( ( (
)\ ) )\ ) )\ )
(()/((()/( (()/( ( ( ( ( ( (
/(_))/(_)) /(_)))\))( ))\ ( )\))( ))\ (
(_))_(_))_ (_)) ((_))\ /((_))\ ((_))\ /((_))\ )
| |_ | \/ __| (()(_|_)) ((_) (()(_|_)) _(_/(
| __| | |) \__ \/ _` |/ -_) _ \/ _` |/ -_) ' \))
|_| |___/|___/\__, |\___\___/\__, |\___|_||_|
|___/ |___/
fdsgeogen allows to formulate FDS input files in a relative way, i.e. as functions of variables. The used file format is XML.
FDS is a widely used fire and smoke spread simulation tool. Its input file format (FORTRAN namelist format) is based on absolute numbers, e.g. geometry information.
A tentative documentation is provided here:
An introduction talk (including examples) given at the FDS user group meeting 2015 in Berlin is located in
or here
For any kind of questions or support, please contact firesim@fz-juelich.de, or post an issue at GitHub.