Starter template for API with Slim3 framework
git clone
- Change the project details .i.e. name, description, author
- Change the project namespace(MyAppNamespace) on this code block to match your preferred name
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"MyAppNamespace\\": "src//app/"
Change the word MyAppNamespace to the name you specified in #2 above NB: You can do Find->ReplaceAll in your IDE
composer install
After this, run the following
composer dump-autoload -o
Open your project in your browser and access this endpoint
You should be able to see a list of movies
You are now good to know - Delete what you don't need
Controllers/ - Project controllers called from bootstrap/routes.php
ErrorHandlers/ - Handlers for 500 errors, method not found, 404
Models/ - Just as usual
Repos/ - Call your datasources from DB or network API
Movies/ - (sample data repository)
- app.php - (bootstrap your app by loading all the )
- routes.php - (define app routes)
index.php - the main app entry point