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-# candymachine-client-sdk
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+# Candymachine Client SDK
+## Pre-alpha version
+Candymachine Client SDK is currently under development and in pre-alpha version.
+## About The Project
+Candymachine Client SDK brings to the table the functions, types and other items from the Candy Machine CLI to be compatible with the browser.
+### Features
+- Create a Candy Machine V2 with multiple and configurable settings:
+ - Captcha enabled/disabled.
+ - Mutability on the NFTs.
+ - Price, number of NFTs.
+ - Authority.
+ - NFTs hosted on Arweave.
+ - Time and date to start the minting.
+- Update any Candy Machine V2 in which you are the authority and have the cache file.
+- Explore any Candy Machine V2, view the minted NFTs, remaining NFTs to mint...
+- Mint a NFT from the Candy Machine V2.
+- Available on Solana's Mainnet and Devnet networks.
+- Fully compatible with React and NextJS.
+### Built with
+- Typescript
+- Metaplex
+- Anchor from Serum
+- Solana web3.js
+## Installation
+$ npm i @boxfish-studio/candymachine-client-sdk
+$ yarn add @boxfish-studio/candymachine-client-sdk
+$ pnpm add @boxfish-studio/candymachine-client-sdk
+## How to use
+### Upload your first Candy Machine
+1. Import `uploadV2, loadCandyProgramV2, StorageType, verifyAssets` functions and enums:
+import { uploadV2, loadCandyProgramV2, StorageType, verifyAssets } from '@boxfish-studio/candymachine-client-sdk'
+async function createCandyMachineV2() {
+ let candyMachine: string = ''
+ const config: ICandyMachineConfig = {
+ price: 1,
+ number: 200,
+ gatekeeper: null,
+ solTreasuryAccount: ******************, // where the NFTs initial sale SOL will go to
+ splTokenAccount: null,
+ splToken: null,
+ goLiveDate: "21 Jul 2023 16:00:00 GMT",
+ endSettings: null,
+ whitelistMintSettings: null,
+ hiddenSettings: null,
+ storage: StorageType.Arweave,
+ ipfsInfuraProjectId: null,
+ ipfsInfuraSecret: null,
+ nftStorageKey: null,
+ awsS3Bucket: null,
+ noRetainAuthority: false,
+ noMutable: false,
+ arweaveJwk: null,
+ batchSize: null,
+ pinataGateway: null,
+ pinataJwt: null,
+ uuid: null,
+ }
+ // files being all the assets uploaded to the page: [0.json, 0.png, 1.json, 1.png....]
+ const { supportedFiles, elemCount } = verifyAssets(files, config.storage, config.number)
+ const provider = new AnchorProvider(connection, anchorWallet, {
+ preflightCommitment: 'recent',
+ })
+ const anchorProgram = await loadCandyProgramV2(provider)
+ const {
+ storage,
+ nftStorageKey,
+ ipfsInfuraProjectId,
+ number,
+ ipfsInfuraSecret,
+ pinataJwt,
+ pinataGateway,
+ arweaveJwk,
+ awsS3Bucket,
+ retainAuthority,
+ mutable,
+ batchSize,
+ price,
+ splToken,
+ treasuryWallet,
+ gatekeeper,
+ endSettings,
+ hiddenSettings,
+ whitelistMintSettings,
+ goLiveDate,
+ uuid,
+ } = await getCandyMachineV2Config(publicKey, config, anchorProgram)
+ try {
+ const _candyMachine = await uploadV2({
+ files: supportedFiles,
+ cacheName: 'example',
+ env: "devnet",
+ totalNFTs: elemCount,
+ gatekeeper,
+ storage,
+ retainAuthority,
+ mutable,
+ batchSize,
+ price,
+ treasuryWallet,
+ anchorProgram,
+ walletKeyPair: anchorWallet, // from react solana wallet package
+ endSettings,
+ hiddenSettings,
+ whitelistMintSettings,
+ goLiveDate,
+ rateLimit: null,
+ })
+ if (typeof _candyMachine === 'string') candyMachine = _candyMachine
+ console.log("Candy machine v2 successfully created!")
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.error("Error during candy machine v2 upload.")
+ }
+ }
+## Acknowledgements
+This SDK has been built thanks to Metaplex's Candy Machine CLI.