diff --git a/packages/p/python-ipykernel5/.files b/packages/p/python-ipykernel5/.files
index b2d8db6f053..e1f4cd19cc1 100644
Binary files a/packages/p/python-ipykernel5/.files and b/packages/p/python-ipykernel5/.files differ
diff --git a/packages/p/python-ipykernel5/.rev b/packages/p/python-ipykernel5/.rev
index 918aeac22d8..868f2afbc81 100644
--- a/packages/p/python-ipykernel5/.rev
+++ b/packages/p/python-ipykernel5/.rev
@@ -15,4 +15,18 @@
- Remove unneeded BuildRequires on nose_warnings_filters.
+ 64106a4043a5add219633d03b45683ca
+ 5.5.6
+ dimstar_suse
+ - Allow updating to jupyter_client 7 through backporting
+ gh#ipython/ipykernel#634 and gh#ipython/ipykernel#736 to
+ ipykernel-pr634+736-remove-block-client7.patch
+- Update to 5.5.6
+ * Add ipython_genutils dependency
+- Block updating to jupyter_client 7
+ 925994
diff --git a/packages/p/python-ipykernel5/ipykernel-5.5.5.tar.gz b/packages/p/python-ipykernel5/ipykernel-5.5.5.tar.gz
deleted file mode 120000
index b089f714956..00000000000
--- a/packages/p/python-ipykernel5/ipykernel-5.5.5.tar.gz
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/p/python-ipykernel5/ipykernel-5.5.6.tar.gz b/packages/p/python-ipykernel5/ipykernel-5.5.6.tar.gz
new file mode 120000
index 00000000000..f8f232bbb3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/p/python-ipykernel5/ipykernel-5.5.6.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/p/python-ipykernel5/ipykernel-pr634+736-remove-block-client7.patch b/packages/p/python-ipykernel5/ipykernel-pr634+736-remove-block-client7.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8916415df15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/p/python-ipykernel5/ipykernel-pr634+736-remove-block-client7.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+Index: ipykernel-5.5.6/ipykernel/inprocess/client.py
+--- ipykernel-5.5.6.orig/ipykernel/inprocess/client.py
++++ ipykernel-5.5.6/ipykernel/inprocess/client.py
+@@ -179,6 +179,18 @@ class InProcessKernelClient(KernelClient
+ idents, reply_msg = self.session.recv(stream, copy=False)
+ self.shell_channel.call_handlers_later(reply_msg)
++ def get_shell_msg(self, block=True, timeout=None):
++ return self.shell_channel.get_msg(block, timeout)
++ def get_iopub_msg(self, block=True, timeout=None):
++ return self.iopub_channel.get_msg(block, timeout)
++ def get_stdin_msg(self, block=True, timeout=None):
++ return self.stdin_channel.get_msg(block, timeout)
++ def get_control_msg(self, block=True, timeout=None):
++ return self.control_channel.get_msg(block, timeout)
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # ABC Registration
+Index: ipykernel-5.5.6/ipykernel/inprocess/tests/test_kernel.py
+--- ipykernel-5.5.6.orig/ipykernel/inprocess/tests/test_kernel.py
++++ ipykernel-5.5.6/ipykernel/inprocess/tests/test_kernel.py
+@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class InProcessKernelTestCase(unittest.T
+ """Does %pylab work in the in-process kernel?"""
+ kc = self.kc
+ kc.execute('%pylab')
+- out, err = assemble_output(kc.iopub_channel)
++ out, err = assemble_output(kc.get_iopub_msg)
+ self.assertIn('matplotlib', out)
+ def test_raw_input(self):
+@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class InProcessKernelTestCase(unittest.T
+ kc = BlockingInProcessKernelClient(kernel=kernel, session=kernel.session)
+ kernel.frontends.append(kc)
+ kc.execute('print("bar")')
+- out, err = assemble_output(kc.iopub_channel)
++ out, err = assemble_output(kc.get_iopub_msg)
+ assert out == 'bar\n'
+ def test_getpass_stream(self):
+Index: ipykernel-5.5.6/ipykernel/tests/test_kernel.py
+--- ipykernel-5.5.6.orig/ipykernel/tests/test_kernel.py
++++ ipykernel-5.5.6/ipykernel/tests/test_kernel.py
+@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ def _check_master(kc, expected=True, str
+ execute(kc=kc, code="import sys")
+ flush_channels(kc)
+ msg_id, content = execute(kc=kc, code="print (sys.%s._is_master_process())" % stream)
+- stdout, stderr = assemble_output(kc.iopub_channel)
++ stdout, stderr = assemble_output(kc.get_iopub_msg)
+ assert stdout.strip() == repr(expected)
+@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ def test_simple_print():
+ with kernel() as kc:
+ iopub = kc.iopub_channel
+ msg_id, content = execute(kc=kc, code="print ('hi')")
+- stdout, stderr = assemble_output(iopub)
++ stdout, stderr = assemble_output(kc.get_iopub_msg)
+ assert stdout == 'hi\n'
+ assert stderr == ''
+ _check_master(kc, expected=True)
+@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ def test_sys_path():
+ """test that sys.path doesn't get messed up by default"""
+ with kernel() as kc:
+ msg_id, content = execute(kc=kc, code="import sys; print(repr(sys.path))")
+- stdout, stderr = assemble_output(kc.iopub_channel)
++ stdout, stderr = assemble_output(kc.get_iopub_msg)
+ # for error-output on failure
+ sys.stderr.write(stderr)
+@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ def test_sys_path_profile_dir():
+ with new_kernel(['--profile-dir', locate_profile('default')]) as kc:
+ msg_id, content = execute(kc=kc, code="import sys; print(repr(sys.path))")
+- stdout, stderr = assemble_output(kc.iopub_channel)
++ stdout, stderr = assemble_output(kc.get_iopub_msg)
+ # for error-output on failure
+ sys.stderr.write(stderr)
+@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ def test_subprocess_print():
+ ])
+ msg_id, content = execute(kc=kc, code=code)
+- stdout, stderr = assemble_output(iopub)
++ stdout, stderr = assemble_output(kc.get_iopub_msg)
+ nt.assert_equal(stdout.count("hello"), np, stdout)
+ for n in range(np):
+ nt.assert_equal(stdout.count(str(n)), 1, stdout)
+@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ def test_subprocess_noprint():
+ ])
+ msg_id, content = execute(kc=kc, code=code)
+- stdout, stderr = assemble_output(iopub)
++ stdout, stderr = assemble_output(kc.get_iopub_msg)
+ assert stdout == ''
+ assert stderr == ''
+@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ def test_subprocess_error():
+ ])
+ msg_id, content = execute(kc=kc, code=code)
+- stdout, stderr = assemble_output(iopub)
++ stdout, stderr = assemble_output(kc.get_iopub_msg)
+ assert stdout == ''
+ assert "ValueError" in stderr
+@@ -168,15 +168,15 @@ def test_raw_input():
+ theprompt = "prompt> "
+ code = 'print({input_f}("{theprompt}"))'.format(**locals())
+ msg_id = kc.execute(code, allow_stdin=True)
+- msg = kc.get_stdin_msg(block=True, timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ msg = kc.get_stdin_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
+ assert msg['header']['msg_type'] == 'input_request'
+ content = msg['content']
+ assert content['prompt'] == theprompt
+ text = "some text"
+ kc.input(text)
+- reply = kc.get_shell_msg(block=True, timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ reply = kc.get_shell_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
+ assert reply['content']['status'] == 'ok'
+- stdout, stderr = assemble_output(iopub)
++ stdout, stderr = assemble_output(kc.get_iopub_msg)
+ assert stdout == text + "\n"
+@@ -222,22 +222,22 @@ def test_is_complete():
+ # There are more test cases for this in core - here we just check
+ # that the kernel exposes the interface correctly.
+ kc.is_complete('2+2')
+- reply = kc.get_shell_msg(block=True, timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ reply = kc.get_shell_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
+ assert reply['content']['status'] == 'complete'
+ # SyntaxError
+ kc.is_complete('raise = 2')
+- reply = kc.get_shell_msg(block=True, timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ reply = kc.get_shell_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
+ assert reply['content']['status'] == 'invalid'
+ kc.is_complete('a = [1,\n2,')
+- reply = kc.get_shell_msg(block=True, timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ reply = kc.get_shell_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
+ assert reply['content']['status'] == 'incomplete'
+ assert reply['content']['indent'] == ''
+ # Cell magic ends on two blank lines for console UIs
+ kc.is_complete('%%timeit\na\n\n')
+- reply = kc.get_shell_msg(block=True, timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ reply = kc.get_shell_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
+ assert reply['content']['status'] == 'complete'
+@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ def test_complete():
+ wait_for_idle(kc)
+ cell = 'import IPython\nb = a.'
+ kc.complete(cell)
+- reply = kc.get_shell_msg(block=True, timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ reply = kc.get_shell_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
+ c = reply['content']
+ assert c['status'] == 'ok'
+@@ -316,20 +316,20 @@ def test_unc_paths():
+ iopub = kc.iopub_channel
+ kc.execute("cd {0:s}".format(unc_file_path))
+- reply = kc.get_shell_msg(block=True, timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ reply = kc.get_shell_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
+ assert reply['content']['status'] == 'ok'
+- out, err = assemble_output(iopub)
++ out, err = assemble_output(kc.get_iopub_msg)
+ assert unc_file_path in out
+ flush_channels(kc)
+ kc.execute(code="ls")
+- reply = kc.get_shell_msg(block=True, timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ reply = kc.get_shell_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
+ assert reply['content']['status'] == 'ok'
+- out, err = assemble_output(iopub)
++ out, err = assemble_output(kc.get_iopub_msg)
+ assert 'unc.txt' in out
+ kc.execute(code="cd")
+- reply = kc.get_shell_msg(block=True, timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ reply = kc.get_shell_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
+ assert reply['content']['status'] == 'ok'
+Index: ipykernel-5.5.6/ipykernel/tests/test_message_spec.py
+--- ipykernel-5.5.6.orig/ipykernel/tests/test_message_spec.py
++++ ipykernel-5.5.6/ipykernel/tests/test_message_spec.py
+@@ -288,21 +288,21 @@ def test_execute_silent():
+ msg_id, reply = execute(code='x=1', silent=True)
+ # flush status=idle
+- status = KC.iopub_channel.get_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ status = KC.get_iopub_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
+ validate_message(status, 'status', msg_id)
+ assert status['content']['execution_state'] == 'idle'
+- nt.assert_raises(Empty, KC.iopub_channel.get_msg, timeout=0.1)
++ nt.assert_raises(Empty, KC.get_iopub_msg, timeout=0.1)
+ count = reply['execution_count']
+ msg_id, reply = execute(code='x=2', silent=True)
+ # flush status=idle
+- status = KC.iopub_channel.get_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ status = KC.get_iopub_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
+ validate_message(status, 'status', msg_id)
+ assert status['content']['execution_state'] == 'idle'
+- nt.assert_raises(Empty, KC.iopub_channel.get_msg, timeout=0.1)
++ nt.assert_raises(Empty, KC.get_iopub_msg, timeout=0.1)
+ count_2 = reply['execution_count']
+ assert count_2 == count
+@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ def test_execute_error():
+ assert reply['status'] == 'error'
+ assert reply['ename'] == 'ZeroDivisionError'
+- error = KC.iopub_channel.get_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ error = KC.get_iopub_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
+ validate_message(error, 'error', msg_id)
+@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ def test_stream():
+ msg_id, reply = execute("print('hi')")
+- stdout = KC.iopub_channel.get_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ stdout = KC.get_iopub_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
+ validate_message(stdout, 'stream', msg_id)
+ content = stdout['content']
+ assert content['text'] == 'hi\n'
+@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ def test_display_data():
+ msg_id, reply = execute("from IPython.display import display; display(1)")
+- display = KC.iopub_channel.get_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ display = KC.get_iopub_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
+ validate_message(display, 'display_data', parent=msg_id)
+ data = display['content']['data']
+ assert data['text/plain'] == '1'
+Index: ipykernel-5.5.6/ipykernel/tests/utils.py
+--- ipykernel-5.5.6.orig/ipykernel/tests/utils.py
++++ ipykernel-5.5.6/ipykernel/tests/utils.py
+@@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ def flush_channels(kc=None):
+ if kc is None:
+ kc = KC
+- for channel in (kc.shell_channel, kc.iopub_channel):
++ for get_msg in (kc.get_shell_msg, kc.get_iopub_msg):
+ while True:
+ try:
+- msg = channel.get_msg(block=True, timeout=0.1)
++ msg = get_msg(timeout=0.1)
+ except Empty:
+ break
+ else:
+@@ -149,12 +149,12 @@ def new_kernel(argv=None):
+ kwargs['extra_arguments'] = argv
+ return manager.run_kernel(**kwargs)
+-def assemble_output(iopub):
++def assemble_output(get_msg):
+ """assemble stdout/err from an execution"""
+ stdout = ''
+ stderr = ''
+ while True:
+- msg = iopub.get_msg(block=True, timeout=1)
++ msg = get_msg(timeout=1)
+ msg_type = msg['msg_type']
+ content = msg['content']
+ if msg_type == 'status' and content['execution_state'] == 'idle':
+@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ def assemble_output(iopub):
+ def wait_for_idle(kc):
+ while True:
+- msg = kc.iopub_channel.get_msg(block=True, timeout=1)
++ msg = kc.get_iopub_msg(timeout=1)
+ msg_type = msg['msg_type']
+ content = msg['content']
+ if msg_type == 'status' and content['execution_state'] == 'idle':
+Index: ipykernel-5.5.6/ipykernel/tests/test_embed_kernel.py
+--- ipykernel-5.5.6.orig/ipykernel/tests/test_embed_kernel.py
++++ ipykernel-5.5.6/ipykernel/tests/test_embed_kernel.py
+@@ -94,19 +94,19 @@ def test_embed_kernel_basic():
+ with setup_kernel(cmd) as client:
+ # oinfo a (int)
+- msg_id = client.inspect('a')
+- msg = client.get_shell_msg(block=True, timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ client.inspect("a")
++ msg = client.get_shell_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
+ content = msg['content']
+ assert content['found']
+- msg_id = client.execute("c=a*2")
+- msg = client.get_shell_msg(block=True, timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ client.execute("c=a*2")
++ msg = client.get_shell_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
+ content = msg['content']
+ assert content['status'] == 'ok'
+ # oinfo c (should be 10)
+- msg_id = client.inspect('c')
+- msg = client.get_shell_msg(block=True, timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ client.inspect("c")
++ msg = client.get_shell_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
+ content = msg['content']
+ assert content['found']
+ text = content['data']['text/plain']
+@@ -128,24 +128,24 @@ def test_embed_kernel_namespace():
+ with setup_kernel(cmd) as client:
+ # oinfo a (int)
+- msg_id = client.inspect('a')
+- msg = client.get_shell_msg(block=True, timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ client.inspect("a")
++ msg = client.get_shell_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
+ content = msg['content']
+ assert content['found']
+ text = content['data']['text/plain']
+ assert '5' in text
+ # oinfo b (str)
+- msg_id = client.inspect('b')
+- msg = client.get_shell_msg(block=True, timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ client.inspect("b")
++ msg = client.get_shell_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
+ content = msg['content']
+ assert content['found']
+ text = content['data']['text/plain']
+ assert 'hi there' in text
+ # oinfo c (undefined)
+- msg_id = client.inspect('c')
+- msg = client.get_shell_msg(block=True, timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ client.inspect("c")
++ msg = client.get_shell_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
+ content = msg['content']
+ assert not content['found']
+@@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ def test_embed_kernel_reentrant():
+ with setup_kernel(cmd) as client:
+ for i in range(5):
+- msg_id = client.inspect('count')
+- msg = client.get_shell_msg(block=True, timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ client.inspect("count")
++ msg = client.get_shell_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
+ content = msg['content']
+ assert content['found']
+ text = content['data']['text/plain']
+@@ -176,5 +176,5 @@ def test_embed_kernel_reentrant():
+ # exit from embed_kernel
+ client.execute("get_ipython().exit_now = True")
+- msg = client.get_shell_msg(block=True, timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ msg = client.get_shell_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
+ time.sleep(0.2)
+Index: ipykernel-5.5.6/ipykernel/tests/test_start_kernel.py
+--- ipykernel-5.5.6.orig/ipykernel/tests/test_start_kernel.py
++++ ipykernel-5.5.6/ipykernel/tests/test_start_kernel.py
+@@ -11,20 +11,20 @@ def test_ipython_start_kernel_userns():
+ 'start_kernel(user_ns=ns)')
+ with setup_kernel(cmd) as client:
+- msg_id = client.inspect('tre')
+- msg = client.get_shell_msg(block=True, timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ client.inspect("tre")
++ msg = client.get_shell_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
+ content = msg['content']
+ assert content['found']
+ text = content['data']['text/plain']
+ assert '123' in text
+ # user_module should be an instance of DummyMod
+- msg_id = client.execute("usermod = get_ipython().user_module")
+- msg = client.get_shell_msg(block=True, timeout=TIMEOUT)
+- content = msg['content']
+- assert content['status'] == 'ok'
+- msg_id = client.inspect('usermod')
+- msg = client.get_shell_msg(block=True, timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ client.execute("usermod = get_ipython().user_module")
++ msg = client.get_shell_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ content = msg["content"]
++ assert content["status"] == "ok"
++ client.inspect("usermod")
++ msg = client.get_shell_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
+ content = msg['content']
+ assert content['found']
+ text = content['data']['text/plain']
+@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ def test_ipython_start_kernel_no_userns(
+ with setup_kernel(cmd) as client:
+ # user_module should not be an instance of DummyMod
+- msg_id = client.execute("usermod = get_ipython().user_module")
+- msg = client.get_shell_msg(block=True, timeout=TIMEOUT)
+- content = msg['content']
+- assert content['status'] == 'ok'
+- msg_id = client.inspect('usermod')
+- msg = client.get_shell_msg(block=True, timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ client.execute("usermod = get_ipython().user_module")
++ msg = client.get_shell_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
++ content = msg["content"]
++ assert content["status"] == "ok"
++ client.inspect("usermod")
++ msg = client.get_shell_msg(timeout=TIMEOUT)
+ content = msg['content']
+ assert content['found']
+ text = content['data']['text/plain']
diff --git a/packages/p/python-ipykernel5/python-ipykernel5.changes b/packages/p/python-ipykernel5/python-ipykernel5.changes
index 00622202565..58e7c15d1af 100644
--- a/packages/p/python-ipykernel5/python-ipykernel5.changes
+++ b/packages/p/python-ipykernel5/python-ipykernel5.changes
@@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
+Mon Oct 18 08:55:51 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner
+- Allow updating to jupyter_client 7 through backporting
+ gh#ipython/ipykernel#634 and gh#ipython/ipykernel#736 to
+ ipykernel-pr634+736-remove-block-client7.patch
+Mon Oct 18 08:04:37 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner
+- Update to 5.5.6
+ * Add ipython_genutils dependency
+- Block updating to jupyter_client 7
Thu Sep 16 08:35:54 UTC 2021 - Steve Kowalik
diff --git a/packages/p/python-ipykernel5/python-ipykernel5.spec b/packages/p/python-ipykernel5/python-ipykernel5.spec
index a30180bc9be..0026ec7c344 100644
--- a/packages/p/python-ipykernel5/python-ipykernel5.spec
+++ b/packages/p/python-ipykernel5/python-ipykernel5.spec
@@ -24,19 +24,22 @@
%define skip_python2 1
Name: python-ipykernel5
-Version: 5.5.5
+Version: 5.5.6
Release: 0
Summary: IPython Kernel for Jupyter
License: BSD-3-Clause
Group: Development/Languages/Python
URL: https://github.com/ipython/ipykernel
Source: https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/source/i/ipykernel/ipykernel-%{version}.tar.gz
+# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM ipykernel-pr34+736-remove-block-client7.patch -- backported gh#ipython/ipykernel#736
+Patch0: ipykernel-pr634+736-remove-block-client7.patch
BuildRequires: %{python_module setuptools}
BuildRequires: fdupes
BuildRequires: hicolor-icon-theme
BuildRequires: jupyter-jupyter_core-filesystem
BuildRequires: python-rpm-macros
Requires: python-ipython >= 5.0.0
+Requires: python-ipython_genutils
Requires: python-jupyter-client
Requires: python-jupyter-core
Requires: python-tornado >= 4.2
@@ -56,14 +59,11 @@ Obsoletes: %{python_module jupyter-ipykernel-doc < %{version}}
Provides: jupyter-ipykernel = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: jupyter-ipykernel < %{version}-%{release}
-%if "%{python_flavor}" == "python36"
-# This shim is necessary until the python36-ipykernel = 5.5 binary requiring jupyter-ipykernel = 5.5 is wiped from the repositories
-Provides: jupyter-ipykernel = %{version}-%{release}
BuildArch: noarch
# SECTION test requirements
BuildRequires: %{python_module flaky}
BuildRequires: %{python_module ipython >= 5.0.0}
+BuildRequires: %{python_module ipython_genutils}
BuildRequires: %{python_module jupyter-client}
BuildRequires: %{python_module jupyter-core}
BuildRequires: %{python_module nose}