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PR Builder overview

Mihai PLESA edited this page Feb 17, 2020 · 47 revisions

Table of Contents

Every PR in brave-browser or brave-core needs to pass a series of automated checks before merging. The intention of this page is to describe those checks.

GitHub overview

On each PR, you should see the checks section as below (unless it's a draft PR or has the CI/skip label applied).

GitHub checks section

Details link will take you to the actual check results (Jenkins private, Travis publicly accessible).

Jenkins overview

We have a private Jenkins server available at (you need VPN and a Jenkins account).

There are two jobs setup under the ci tab:

Each of these is setup in Jenkins as a multibranch pipeline. A scan is done every 5 minutes for new changes and (once detected) the job will automatically be queued up. Forks are ignored. When a new build starts it will cancel the previously running ones, unless it gets aborted for the following reasons:

  • CI/skip label present
  • build started from brave-browser PR when a matching brave-core PR or branch exists (build should be started from there to correctly report status on both PRs)

Extra skipping is available per platform using the CI/skip-android, CI/skip-ios, CI/skip-linux, CI/skip-macos, CI/skip-windows labels. They are recommended just to save time and resources during development, before merge please take them out and re-run build (unless agreed otherwise with reviewer or uplift approvers).

Using the UI, you can go into either one of these and then view Branches and Pull Requests. You can see the history of checks by going into the specific PR or associated branch in Jenkins.

Brave Core PR builder jobs in Jenkins

PR Builder process lifecycle

The PR builder lifecycle has multiple steps that are described in this image:

PR builder process lifecycle

Helpful Jenkins links

When on a specific build from the build history there are some helpful links:

  • Console Output - view full build output
  • Parameters - view parameter values that have been passed to the build (as defined above)
  • Test Result - view test results (unit and browser tests together)
  • Replay - replay build (with option to alter pipeline)
  • Pipeline Steps - best view for seeing the full list of steps and debugging (can view status and output of individual steps)
  • Workspaces - view files in the build workspaces and nodes allocated to the build

brave-browser checks

The checks that are done are defined in the Jenkinsfile at the root of the project

This Jenkinsfile defines the pipeline that builds in parallel for Android arm64, iOS arm and arm64, Linux, macOS and Windowx x64 with the steps below:

  • checkout source code
  • pin locally branch in package.json if branch also exists in brave-core
  • install dependencies (npm install --no-optional) and remove gclient lock files
  • initialize the repository (across runs we do rm -rf src/brave to force fetching the latest code then npm run init)
  • run lint (npm run lint)
  • audit dependencies (npm run audit_deps)
  • enable sccache
  • build
  • audit network (npm run network-audit)
  • unit tests and browser tests (npm run test -- brave_unit_tests and npm run test -- brave_browser_tests)
  • create distributables
  • upload build artifacts to S3 (.apk, .dmg, .pkg, .deb, .rpm, .exe)

We use ephemeral nodes in AWS for building Android, Linux and Windows x64 (which get shutdown if idle for 30m (if no other builds start on them). For macOS we use physical machines (which means higher chance to re-use workspaces).

brave-core checks

The checks here are executed by calling the brave-browser pipeline as defined in

To navigate from the brave-core build to the brave-browser one please go to Console Ouput and press the link to it.

This Jenkinsfile defines the pipeline that does:

  • create a new branch in brave-browser if it doesn't exist
  • do a rebase on brave-browser against PR target branch (if versions in package.json are different across the 2 repos)
  • push new branch
  • wait for 6m for the new branch to be discovered by the brave-browser pipeline
  • calls the brave-browser pipeline

Besides the checks done by our Jenkins job, there are some additional checks done via Travis:

  • JavaScript lint and unit tests
  • security checks
  • Python lint (pep8)

Advanced steps

Start a PR builder Jenkins job

To build a PR on demand press on the Build with Parameters link from the Jenkins job view. The following parameters are available:

  • CHANNEL - nightly by default but can be dev, beta or release as well
  • BUILD_TYPE - Release by default but can be Debug as well
  • WIPE_WORKSPACE - false by default
  • SKIP_INIT - false by default
  • DISABLE_SCCACHE - false by default (only on Android, Linux and macOS)
  • SKIP_SIGNING - true by default
  • DEBUG - false by default


  • for employees, join the #brave-core-ci Slack channel
  • for external contributors (community), we would like to have the content of these checks be publicly viewable in the future
  • additional non-public information is available in the devops wiki
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