Check each individual file to find out precisely which constraint I'm using. Constraints which are not strictly valid for monochromatic mass functions are marked with an asterisk (*). Projected constraints are marked with a dagger (†). Constraints which are now generally discredited are marked with a 'slashed zero' (ø).
- 3G-GW-1y, 3G-GW-10y†: Projected constraints from 3G Gravitational Wave detectors (based on 1 year and 10 years of operation) - arXiv:2111.06990
- 511keV: Constraints on PBH evaporation from the 511 keV gamma ray line - arXiv:1906.09994 and arXiv:1906.07740
- 511keV-DeLaTorreLuque2024: Updated PBH evaporation constraints from 511 keV line - arXiv:2406.11949
- AMS: Constraints from AMS-02, due to positron + electron production by evaporation - arXiv:2403.04988
- Comptel: Constraints from PBH evaporation using Comptel GC observations - arXiv:2010.04797
- CMB: Constraints from modification of the CMB spectrum due to accreting PBHs, including particle DM accretion - arXiv:2002.10771
- CMB-Agius2024: Updated CMB constraints from accreting PBHs, assuming Park-Ricotti accretion model - arXiv:2403.18895
- CMBevap: Constraints from modification of the CMB spectrum due to evaporating PBHs - arXiv:1612.07738
- EROS: Microlensing constraints from EROS - astro-ph/0607207
- EDGES: Constraints from energy injection in the 21cm EDGES signal due to accreting PBHs - arXiv:1803.09697
- EDGESevap-Clark2018: Constraints from energy injection in the 21cm EDGES signal due to evaporating PBHs - Clark et al., arXiv:1803.09390
- EDGESevap-Mittal2021: Constraints from energy injection in the 21cm EDGES signal due to evaporating PBHs - Mittal et al., arXiv:2107.02190
- EDGESevap-Saha2021: Constraints from energy injection due to evaporating PBHs (rotating and non-rotating), leading to an EDGES-like 21cm signal - Saha & Laha, arXiv:2112.10794
- EGRB: Constraints on PBH evaporation from extragalactic gamma-rays - arXiv:0912.5297
- FLø: Femto-lensing of gamma-ray bursts - arXiv:1204.2056
- FL-small†: Femto-lensing of small gamma-ray bursts - arXiv:1807.11495
- FRB: Non-observation of lensing of Fast Radio Bursts - arXiv:2003.13349
- FRB-Leung2022: Updated constraints on FRB Lensing with CHIME/FRB - arXiv:2204.06001
- GECCO†: Projections for evaporation constraints from MeV-gamma ray telescope GECCO - arXiv:2101.10370
- GRB-parallax†: Lensing parallax of 1000 GRBs (using spatially separated telescopes) - arXiv:1908.00078
- GW-lensing†: Microlensing of GWs by PBHs - arXiv:1712.01396
- HSC: Microlensing constraints from the Hyper-Supreme Cam - arXiv:1701.02151, updated in arXiv:1910.01285 and then again in arXiv:2007.12697
- Icarus: Icarus microlensing event ('caustic crossing') - arXiv:1710.00148
- INTEGRAL: Constaints from MeV background from evaporating PBHs - arXiv:2004.00627
- K: Microlensing constraints from Kepler - arXiv:1307.5798
- Leo-I: Dynamics of Leo-I - arXiv:1906.10463
- Leo-T: Heating due to dynamic friction and accretion in Leo T - arXiv:2007.02213
- Leo-Tevap: Heating due to evaporation in dwarf galaxy Leo T - arXiv:2007.07739
- LIGO: Direct constraints on PBH-PBH mergers with LIGO - arXiv:1805.09034 and arXiv:1904.08976
- LIGO-perturbed: Conservative constraints on PBH-PBH mergers incorporating effects of binary perturbations - arXiv:1908.09752
- LIGO-HMR*: Constraints on PBH-PBH mergers in which one PBH is ~37 solar mass and the other is sub-solar - arXiv:2202.11024
- LIGO-subsolar: Constraints on PBH fraction from direct searches for gravitational waves from subsolar mass binary black hole mergers in LVK O1+O2+O3 data - arXiv:2202.11024
- LIGO-SGWB-O2: Stochastic BG of PBH mergers with LIGO (Observing Run 2) - arXiv:1904.02396
- LIGO-SGWB-O3: Stochastic BG of PBH mergers with LIGO (Observing Run 3) - arXiv:2202.11024
- LIGO-SGWB-O1-O2-O3: Stochastic BG of PBH mergers with the first three LIGO observing runs. Bayesian constraints using a narrow log-normal mass function ("MN prior") - arXiv:2412.18318
- LVK-SGWB-subsolar: Stochastic GW background constraints for LVK O3 run - arXiv:2202.11024
- Lyalphaforest: Ly-alpha forest constraint from the shot noise power spectrum arXiv:1903.10509
- M: Microlensing constraints from MACHO - astro-ph/0011506
- Microlensing: envelope of EROS, HSC, K and M
- Microlensing-LongDuration: Constraints from long-duration microlensing, combining EROS and MACHO results - arXiv:2202.13819
- NANOGrav: Scalar-induced GWs with NANOGrav - arXiv:1910.12239
- NSø: Neutron star capture and destruction - arXiv:1301.4984
- OGLE-highcadence: Constraints on planetrary mass PBHs from high-cadence OGLE observations - arXiv:2410.06251
- OGLE-strict: Most recent OGLE bounds from 20 year observations (OGLE-III + OGLE-IV), assuming no PBH-induced microlensing events. Other options are OGLE-MW1 and OGLE-MW2, which correspond to the Cautun+ (2020) and Han & Gould (2003) Milky Way models respectively - arXiv:2403.02398, arXiv:2403.02386
- OGLE-hint: Hint for Earth mass PBHs with OGLE - arXiv:1901.07120
- OGLE-2019: Microlensing constraints from OGLE 5-year observations - arXiv:1901.07120
- PBH-EMRIs†: Extreme mass-ratio inspirals of PBHs around supermassive black holes - arXiv:1910.07397
- PTA-Doppler†: PBH-induced motions in Pulsar Timing Arrays - arXiv:1901.04490
- PTA-Shapiro†: PBH-induced time delays in Pulsar Timing Arrays - arXiv:1901.04490
- Quasars: Constraints from microlensing of quasars - arXiv:2203.04777
- Quasars-Xray: Constraints from visible and X-ray microlensing of quasars (including and extending results of Quasars, arXiv:2203.04777, to lower masses) - arXiv:2307.07473
- Radio: Radio constraints on accreting PBHs in the Milky Way - arXiv:1812.07967
- SKA†: Forecast for the 21 cm power spectrum from SKA - arXiv:1906.07735
- SNe-Lensing: Lensing of supernovae by PBHs - arXiv:1712.02240
- SuperK: Bounds from evaporation into neutrinos from SuperKamiokande - arXiv:1912.01014
- UFdwarfs: Constraints from the disruption of ultra-faint dwarfs - arXiv:1605.03665
- WhiteDwarfmicro†: Projected microlensing constraints assuming observation of 1000 White Dwarfs in the LMC - arXiv:1905.06066
- Voyager: Constraints on PBH evaporation from electron/positron measurements by Voyager 1 probe - arXiv:1807.03075
- Voyager-DeLaTorreLuque2024: Updated constraints on PBH evaporation from electron/positron measurements by Voyager 1 probe - arXiv:2406.11949
- WideBinaries: Constraints from disruption of Wide Binaries - arXiv:1406.5169
- WDø: Constraints from the destruction of White Dwarfs by PBHs - arXiv:1505.04444
- X-ray: X-ray constraints on accreting PBHs in the Milky Way - arXiv:1812.07967
- Xrayevap: X-ray background constraint from evaporating PBHs - arXiv:2404.17119
- Xrayevap-DeLaTorreLuque2024: X-ray background constraint from evaporating PBHs (with XMM-Newton) - arXiv:2406.11949
- Xraylensing-NICER: Constraints from X-ray microlensing with NICER (1.74d) - arXiv:2405.20365
- Xraylensing-eXTP-proj†: Projected constraints from microlensing of X-ray pulsars - arXiv:1812.01427
- Xraylensing-NICER-proj†: Projected constraints from X-ray microlensing with NICER (60d) - arXiv:2405.20365
- Xraylensing-STROBEX-proj†: Projected constraints from X-ray microlensing with STROBE-X (30d) - arXiv:2405.20365
- Xraylensing-Xmu-proj†: Projected constraints from X-ray microlensing with Xmu (30d) - arXiv:2405.20365