YOLOv5(m) okayish-trained ninedash detector
Code contains webapp + RESTful API, you probably need to edit it to fit your usage.
Zalo AI competitor, not really, but free.
web demo: https://api.lets-rp.com/ninedash/
api: https://api.lets-rp.com/v1/ninedash/detect
example api request w/ curl: curl -X POST -F image=@"path" "https://api.lets-rp.com/v1/ninedash/detect"
example json return data:
"have_ninedash": 1,
"locations": [
"bbox": {
"x_center": 343.1834716796875,
"y_center": 271.02252197265625,
"width": 243.12103271484375,
"height": 335.51605224609375
"score": 0.943516194820404
"bbox": {
"x_center": 850.6929931640625,
"y_center": 248.51612854003906,
"width": 242.1363525390625,
"height": 340.3798522949219
"score": 0.9317539930343628
if have_ninedash is 0, locations is undefined.
Built for Windows, you can use Nginx + Waitress to serve it over the web, if you're on Linux you can use Nginx + Gunicorn/uWSGI