As you may know, Github Packages is a place like npm
, which you can host public and private packages. Currently, Github packages supports lots of build tools like npm
, gem
, mvn
, gradle
, dotnet
(Free for public libraries). However, there is not support for sbt
, which is not very friendly to our scala
developers. Fortunately, thanks to djspiewak
for creating sbt-github-packages plugin. This will allow us to publish our scala library into Github packages. Here is how:
We will use sbt-github-packages plugin in this tutorial
Get your personal access token in settings - developer settings - personal access token
Then goto generate token
, please remember this token, we will use it in step 3.
I assume you have a library that is ready to publish. Please add this line to your codebase ./project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.codecommit" % "sbt-github-packages" % "0.5.2")
git config --global github.user <github_username>
git config --global github.token <personal_token>
Where <personal_token> is the token you just created in step 1
. After executing these commands, you should be able to view it at ~/.gitconfig
token = <personal_token>
user = <github_username>
Add these these lines to your ./build.sbt
githubOwner := "<github_username>"
githubRepository := "<github_repo_name>"
githubTokenSource := TokenSource.GitConfig("github.token")
after adding them you should re-run the build or restart the IDE (if you're using IntelliJ)
For example, my username is gjuoun
and this repo name is github-packages-playground
. Fill the fields as yours.
Behind the scene, githubTokenSource := TokenSource.GitConfig("github.token")
reads the github token then the plugin is authorized to publish to Github Packages
Run this command to publish your package:
> sbt publish
Then you will see this package
tab available in your repo:
The package name is <organization>.<name>_<scalaVersion>
, the example below has a package version 0.1.2
which is from <version>
All naming conventions are from the variables in ./build.sbt
We will use sbt-github-packages plugin in this tutorial You should have followed step 1-5 above and published your package.
Add this line to your ./project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.codecommit" % "sbt-github-packages" % "0.5.2")
Add these lines to your codebase ./build.sbt
make the plugin to work
githubTokenSource := TokenSource.GitConfig("github.token")
resolvers += Resolver.githubPackages("<github_username>", "<github_repo_name>")
libraryDependencies += "<organization>" %% "<package_name>" % "<version>"
Well, there are many fields we need to match them with your package. You can ignore the <github_repo_name>
field, doing so the plugin will resolve all available packages in github account <github_username>
We'd like to take this package as an example:
github_username = gjuoun
github_repo_name = github-packages-playground
organization = gjuoun
package_name = hellopackage
version = 0.1.6
Now you should able to compile your code with the new plugin
> sbt compile
Suppose the package has code:
package org.gjuoun.lib
class Calculator{
def add(x: Int, y:Int): Int ={
Importing the package into your code is easy, just follow the package name: org.gjuoun.lib
import org.gjuoun.lib.Calculator
// use it with
var cal = new Calculator()
Console.println(cal.add(10, 100))
Congratulations, you've published your scala library to Github packages successfully!
Demo code can be found here