bindings declared in sourceText
on a REPL Environment, removing them before hand if needed to avoid errors from bindings already being defined. All lexical bindings declared in sourceText
may be deleted.
Returns a REPL Input Record.
Evaluates a REPL Input Record.
Returns a Promise to the Completion Value.