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3. Improve the model

During the development of a Custom Speech model, developers improve the accuracy of a model by updating the training data used to train the Custom Speech model, and/or the testing data used to evaluate the accuracy of that model.

This template includes sample testing and training data from the cognitive-services-speech-sdk repository for the purposes of this walk through, including:

Follow these steps to create a pull request containing updates to the training and testing data to illustrate making improvements to the model when compared to the baseline model from Test the baseline model. That pull request will trigger two GitHub Action workflows:

  • SpeechTestDataCI triggers on updates to test data, or pushing a baseline tag as you saw in Test the baseline model. This workflow will retest the benchmark model with the updated test data to calculate the new benchmark Word Error Rate (WER).
  • SpeechTrainDataCICD triggers on updates to training data. This workflow will build a new model from the training data and test whether the new model has a better WER than the benchmark model. If that new model has a better WER than the benchmark model, the workflow will create a release and an endpoint for the new model and the new model will become the benchmark.

Table of contents

Create development Speech project

The resources and Speech project you created in Setup will be used in the GitHub Actions workflows. In this step, you'll create a resource and Speech project for your personal development and testing.

To create the development Speech project:

  1. Create an Azure Speech resource in the Azure Resource Group from Setup.
  2. Create a Speech project under this resource.

Create a feature branch

Create a feature branch for your updates to the training and testing data.

To create a feature branch:

  1. Navigate to the root of the repository and create a feature branch from master:

    git checkout master
    git pull
    git checkout -b newSpeechModel

Update the training data

Update the training data to illustrate making a change to improve the model's recognition.

To update the training data:

  1. Change the file training/related-text.txt by adding the line below to the end of the file:

    This is language data for my improved model.

This change illustrates a training data change that will trigger the GitHub Actions workflow. After this walk through, you'll make updates that attempt to improve the model's recognition.

  1. Add and commit the changes:

    git add .
    git commit -m "More training data updates."

Update the testing data

When developing a Custom Speech model, you update the training data to improve the accuracy of your model and the testing data to evaluate that accuracy. Here, you will update the testing data to illustrate making a change to improve accuracy testing.

To make changes to the testing data:

  1. Unzip the testing/ file to a temporary folder.

  2. Open trans.txt and add some text to the beginning of the transcription, for example:

    audio.wav	SOME UPDATE Once the test is complete, indicated by the status change to Succeeded, you'll find a WER number for both models included in your test. Click on the test name to view the testing detail page. This detail page lists all the utterances in your dataset, indicating the recognition results of the two models alongside the transcription from the submitted dataset. To help inspect the side-by-side comparison, you can toggle various error types including insertion, deletion, and substitution. By listening to the audio and comparing recognition results in each column, which shows the human-labeled transcription and the results for two speech-to-text models, you can decide which model meets your needs and where additional training and improvements are required.

    Note: Transcript files are strictly formatted. Do not add an additional line, modify the file name (audio.wav) at the beginning of the line, or delete the tab character separating the filename from the following text. For more details refer to audio + human-labeled transcript data in the Custom Speech documentation.

  3. Zip up the two files audio.wav and trans.txt into a new zipped folder named and save it in the testing folder in your repo, replacing the original testing/

  4. Add and commit the changes:

    git add .
    git commit -m "Update testing data."

Test the effect of training and testing data updates

After you have made updates to training data for a Custom Speech model, you can test the effect on your model by using Speech Studio before you raise a pull request. The WER from the tests can gauge a model's recognition accuracy. If the WER improves, the updates can be submitted in a pull request.

Note: In this walk through, you will submit your changes as a PR regardless of the WER to illustrate making a change to the training and testing data.

To do that testing, use your development Speech project:

  1. Open Speech Studio.
  2. Open your development Speech project from Test the baseline model.
  3. For each change you'd like to evaluate:
    1. Create datasets by uploading your training/related-text.txt and training/pronunciation.txt training data.

    2. Train a development model using those datasets.

      Note: Training models can take upwards of 30 minutes.

    3. Test the development model using the test data in testing/ to get the WER.

    4. Submit a pull request if the WER has improved.

If the WER did not improve, add more training data and test the effect on the model.

Create the pull request

Once you are satisfied with how your development model performs based on your changes, create a pull request to submit those changes to master.

To create the pull request:

  1. Push your changes:

    git push -u origin newSpeechModel
  2. Create a pull request from newSpeechModel to master.

  3. Click the Merge pull request button to merge the pull request into master.

    Note: If you have set up branch protection policies, you will need to check Use your administrator privileges to merge the pull request.

Confirm the workflows

In this walkthrough, you merged a pull request to master with updates to both the testing and training data. GitHub Action workflows stored in the .github/workflows/ directory will run when triggered. Updates to testing data trigger the SpeechTestDataCI workflow, while updates to training data trigger the SpeechTrainDataCICD workflow. Immediately after merging your pull request, click on the Actions tab on GitHub to see both of them running.

Confirm the testing workflow results

SpeechTestDataCI retests the benchmark model to calculate the new benchmark WER based on the updated test data. This ensures that when the WER of any new models is compared with the WER of the benchmark, both models have been tested against the same test data.

To view the SpeechTestDataCI YAML open .github/workflows/speech-test-data-ci.yml.

View the workflow run

To view SpeechTestDataCI workflow run for your pull request:

  1. Navigate to the Actions tab of your main repository.

  2. Select the SpeechTestDataCI workflow on the left navigation menu.

  3. Select the run that represents your pull request.

    Actions tab showing that the workflow is running

  4. Wait for the jobs to complete successfully.

  5. Familiarize yourself with the jobs and tasks in the workflow.

View the test results

The test summary and test results created in this run are saved in the test-results container that was created during the first execution of the workflow. The file benchmark-test.txt in the configuration container will be overwritten to contain the name of the benchmark test summary file that was created in this run.

To view the test results and benchmark:

  1. Open Azure Portal and navigate the Azure Storage Account created in Setup.
  2. Under Tools and SDKs, select Storage Explorer (preview).
  3. Select BLOB CONTAINERS in the navigation menu on the left.
  4. Select the test-results container.
  5. Open the test-summary-from-test-data-update-XXXXXXX.json file to view the test results from your baseline model.
  6. Select the configuration container.
  7. Open benchmark-test.txt and confirm it contains the name of the test summary file from the baseline model.

Confirm the training workflow results

The SpeechTrainDataCICD workflow trains a model, tests that model, and compares the WER from testing the new model to the WER from the benchmark model, including:

  • WER is better than the benchmark - The training workflow will pass if the new model has a better WER than the benchmark model. The test summary from the new model will replace the benchmark results in benchmark-test.txt. The workflow will create a GitHub release and a Custom Speech endpoint from that model. The GitHub release contains a copy of the repository contents at the time the release was created, along with a JSON file that contains the endpoint.
  • WER is worse than the benchmark - The workflow fails if the new model's WER is worse than the benchmark model's WER. In this case, the new model will be deleted and the workflow will exit without creating a release and endpoint for the new model.

As a part of the release job, there is a step in place which deletes all but the 5 latest models of the current model kind. If models are attached to an endpoint, they won't be deleted since deleting an endpoint should be a manual process.

View the workflow run

To view workflow run for your pull request:

  1. Navigate to the Actions tab of your repository.

  2. Select SpeechTrainDataCICD on the left navigation menu.

  3. Select the event that represents your pull request.

    Actions tab showing that the workflow is running

  4. Wait for the jobs to complete successfully.

    Note: Training models takes upwards of 30 minutes.

  5. Familiarize yourself with the jobs and steps in the workflow.

View the model

Data from the training folder is used to train a Custom Speech model.

To view the model:

  1. Open Speech Studio.
  2. Open the the main Speech project from Setup.
  3. Select Training and note the new model created.

If the WER does not improve, the model will be deleted, but you can view improved models and models that are in the process of training. The workflow will keep the 5 latest models of whatever kind you are currently training, either acoustic or language models, along with any models that are attached to an endpoint.

View the test results

When the new model is done training, the workflow tests the new model's accuracy using audio + human-labeled transcripts in testing/

Testing creates a test summary and a test results file. The test summary contains the WER for that test.

The workflow stores the test summary and test results in an Azure Storage container called test-results. The workflow also creates an Azure Storage container called configuration with a single file, benchmark-test.txt. This file contains the name of the test summary file for the model with the best WER, establishing a benchmark to compare future models against.

To view the test files and the file name of the current benchmark test summary:

  1. Open Azure Portal and navigate the Azure Storage Account created in Setup.
  2. Under Tools and SDKs, select Storage Explorer (preview).
  3. Select BLOB CONTAINERS in the navigation menu on the left.
  4. Select the test-results container.
  5. Open the test-summary-from-train-data-update-XXXXXXX.json file to view the test results from your baseline model.
  6. Select the configuration container.
  7. Open benchmark-test.txt and confirm it contains the name of the test summary file from the baseline model.

View the release and endpoint

Finally, if the WER improves, the SpeechTrainDataCICD workflow creates a GitHub release and a Custom Speech endpoint from that model. The GitHub release contains a copy of the repository contents at the time the release was created, along with a JSON file that contains the endpoint.

To view the release and endpoint:

  1. Navigate to the Code tab of the main repository.

  2. Select Releases to see the release created for your pull request.

    Latest Release

  3. Select release-endpoints.json to download the file and view the ID of the Custom Speech endpoint created for the model:


Update endpoints in your client application to use the latest release at your own discretion. As stated in View the model, as long as you don't delete an endpoint manually, the model behind that endpoint will not be deleted either.

Next steps

Now that you understand how to make training and testing data changes to improve the model, you are ready to start working on your model.

To start working on your model, replace the sample data supplied with this repo with data for your project. Start with small data sets that replicate the language and acoustics that the model will encounter. For example, record audio on the same hardware and in the same acoustic environment as the end solution so that any incompatibilities can be sorted before investing in a larger data set. More audio data can be added at any time using the tools and documentation in this solution. As the data set gets larger, make sure it's diverse and representative of your project's scenario.

See the following documents for more information on this template and the engineering practices it demonstrates: