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(A) Basic PhotonOS Patterns

Brendan O'Connor edited this page Jan 16, 2024 · 32 revisions

Pattern A-01: The OVFtool Container

Step 1: using the master controller, navigate to the drop repo.

cd /usr/local/drop

Step 2: Verify the VMware-ovftool-4.4.3-18663434-lin.x86_64 bundle has been downloaded.


Should return:

root@photon-machine [ /usr/local/drop ]# ls

Step 3: build the ovftool container

cd /usr/local/e2e-patterns/photon/

Use the following syntax to test or run the ovftool

docker run ovftool --rm -it -v $PWD --help

Pattern A-02: The PowerCLI Container

  • Prerequisites: None.
  • Description: build powercli container.
  • Expected runtime: 1-2min

Step 1: using the master controller, navigate to the /usr/local/e2e-patterns/photon repo.

cd /usr/local/e2e-patterns/photon

Step 2: build the powercli container.


To run the PowerCLI container interactively, run the following:

docker run --rm -it vmware/powerclicore

To run a PowerShell script, run the following (replace sample.ps1 with appropriate script name):

docker run --rm --entrypoint="/usr/bin/pwsh" -v ${PWD}:/tmp vmware/powerclicore /tmp/sample.ps1

NOTE: all PowerShell scripts need to begin with #!/bin/sh otherwise you will receive exec format error from Docker. For example: sample.ps1

echo "Hello World!"

Pattern A-03: The Terraform Container

  • Prerequisites: None.
  • Description: build Terraform container.
  • Expected runtime: 1-2min

Step 1: using the master controller, navigate to the /usr/local/e2e-patterns/photon repo.

cd /usr/local/e2e-patterns/photon

Step 2: build the terraform container.


To run the Terraform container interactively, run the following:

docker run -i -t hashicorp/terraform --help

Create file in a dedicated directory on the Photon appliance and use the following syntax to initialize:

docker  run  -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) -i -t hashicorp/terraform init

Pattern A-04: Kubernetes

Step 1: using the master controller, navigate to the /usr/local/e2e-patterns/minikube repo.

cd /usr/local/e2e-patterns/minikube

Step 2: build the minikube pattern on the Master Controller (small scale) using the -p parameter.

python3 -p

Or build the minikube pattern on its own Photon Controller using the -a parameter.

python3 -a

Step 3: validate kubectl

kubectl --help

Pattern A-05: The Ansible Container

  • Prerequisites: None.
  • Description: builds an Ansible container.
  • Expected runtime: 1-2min

Step 1: using the master controller, navigate to the /usr/local/e2e-patterns/photon repo.

cd /usr/local/e2e-patterns/photon

Step 2: build the ansible container.


To run the ansible container interactively, run the following:

docker run -i -t alpinelinux/ansible ansible --help

Pattern A-06: Build Photon template from ISO

Warning This Pattern is actively being developed.

  • Prerequisites: Download PhotonOS ISO from here. Upload the ISO to the local ESXI datastore.

Step 1: using the master controller, navigate to the /usr/local/e2e-patterns/photon repo:

cd /usr/local/e2e-patterns/photon

Step 2: build the template by running the following script


The script will pause when it is ready for you to mount the ISO to the virtual machine. Follow the instructions posted to the CLI.

Pattern A-07: Build Photon from template

Warning This Pattern is actively being developed.

Pattern A-08: Build a Node Controller (i.e. a prepped PhotonOS appliance)

Warning This Pattern is actively being developed.

  • Prerequisites: Prerequisites: Pattern A-01 & Pattern A-02
  • Description: deploy a PhotonOS appliance to the ESXi host and run the prep script.
  • Expected runtime: 7-10min

Step 1: using the master controller, navigate to the /usr/local/e2e-patterns/photon repo:

cd /usr/local/e2e-patterns/photon

Step 2: deploy the photon controller using the following inputs:

  1. VM Name (as it will appear in vCenter)
python3 e2ep-photontest-02
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