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Deploy Bold Reports using Helm

This chart installs Bold Reports on Kubernetes. You can create Kubernetes cluster on either cloud or on-premise infrastructure. Please follow the below documentation for Bold Reports deployment in a specific cloud and on-premise environments.

Deployment prerequisites

Note: Note the Ingress IP address to use it while crafting values.yaml when installing Bold Reports with helm chart.

Get Repo Info

  1. Add the Bold Reports helm repository
helm repo add boldreports
helm repo update
  1. View charts in repo
helm search repo boldreports

boldreports/boldreports   6.2.32           6.2.32         Make bolder business decisions with complete reporting solutions...

See helm repo for command documentation.

Install Chart

For Helm chart, you'll need to craft a values.yaml.

  • For EKS please download the values.yaml file here.
  • For AKS please download the values.yaml file here.
  • For GKE please download the values.yaml file here.
  • For ACK please download the values.yaml file here

Name Description
namespace The namespace in which the Bold Reports resources will be dpleoyed in the kubernetes cluster.
The default namespace is bold-services
appBaseUrl * Domain or Ingress IP address with http/https protocol. Follow the SSL Termination to configure SSL certificate for https protocol after deploying Bold Reports in your cluster.
optionalLibs These are the client libraries used in Bold Reports by default.
Please refer to Optional Client Libraries section to know more.
clusterProvider The type of kubernetes cluster provider you are using.
The recommended values are 'eks,aks,gke'
persistentVolume * Please refer to this section to know more on how to set Persistant Volumes for Bold Reports.
loadBalancer Currently we have provided support for Nginx and Istio as Load Balancers in Bold Reports. Please refer to this section for configuring Load balancer for Bold Reports.
autoscaling By default autoscaling is enabled in Bold Reports. Please refer to this section to configure autoscaling in Bold Reports.
tolerationEnable: false
Tolerations allow the pods to be scheduled into nodes with matching taints. Set this to true if you use tolerations in your cluster. If you need more than one toleration, you can add multiple tolerations below.
nodeAffinityEnable: false
Node affinity ensures that the pods are scheduled into nodes with matching labels. Set this to true if you use node affinity in your cluster.
podAffinityEnable: false Pod affinity ensures that the pods are scheduled into nodes with matching pods. Set this to true if you use pod affinity in your cluster
podAntiAffinityEnable: false Pod anti-affinity ensures that the pods are not scheduled into nodes with matching pods. Set this to true if you use pod anti-affinity in your cluster.

Note: Items marked with * are mandatory fields in values.yaml

Run the following command to delpoy Bold Reports in your cluster.

helm install [RELEASE_NAME] boldreports/boldreports -f [Crafted values.yaml file]

Ex: helm install boldreports boldreports/boldreports -f my-values.yaml

Refer here for advanced configuration including SSL termination, optional client libraries, etc.

See helm install for command documentation.


Run the following command to get the latest version of Bold Reports helm chart.

helm repo update

Run the below command to apply changes in your Bold Reports release or upgrading Bold Reports to latest version.

helm upgrade [RELEASE_NAME] boldreports/boldreports -f [Crafted values.yaml file]

Ex: helm upgrade boldreports boldreports/boldreports -f my-values.yaml

Uninstall Chart

helm uninstall [RELEASE_NAME]

Ex: helm uninstall boldreports

This removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

See helm uninstall for command documentation.

Application Startup

Configure the Bold Reports On-Premise application startup to use the application. Please refer the following link for more details on configuring the application startup.