This GitHub repo contains all code required and produced by the SpaceX++ team for the "Mars rover"; made as part of a second year end-of-year remote group project in the summer term of the 2020-21 academic year. This 4-week project involved members from the Electronic and Information Engineering (EIE) and Electrical and ElectronicEngineering (EEE) degree streams with the objective of designing the software (except for the Energy module whichinvolved hardware design) for an autonomous rover able to perform high-level commands sent to it from a remotecontrol station based on a hardware implementation provided.
The rover was broken up into six broad modules to aid the design process - Energy, Vision, Integration, Control, Drive, and Command. A folder can be found for each of these containing the avaliable code for each of the modules. Each of the modules was worked on mainly by an individual as described in the Contributors section, but there was a lot of co-working which was done between membors of the teams for all areas.
A video demonstration of the final project can be found at
The full report can be foudn at
- Control: Nicholas Pfaff
- Command: Bradley Stanley-Clamp
- Drive: Ben Ramhorst
- Energy: Sam Albert-Antwi
- Integration: Kacper Neumann
- Vision: Ignacio Bricchi